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Barack: "Typical White Person"


Well-known member
Jun 7, 2007
San Jose
2016 Multistrada 1200S
Obama is drawing a new round of criticism for his comments on a Philadelphia radio sports program yesterday in which he said his grandmother is a "typical white person" who has fears about black men. He was attempting to explain a portion of his speech on race earlier this week—specifically, the statement that his white grandmother gets nervous when a black man approaches her on the street.


I'm telling you...the three candidates are not campaigning against each other, they're racing to see who can discredit themselves the most before November.

The first one to lock themselves in a broom closet for the rest of 2008 will be the next President :rolleyes
typical black person remark. i wouldnt worry about it.
UMMM, yeah, barack is only half black, don't fool yourselves....seriously
you mean white people arent afraid of black people!?

i just think its funny that he'll stereotype a group because one person from that group will stereotype another group.

he basically said "white people always stereotype". pretty stupid comment eh?

plus, given all things being the same, if someone asked me to walk a mile down city streets being surrounded by only black people or only white people i would choose white people because i am white and my odds of surviving the mile long walk would be greatly increased because i dont stand out of the crowd.. billions of years of evolution cant be entirely wrong nor should they be erased unless you want to take common sense out with it.

Got a hummer once from a mature woman. Fucking polygrip made her gums stick to my penis like a snapping turtle.

Excellent taste there RedAnt! :laughing
billions of years of evolution cant be entirely wrong nor should they be erased unless you want to take common sense out with it.

I understand you would be more comfortable around individuals that you can blend with but ummmm....what exactly does that mean?

N10sive thanks for making me squirt my corona outta my nose thats a bitter beer face if I ever saw one!
Clinton 'misspoke' on Bosnia trip

By ANN SANNER, Associated Press Writer 38 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign said she "misspoke" last week when she said she had landed under sniper fire during a trip she took as first lady to Bosnia in March 1996. The Obama campaign suggested it was a deliberate exaggeration on Clinton's part.

Clinton often cites the goodwill trip she took with her daughter and several celebrities as a part of her foreign policy experience.

During a speech last Monday about Iraq, she said of the trip: "I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base."

According to an AP story at the time, Clinton was placed under no extraordinary risks on that trip. And one of her companions on it, comedian Sinbad, told The Washington Post he has no recollection either of the threat or reality of gunfire.


I'm serious, these people need to have their mouths sewn shut for their own good.
I understand you would be more comfortable around individuals that you can blend with but ummmm....what exactly does that mean?

everyones so scared of being a racist that they dont even take the time to consider the advantages/outcomes of choosing their own race. i have a feeling that the average caveman had more common sense than todays city dweller.