buttonwilow crash video

i thought it was the rider behind's responsibility not to crash into the person in front?
I'm down here too, heard about this crash and wanted to see the video. A group was getting red flagged all day
Holy smokes. That was some terrible judgment right there. I feel bad for the guy that stoppied over the bars behind.
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Just a track incident imho. Passing rider predicted one line from rider in front, recieved the complete opposite and was left with nowhere to go.
the guy that wasn't moving after crash...is he ok?
Just a track incident imho. Passing rider predicted one line from rider in front, recieved the complete opposite and was left with nowhere to go.

Maybe I'm not judging closing speed well, but it looks easily preventable to me.
Just a track incident imho. Passing rider predicted one line from rider in front, recieved the complete opposite and was left with nowhere to go.

No way, what turn was that? 2 that is a spot almost every other rider makes that sweeping move. This rider the onboard was with is a little all over the place and on YouTube blames the rider he make contact with. This was 1000% the riders fault with the camera.
also, lol at the chick saying "wtf are you serious?" at the end. she sounded husky.
the guy that wasn't moving after crash...is he ok?

+1. Before the Youtube comments were removed, I read one saying the rider didn't wake up from the concussion even when he was being transported in the ambulance. Hope he is alright.

Edit: The description of the concussed rider is written by video poster.
No way, what turn was that? 2 that is a spot almost every other rider makes that sweeping move. This rider the onboard was with is a little all over the place and on YouTube blames the rider he make contact with. This was 1000% the riders fault with the camera.

If you say so. At the time the passing rider committed to pass, that was the biggest "hole".

I straightline into there ala Ken Hill personally.
True, but, a pass is a pass. If the hole had remained as it was, it would have been totally clean, A group trackday ettiquette pass around the outside at a high delta... Just guessed wrong. Not like he torpedoed the guy at the apex or some other obviously hairball move. Make a bad call? Yeah... but, it happens. Def shouldn't be blaming the rider in front though, not classy.