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WTF Is With All These School Shootings?


Feb 6, 2003
The Back Of Beyond
I know they're nothing new, but it's extremely fucked up for someone to go postal on innocent children. Why take the lives of those who haven't even lived yet??? And what will the security response be- should schools become prisons with armed guards now??? If I was a parent, I would want to do something to increase the level of school security - anything to reduce their vulnerability. It must be totally crushing to raise a child and then have them murdered for no reason by someone who has a melted microchip. Fuck.
Apparently our schools are pretty open compared to other countries. My girlfriend was explaining that in England they actually have gates that they shut -- if you want in, you can only go in through certain entrances, and often you'll have to talk on an intercom system before you gain any sort of access.
i like that idea.... i also know that when i have children, i will take out a second mortgage if i have to, but those little bastards are going to private school. i went to a private catholic school for two of my four high school years, and the level of safety and education was just light years beyond what i got in the public schools.

public schools teach you how to be street smart and survive. which i don't think is bad, i just don't think is the point of a high school education either.

god speed, all those poor little girls. i hear the death count is up to five now. :(
jenmonkey said:
i like that idea.... i also know that when i have children, i will take out a second mortgage if i have to, but those little bastards are going to private school. i went to a private catholic school for two of my four high school years, and the level of safety and education was just light years beyond what i got in the public schools.

public schools teach you how to be street smart and survive. which i don't think is bad, i just don't think is the point of a high school education either.

god speed, all those poor little girls. i hear the death count is up to five now. :(

Private school isn't the answer. The answer is to find the right community to live in. You won't be able to pull that off for less than $800k in CA though.

Even private schools don't prevent this sort of thing.
I guess they need to get the word out that guns are prohibited on school campuses. Don't those people know that schools are "gun-free" zones?
AFter reading about the Amish story, it just makes me more angry. I hope the gunmen rot in hell to the fullest. If he has problem w/ his life, then kill himself...but don't bring innocent others with him.

And his wife is crazy too when she said this about her husband. She is much to blame as well.

Marie Roberts as saying her husband was "loving, supportive, thoughtful, all the things you'd always want and more."
Engel-07 said:
Marie Roberts as saying her husband was "loving, supportive, thoughtful, all the things you'd always want and more."

I think the problem came in with the "and more" part.

According to what I just read, apparently the guy had molested kids like 20 years ago, and was also screwed up in the head due to loosing a daughter.

At least he saved the taxpayers the time and money of putting his sorry ass to death.
dude was a sick fuck:


Miller said Roberts called his wife Monday morning and said, "'I am not coming home. The police are here.'"

Then Miller said Robert stated, "'I molested some minor family members, family members that were 3 or 4 years old, 20 years ago.'"

"Roberts mentioned in his suicide note that he was having dreams of molesting again," Miller said.

Police said Tuesday KY jelly was found in the schoolhouse where the assault occurred but there is no evidence that the victims were sexually assaulted in any way.
The big problem is that schools are easily approached and nobody seems to be watching the front doors. This guy just waltzed in with a fucking arsenal- he was ready for battle.

So what do you do? Place armed guards at the entrances? Who is going to foot the bill? The locked doors are a step in the right direction, but someone could just wait in hiding until the door is opened by somebody else and then jump inside.
Yeah, let's militarize schools, make kids sit there under lockdown, fearing for their lives behind locked doors and windows. :rolleyes

Or just prosecute the perpetrators. You can't do much more than having armed security guards there. If you ban guns, criminals won't listen. If every gun on earth myseriously disappears, crazy people will kill with bows and arrows; there's no end to it
I have the solution: allow kids to bring guns to school. :teeth

okay, so that's not really a good idea...
Hooray, it's going to be OK, Bush is on the case! :banana


RENO, Nevada (AP) -- The Bush administration, alarmed by recent attacks at public schools across the country, is bringing education and law enforcement experts together for a conference on coming to grips with the problem.

The goal would be to discuss the nature of the problem and federal action that can help communities prevent violence and deal with its aftermath[.]
Problem is there's too many of us white hicks living in this country that live off of this shit. We need to open our borders to those Mexicans who know how to live a more carefree lifestyle.
zefflyn said:
Hooray, it's going to be OK, Bush is on the case! :banana


Great. :|

The president has determined that there could be a problem.

He is meeting with his advisors, who all make 190K per year, to discuss and confirm that there is a problem.

Once the problem is comfirmed, he will then meet again with his high priced bellhops and discuss the terrible nature of this problem. Then they will adjourn to lunch where they will discuss the problem further.

After discussing this at lunch, they will discuss when the next discussion meeting will be.

I sure am glad he's on the case.

Great. :|

The president has determined that there could be a problem.

He is meeting with his advisors, who all make 190K per year, to discuss and confirm that there is a problem.

Once the problem is comfirmed, he will then meet again with his high priced bellhops and discuss the terrible nature of this problem. Then they will adjourn to lunch where they will discuss the problem further.

After discussing this at lunch, they will discuss when the next discussion meeting will be.

I sure am glad he's on the case.


Like any president would be ANY different.
This is classic. Take a tragety that nobody had any control over and turn it into a political attack on Bush.

Some things just don't change. And, you guys should be ashamed of yourselves.
Shotline said:
This is classic. Take a tragety that nobody had any control over and turn it into a political attack on Bush.

Some things just don't change. And, you guys should be ashamed of yourselves.

Eh, I don't think of it as a political attack on Bush per se, but an attack on the inefficacy of political leaders in dealing with problems such as these. Like Gar said, any other president wouldn't be any different.
It's ridiculous anyway... the only reason this 'meeting' is being pulled together is for show, because the media hopped all over these shootings, and to do nothing looks bad.
Truth is, as sad and horrible and tragic as this is... it's a blip on the 'people dying' radar and there are more important things for the president to be dealing with.
gar1013 said:
Apparently our schools are pretty open compared to other countries. My girlfriend was explaining that in England they actually have gates that they shut -- if you want in, you can only go in through certain entrances, and often you'll have to talk on an intercom system before you gain any sort of access.

Say what? Where are you getting your info man? Holy shit.

I'd say schools are far more open in the UK than here, but that was just my experience when I lived there...:laughing :laughing

What you said might be true in some nancy-boy private school, but in most schools you could wander right in. You wouldn't be there 3 seconds before you encountered a teacher who would smash the fire alarm if you looked dodgy, but there's no security to speak of, except maybe some patting down of the bad-lads, but that's always been the case.