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Tahoe Bicycle Ride: 05.04.08


Staff member
Jul 14, 2004
...between bikes
BARF perks
AMA #: 1028914
I had planned a visit to Tahoe for the weekend and was tempted to take the Ducati, but I used to live in the mountains and was skittish about the possibility of spring storms in the passes, so I decided to keep my beloved garaged and opted for the cage instead. Last minute-ish I tossed the Trek in the back of the hatchback and took off. I scurried to make it to the bicycle shop for a new rear tire and a pair of socks. I had forgotten to pack any and my tire was suffering from a slow, imperceptible leak. I grabbed both at the shop and hit the freeway.

Saturday morning I woke up and took care of the tire. I checked out my gear, too. I realized that in addition to having no clue as to where I might be going, I was lacking a sports bra. Off I went into town, Tahoe City, to get my undergarment and hopefully some feedback on a good road ride route. I was without a computer and hadn't had any luck in finding anything online when I was down in the Bay.

I found a hiking store that carried what I needed, and I asked about going to Emerald Bay. I was told that it was essentially flat and maybe 15-20 miles out. The clerk told me that there was a great bike path for part of the way so that I wouldn't have to be on the highway the entire time. "Perfect!" I thought...

Sunday I woke up at 7:30 a.m. It was "brisk." I had only brought shorts with me so I waited until the sun was up a bit more. At about 9:45 I bundled up and took off. I stopped in Tahoe City to check out my route.


Five minutes later I was on my way down 89 to Emerald Bay...


I immediately noted that the bike path wasn't exactly what I'd call "ideal." Tahoe hadn't exactly been maintaining the bike path over the winter. :rolleyes Yeah. That's snow. A lot of it. And underneath all those needles somewhere is a bike path.


Screw it. I got on the highway and did my best to use the 6" shoulder when I could. Cars were actually really cool for the most part. Nearly all of them slowed up and gave me plenty of room. From what I could tell only the locals with cow dogs and beat up Fords with bumpers held on by baling twine would strafe me a bit too closely.

I pedaled on and was noticing that my ride was not flat. It wasn't steep, but it certainly wasn't a cruise by the water's edge. I was noticing the elevation, too. Small climbs that I might normally attack as an easy warm-up down in Oakland were having my quads for breakfast up here. Still, the sun was on my face, the scenery was incredible, the air was scented with pine. I couldn't believe I practically had the road to myself. There was a notable lack of other cyclists, however, and I wondered if they knew something I didn't.

On I went and the terrain became more rugged and breathtaking...and steep.


My bucolic ride in the hills had become a mountainous grind. This little hill just went on and on and on... it looks benign, but trust me, it's a vengeful bitch that just won't quit. The only good thing about this hill was that I also got to come down it.


Around every corner was a photo opportunity, but I forced myself to only stop once in a while. I had a destination and wanted to reach it so that I could come home in time for lunch.




I was starting to get a little worried at this point actually. I'd been riding for what felt like quite a ways and didn't see anything that indicated that I might be getting close to Emerald Bay. I saw lots of signs for other Bays--apparently there's one every few miles along the shoreline. Meeks Bay, Rubicon Bay...none of them were my Emerald Bay. :(

Finally I crested the long set of climbs and noticed more cars and wider lanes. I figured I had to be close....and there it was! The photo doesn't do it justice. I tried hiking with my bicycle over my shoulder a little bit, but cleats on slick rocks aren't a good combo. I settled for this spot as proof that I'd conquered it.

(to be cont'd...)

Vikingsholm is the island in the distance.


I rode on a little further to scope out a waterfall up the road, too. It came right out from under the road.



I laid down on the warm pavement for a few minutes before heading back and noticed what appeared to be a thunderhead in the distance. The sound of lightning cracking far away made me hustle back on the bike. Here's a shot of the scar on my right knee. I don't know why I took this photo. I think I accidentally hit the button as I was getting up. :laughing


I saw a couple riding off and decided that a little company might be nice on the way home. I hung out with them for a while and we chatted on the climb back out of Emerald Bay. They seemed nice but I wanted to make some time getting home to beat the storm.

The ride home was mostly downhill and I kicked the bike into the big gears for most of the way. I think I might have been working harder on the way home than on the way in. The weather was definitely getting nasty on me: cold and wind were on my tail as the storm approached. My legs were complaining and my knees were starting to throb. I pulled over briefly at a little diner to use the loo and warm up. My quick pace continued all the way back into Tahoe City.

I had to slow down a bit through town for pedestrians and such and welcomed the opportunity not to have the cold pelting my legs. I still had a few miles to go before I was home. Lunch was calling--in a big way. I'd been hungry for probably 45 minutes already. About 1 mile from where I was staying I couldn't go anymore. I pulled over and scarfed down a banana. My legs were so tired that I almost couldn't get my foot out of the clip and nearly fell over. I waited a couple of minutes and felt the banana kick in. I hauled ass home and flew into the shower for 30 minutes to work the knots out of my thighs.

The storm was right overhead at this point and about 15 minutes after I got out of the bath and had my sandwich in hand, the sky opened up. It hailed for several minutes and then started to rain heavily. Someone was looking out for me that day!

When I got home I checked out my route and discovered that my ride was more like 60 miles--not the 30 or 40 I thought it was! That's the last time I listen to hiking people for roadbike routes. They probably did me a favor though. I never would have done the ride if I'd known how long it was. I had a great time and really enjoyed being out there by myself. I plan on coming this way again in the Fall, but on the motorcycle. :thumbup
60 miles at 6000+ is pretty good! I'm from the foothills and my sister used to live in South Shore. I can't wait to get up the hill on my motorcycle this year. Thanks for the cool pics.
Good pics - always cool to see a road like that at a slower pace than 50 mph (or more). You catch little details.
Nice pics! Looks like a good soul-searching type of ride.:thumbup
I had an awesome time out there by myself. :thumbup I didn't think up the cure for cancer or figure out the meaning of life or anything, but it was cathartic. At one point it was so quiet that I could hear my heart beating as I rode. I wasn't working all that hard at that point. It was just...quiet. Very strange getting on the Duc the next morning to ride to work--from one end of the two wheeled spectrum to the other!
Welcome to my home there DucatiHoney! I used to sail into Emerald Bay and camp all the time there on my boat. Wish I still had it :( Eagle Falls there are really nice too.

Speaking of curing cancer, they are having a HUGE cancer ride around the lake coming up here soon. If you like riding and want to raise some money. You should do that. :)
Nothing covering your legs and snow on the side of the road? Yikes :)

Looks like a great ride - loved the story and images! You've got me thinking about the next one already...
I had an awesome time out there by myself. :thumbup I didn't think up the cure for cancer or figure out the meaning of life or anything, but it was cathartic. At one point it was so quiet that I could hear my heart beating as I rode. I wasn't working all that hard at that point. It was just...quiet. Very strange getting on the Duc the next morning to ride to work--from one end of the two wheeled spectrum to the other!

Antipathy just noted that I was mistaken with the end point on my map! Didn't even notice that it had terminated at S. Lake Tahoe and not Emerald Bay. So I did end up only going 40 miles. It's official. Imma wimp. :laughing Still a good ride, I just don't have bragging rights anymore. :p
wow they actually make machines that have 2 wheels and NO engine!!!!

What will they think up next? Sundials maybe?:rofl

Drop into Reno the next time you are around,my wife has one of those "no engine' machines in the garage as well and is looking for someone to go ride it with:thumbup

She say the Donenr summit ride is nice as well, I will ride support crew and take water and food to the top for you two
Beautiful country out there, never get tired of the place.

On your trip you rode right past this place and probably didn't give it a second look:) This is the estate that Godfather II was filmed. The homeowner of the property a few hundred yards away let me walk onto his pier so I could get a pic.


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I heard that a scene was filmed on the lake but didn't realize that it might be *right there*! I was probably wiping sweat out of my eyes and licking bugs off of my teeth when I passed by it in agony. :laughing
Nothing covering your legs and snow on the side of the road? Yikes :)

I thought exactly the same thing. My knees stay covered as long as air temp is around 65F or below. This explains the fugly quad-tone tan line theme goin' on with my legs -- as if I wasn't a frightful sight enough on a beach, I'm even easier to spot now.. :rofl

Thx for the photos and story. I consider it a swift kick in the head to start planning that first trip up to the Sierras NOW. Awesome.