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BARF Amatuer Jam 4 - 01/08/2010, 7:00 PM


Write Only User
Staff member
Feb 20, 2003
Pleasanton, CA
Kaw N1K
BARF has a lot of talented amateur musicians and some of them have met and played together in real life. The jams we had last year were quite fun and it seemed everyone wanted to do it again.

SuperMike has agreed to host another jam at his shop. It's a great space in an area where you can make plenty of noise without bothering anyone after close of business.

The date & time are tentative, but can we see a show of hands for Friday, 01/08/2010, 7:00 PM?

2565 Cloverdale Ave. Concord, CA 94518
Suite C​

Hope you can make it!
Thanks for the PM...that would have went right over my head. I'd like to make it.

What's the deal as far as gear? For the first jam, I think people just brought too much gear. i didn't even end up plugging in my rig.
What's the deal as far as gear? For the first jam, I think people just brought too much gear. i didn't even end up plugging in my rig.

We can probably better figure that out once we know how many folks are coming and what they can or would like to bring.

On the guitar front, I'll bring my rig because I like it. Others are welcome to try it. I can bring another amp too, but as you're pointing out, we didn't have a shortage of them last time.

The drummers had the good sense to share a kit. Mike's shop is big enough for a lot of people, but getting multiple drum kits in there would be pushing it.
I am so IN. I love h8n on jdubau for being so awesome on the bass!!! :laughing

I keed I keed!! :love

I'll be sure to bring some foodings again... that seemed to go over well! :) And maybe some hot spiced cider, too... it got a little chilly!
:teeth I can't wait to do this again.

Here's a taste from the first time, to give you an idea of what to expect...

I'll try and make this. I'll bring a couple of guitars and a really small amp. And yeah, hopefully it's doesn't rain for this one.
Hmmmmmm.It does sound like fun. You guys planning to focus on any particular genres? I mainly play that loud heavy shit, but can tone it down to the moderate NeoClassical variety.
Hmmmmmm.It does sound like fun. You guys planning to focus on any particular genres? I mainly play that loud heavy shit, but can tone it down to the moderate NeoClassical variety.

The people who have participated in the past come at it from different backgrounds and preferences but it's resulted in some good intersections. We often started on a blues based jam to warm up, some people like to free jam, others like to do covers and we end up doing a little of each. Whatever you bring to the party is great. A number of people who have said they're in can do the loud, heavy thing!