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Help - Flat Tire in Coalinga off I-5 (tube tire)


New member
Jun 1, 2012
Palo Alto
EBR, Pani, 999/1198S
Hi All,

My friend was riding home on I-5 to SoCal on his V-Star and got a flat rear tire. The tire is a tube type and the tube is destroyed, so a plug won't work - and it is in the middle of Coalinga (West Jayne Street exit off I-5 South).

He's trying to hitch a ride back to get a truck and / or trailer out there, but if anyone is closer and can help - please let me know. There isn't anything close by in terms of getting the tire fixed from what I saw.

Rider's Name: Darren
Rider's Number: 714 883-5691
Issue: Flat rear tire (tube type)
Location: West Jayne Street exit off I-5 Southbound

Glad your friend found help, as I hadn't heard help was needed.

As I've stated previously, if a BARFer is stranded and needs help, the first step should ALWAYS be to send me a PM, as I just found out about this when I jumped on BARF this morning.
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