• There has been a recent cluster of spammers accessing BARFer accounts and posting spam. To safeguard your account, please consider changing your password. It would be even better to take the additional step of enabling 2 Factor Authentication (2FA) on your BARF account. Read more here.

If you crash or break down, & need help getting your bike home...

Marcoose....thats an awesome offer! Thx anyway!
Spoke with Jason, his Dad is on the way with a tire plug kit. He appears to be sorted for now, but if that doesn't resolve the issue, he'll shoot me a text.

Thank you, RCB, for the head's up! :) :thumbup
Need help getting bike to the shop

My Ducs transmission went out yesterday, managed to to get home safely. Now I need help getting the bike to Nichols, can anyone lend a hand, my bike is in Newark/Fremont area. Want to get bike to Nichols tomorrow, or a ramp would be fine too.
If nobody else is available I could help, but my truck gets single digit mileage and I'm 25mi away. Do you have an appointment with them?
Bike is in Newark/Fremont and you need it in Milpitas @ Nichols? What time can you be at the bike tomorrow morning? I can help out in the morning.
Cincinnatus will be helping me out tomorrow, BARF forum's the best!

Glad Peter was able to help you out, and thank you for handling your end of things! :thumbup
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Because it's getting to be that time of year, and because this thread has been around long enough that some people have forgotten how it works... or, worse yet, think that free tow service is something they're entitled to by virtue of simply being BARFers, here's an updated list of instructions for those asking for help in an emergency situation:


1)PM me... my cell phone sends a notification when I get a PM... THEN:
2) Post it up in General, and ask that someone who knows me TEXT ME- Texts get read, even if I'm at work, while a voicemail may get missed. Be sure to include your general location (Hiway 9 near Boulder Creek, Hiway 1 near Tomales, etc). By posting up in General, it also gives every BARFer who sees the thread the opportunity to jump in and help who may not even be on the Volunteer list, which could be a good (and fast!) thing if I'm out riding!
3) As extra coverage, you can also post up in this thread- I'm subscribed to it, so I get notifications when there's a new post (as do some of the other Roadside Angels! :) )

EDIT #2: If you think you can fix the bike and ride it home, please update your post that you no longer need help! And remember- this is for emergencies only, when you're stranded, and have no other options! This is NOT for hauling your bike from your house to a shop because it won't start!

EDIT #3: PLEASE INCLUDE CONTACT INFORMATION (phone #), and your FINAL DESTINATION- and be sure to go back later and edit out your number. But being able to get in contact with you will help me figure out where you are to get someone as close to you (and where you need to be) as possible out to help, and let you know someone's on the way (as well as an ETA), and allow you to let me (or the volunteer) know if you no longer need assistance.

EDIT #4: If you don't have a smartphone with internet access, please call a friend/family member, and have them post up for you. If they don't have a BARF account, have them log on for you on your account, and post up that way.

EDIT #5: YOU ARE EXPECTED TO REIMBURSE MY VOLUNTEERS FOR THEIR COSTS IN GETTING OUT TO YOU, AND GETTING YOU WHERE YOU NEED TO GO. I cannot believe I need to tell people this, but it has happened enough in the last year that it's becoming an issue. My Volunteers are donating their TIME... this should not cost them money, as well.
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Because it's getting to be that time of year, and because this thread has been around long enough that some people have forgotten how it works... or, worse yet, think that free tow service is something they're entitled to by virtue of simply being BARFers, here's an updated list of instructions for those asking for help in an emergency situation:


1)PM me... my cell phone sends a notification when I get a PM... THEN:
2) Post it up in General, and ask that someone who knows me TEXT ME- Texts get read, even if I'm at work, while a voicemail may get missed. Be sure to include your general location (Hiway 9 near Boulder Creek, Hiway 1 near Tomales, etc). By posting up in General, it also gives every BARFer who sees the thread the opportunity to jump in and help who may not even be on the Volunteer list, which could be a good (and fast!) thing if I'm out riding!
3) As extra coverage, you can also post up in this thread- I'm subscribed to it, so I get notifications when there's a new post (as do some of the other Roadside Angels! :) )

EDIT #2: If you think you can fix the bike and ride it home, please update your post that you no longer need help! And remember- this is for emergencies only, when you're stranded, and have no other options! This is NOT for hauling your bike from your house to a shop because it won't start!

EDIT #3: PLEASE INCLUDE CONTACT INFORMATION (phone #), and your FINAL DESTINATION- and be sure to go back later and edit out your number. But being able to get in contact with you will help me figure out where you are to get someone as close to you (and where you need to be) as possible out to help, and let you know someone's on the way (as well as an ETA), and allow you to let me (or the volunteer) know if you no longer need assistance.

EDIT #4: If you don't have a smartphone with internet access, please call a friend/family member, and have them post up for you. If they don't have a BARF account, have them log on for you on your account, and post up that way.

EDIT #5: YOU ARE EXPECTED TO REIMBURSE MY VOLUNTEERS FOR THEIR COSTS IN GETTING OUT TO YOU, AND GETTING YOU WHERE YOU NEED TO GO. I cannot believe I need to tell people this, but it has happened enough in the last year that it's becoming an issue. My Volunteers are donating their TIME... this should not cost them money, as well.

This is an awesome service, thank you for it. I hope i never have to use it but at least i know in the back of my head that i have people that can help me out.

I would assume that most people would reimburse all expenses for the service... seems like common sense...
I would assume that most people would reimburse all expenses for the service... seems like common sense...

One would think that would be the case. Sadly, it is not. On the other hand, some people are overly generous, as well. I think that the issue may lie in the thinking that this service is a BARF membership perk, like AAA. The fact is that it should be used as a last resort to get you and your bike home if you are stuck somewhere. It is not a service designed to take your bike from your house to the shop, etc.

There are a bunch of really great volunteers, many of whom have picked up bikes numbering well into the double digits. Making those volunteers feel appreciated is important. If someone were to pick me up on the side of the road and get me (and my bike) home, I would be extremely grateful. Hopefully, I won't require such a service any time soon. I also have AAA, which would be my first option should I find myself in such a situation.
Some of us are centrally located, unemployed, and are easily persuaded. :laughing
Correct, I think he was more referring to only in case of emergencies.

In the case of an emergency I can deal with picking someone up and not getting paid. Clearly I'd rather have expenses covered but I have enough money that it's not a big problem if they aren't. On the other hand, if I give someone a ride to a shop and they don't pay me I'd be more pissed off - they had time to gather money, etc.

I don't mind giving someone a ride to a shop as long as it's clear from the beginning that it isn't an emergency.