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BARF Jam - Saturday 12/18/2010


Write Only User
Staff member
Feb 20, 2003
Pleasanton, CA
Kaw N1K
Several times in the past couple of years, BARF musicians have gotten together at SuperMike's shop to jam. We keep saying we should make it a more regular thing, as everyone has a blast, but we keep waiting until winter to have them.

So, here we are in December and we're having another jam: Friday, December 18th, 2010, 7 p.m.

2565 Cloverdale Ave.
Suite C
Concord, CA 94518

The format of past jams has been pretty open. We have discovered that some people want to play songs they know, while others like to spontaneously improvise. I enjoy the free nature of these, but sometimes people are reserved about stepping in to play and sometimes we get stuck trying to figure out what to play.

In the interest of making sure as many people get to participate in the way they want to as possible, I have a couple of suggestions:

  • If you'd like to play a couple of songs, please respond to this thread with the titles so others may learn them if so inclined.
  • If you know of others who will be there and you particularly want a chance to play with them, perhaps even have something prepared to play, make arrangements via PM and let me know via PM or the evening of the jam so we can make sure you get a chance to play with the lineup you want.

We want an environment where people feel comfortable playing and will even take a few chances! Spectators are welcome, as long as they're willing to act like the music is the greatest thing they've ever heard! :laughing

Who is in? What do you play and what equipment will you bring?

Beginning with myself, I play guitar and will bring a guitar and amp.

Hope you can make it!
I can bringz chili pot plz

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Andy forgot to mention that there will be a FULL PA RIG this time. So all you karaoke stars are welcome to come sing!

We're gonna get LOUD!

Oh, also... I'm looking to buy a 200-250w bass head.
:confused Any recommendations on where I should shop?
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I'll bring some decent wine! :thumbup

kewl. but not chardonnay please, chardonnay does *not* like me :loco

And this time imma make me own llama, that damned mean dad had me reeling last time out :rofl

I has to go home now hiccup, sway, hiccup, grab something, hiccup :twofinger
Wish I could join you but I will be in Tahoe for the Holiday all week, have a blast!
cough *pussy* cough

:laughing :laughing

Yeah, she kinda is.

Well, I wish I could say yay to the festivities but I'll likely be working as my schedule has been full of 4-midnite shifts on the weekends, but if, by some miracle I'm not scheduled to work that night, I'm in and I'll bring some llama for Wendy and a camera to prove that it doesn't take a big expensive camera to take awesome pics. :p
Cool deal guys. I'll try to make it. And I'll try to think of a couple songs to play. If anyone has any metal requests lemme know so I can learn it