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(handled) Stuck in Bay Bridge toll plaza lot 11-22-13


Dec 22, 2003
Berkeley, CA
Yes, two of them
Hey there. Looks like I picked up a chunk of metal in my tire on my way over the Bay Bridge. I'm without a flat repair kit and would like to get my bike home here in Oakland if at all possible. Plus, I'm not very good a at flat repair :)

Any chance of some help this evening? I can get a ride home but don't want to leave my bike here if I can help it.

I'm in the parking lot near the toll plaza on the Oakland side.
Reama/SF Cootz was able to tackle this for me, and she's en route to the rider now! :)
Traffic sucks, so it'll take a little bit longer than usual, but she'll get there! :thumbup

After the day I've had, being able to rely on BARF to save the day just put the biggest smile on my face. I :love this place!!

Also, it was really nice to hear "Wow! That fast? That's... wow... thanks!"

Reama, you're my absolute hero!!! :hail :applause :love
Unbelievably cool. Nice work Gixxergirl1000, Reama and SF Cootz!
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I like it when the girls ride to the rescue! :teeth
Can't say how much I appreciate this. Overwhelmed by the quick and selfless response. Thanks to Connie and Reama.
Home and relaxing now. Thank you Reama for coming all the way for SF to pick me up; and thank you Connie for responding so quickly. This is a great reminder of the wonderful people who are part of the BARF community.

I'll pull the rear wheel tomorrow and replace the tire. My bet is I picked up a nail when I pulled over on the shoulder of the new span to see if another motorcyclist who was stopped on the shoulder was okay. He said he was fine, so I set off. Within about 100 feet of starting off, the back end got really squirrely, an obvious sign of a flat.

I rode the shoulder off the bridge -- not a lot of fun with the winds and a rapidly deflating tire -- and made it to the toll plaza parking lot. Whereupon I was saved by our Connie and Reama. Just another commute ride :~)
What a fantastic, selfless group. :hail:applause:love

The most amazing volunteers EVAR!! They manage somewhere around 40 rescues a year... and none of it would be happening without them!! :love

Can't say how much I appreciate this. Overwhelmed by the quick and selfless response. Thanks to Connie and Reama.

Psht! :hand I read 2 text messages, 2 BARF posts, sent 3 text messages, and made one phone call. Reama gets all the credit! :thumbup

Home and relaxing now. Thank you Reama for coming all the way for SF to pick me up; and thank you Connie for responding so quickly. This is a great reminder of the wonderful people who are part of the BARF community.

I'll pull the rear wheel tomorrow and replace the tire. My bet is I picked up a nail when I pulled over on the shoulder of the new span to see if another motorcyclist who was stopped on the shoulder was okay. He said he was fine, so I set off. Within about 100 feet of starting off, the back end got really squirrely, an obvious sign of a flat.

I rode the shoulder off the bridge -- not a lot of fun with the winds and a rapidly deflating tire -- and made it to the toll plaza parking lot. Whereupon I was saved by our Connie and Reama. Just another commute ride :~)

Funny story... I picked up what looked to be part of a razor blade up at 4 Corners... tire was flat within 5 minutes... guess who rescued me?
Yup... Reama. All the way from SF out to Saratoga, and then up to Livermore.
She's beyond awesome!! :love

Nice meeting you. You have great taste in bikes. :teeth :thumbup

He must've been on the Duc... :laughing

Thank you for saving the day yet again, Reama. You're amazing!! :hail :applause :love :thumbup
He was on his ktm 950 :leghump :leghump :leghump

His ducati was safe in his garage. :drool

It was my pleasure. I was leaving benders when I felt the phone buzz. I was omw home so it was nothing to pick him up. He's a very nice guy, too.

Remember that dress I brought for you? :rofl :rofl :rofl