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Parking lots for Practice

I scoped out some places on my way back up 101N from San Rafael. As previously mentioned, public lots have tend to not kick you out like private facilities. I bring couple of cones with me to set up exercises so it's obviously an educational opportunity:

- Civic Centre area at N. San Pedro Rd. There's lots of big lots in that area. Also Lagoon Park has huge parking lot. County Fair lot on other side of Lagoon also has lots of huge lots.

- Sears Point Sonoma Raceway. Outside parking lot by charging-stations is plenty large. Empty on weekdays.

- Sonoma State University

- Napa Valley College

- Phoenix University in Cordelia next to Costco has huge lot that's always completley empty since their programme is mostly online.

Thank you! Those are some good tips.
I’ve got 5-6 cones I usually put out, so I look ... official ? Serious ? :teeth
I know a perfect spot- Alemany farmers market in SF. It's an empty lot on the weekdays and i used to practice wheelies/ riding techniques there. Sometimes there's people teaching others how to drive as well, so be mindful and respectful of the new drivers space :D
Picked up a nail there once though. Besides that it's a great spot
Why not go to the Presidio? There are a ton of parking lots and fairly empty on the weekends.

+1 on the presidio for an SF learner. Lots of space on a weekend.

And +1 for the alemany market lot on a weekday - but the scenery sure is nicer in the fort.

Some other great lots mentioned, but I'm assuming if you're just learning to ride, ya probably dont wanna ride 2 counties over before you're comfy on the bike....
+1 on DMV my friend is So. Cal even got permission from the DMV to hold moto gymkhana meat ups twice a month. Lots o fun.
City College Frida Kahalo Way

I've been going to the City College lot at Frida Kahalo way. They don't seem to mind you using the upper lot but there are usually one or two motos and anywhere from 2-3 cars using the lot on weekends so not ideal but manageable. Take a slow roll around and check out any hazards on the lot

(there are SEVERAL!)

Bottom line? Keep your head on a swivel, watch where you're riding and don't be a d!*khead!

I usually try to make contact with others using the lot and make my prescence known, makes the 4 wheelers more aware of motorcycles while they're learning to drive, not a bad thing but again, BE NICE!

The lower lot is accessable to motos via the ramps however... City College Police and SFPD *generally* don't want you using it. I usually use the lower lot on weekdays. I've also seen families & kids using both lots to ride their bicycles & scooters so make contact with parental units keep an eye open for the liddle kiddles.
Parking lots for practice

I've been going to the City College lot off Frida Kaholo (sp) way. There ae usually instructors and vehicles using the "upper" lot on weekends. You're not supposed to be using the "lower" lot and a lot of times there are kids practicing on their bicycles, sometimes theres a SFPD officer hanging out in the upper lot. The lower lot has the DMV test course painted on the pavement.
Pavement isn't great but it isn't bad either, watch out for potholes & loose gravel!
I'm just getting back on the bike after a really long time and I checked out this parking lot this weekend. It's huge, and I called Bay Area Motorcycle Training who holds the classes there and they don't care if you're there while they're having a class (it's so large, you're nowhere near the class).

There are no clear lines or markings on the lot, but there are these circular cement things that I practiced u-turns on.

We went today to practice to the Alameda parking lot where they do the MSF classes, and security came by to say that they don’t allow motorcycle practice in the lot (besides MSF). I have been there in other occasions without a problem but maybe I was lucky ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Palace of Fine Arts Parking Lot/City College Lower lot

There's the lower lot @ City College on Frida Kahlo way, it's accessable and fairly large with good run-off. Weekends tend to be liddle-kiddle daze with all manner of 'lil one's on their scooters and bikes. You *might* run into CCPD or SFPD but I've never had an issue. Pavement is kinda crappy in some spots, there are a couple of "lollipops" if you want to practice for the DMV test.

The lot at the back of the Palace of Fine Arts is smaller but big eough for low-speed practice and usually not crowded. That *could* change (along with a LOT of other "lots" pun intended) once things open up more.
Good place to practice without worry is in Alemeda by the naval ship/yard. There’s a DMV riding course that takes place every weekend. I’d be willing to meet up if anyone has drills that want to practice. Got a blower get rid of the gravel. Let me know.
I live in Japantown and was wondering if there are nearby parking lots

The original poster wanted to find a lot near Japantown. Even City College, on the other side of town, was farther than he wanted to go. I have no idea how close he wanted to be to home, or how far he was willing to go. And I'm a little surprised that he does not know his own neighborhood that well.

If he drove to City College, he would have gotten all the practice he wanted, on the drive to City College. City streets offer every training scenario and obstacle he would have hoped to practice in a parking lot.

In case anyone else is in the Japantown area, CPMC on Van Ness has a huge underground garage. Kaiser on Geary & Baker has a multi level garage. You can either ride around the fare gate, and not pay. Or take a ticket, and pay the parking fee. Geary and Masonic has several levels of parking at the old Sears building. Golden Gate & Gough. The City's credit union has a lot in the back.

I hope that he's figured things out since 2018.
Not really any closer, but I've found the lot behind the United Artists theater at Stonestown to be empty almost always. I haven't had any issues with security, and the lot is pretty large. I live in the Haight so I'd be curious to know if there are any closer parking lots too.

Nearby, the empty lot on Sloat, near Lake Merced Blvd.Just watch out for low curbs!

Too bad the CCSF parking lot is gone. It was my favorite wheelie park. :( On weekends it sometimes had MSF classes, but they had 2 large lots.
Parking lots

Tossin in my 2 cents...
Parking lot along Embarcedaro next to "Hi Dive" Just stay out of the lower area and the blocked off areas. Watch for moving vehicles. Some hazards, surface is uneven, dips and beat up ashphalt, not a ton of run-off room so keep your speed down!

City College lot Frieda Koholo way, upper lot usually crowded with 4 wheelers on weekends. CC police are usually present weekends. Some parts are kinda beat up. Not much run-off room, obstacles. keep speed down!

Lower lot with the "lolipops" and markings? Use at your own risk. Weekdays usually best. Lower lot also kinda beat up in places, use caution. Bit more run-off room, obstacles still recommend lower speeds only.

Lower CC lot gets some kids on scooters & bicycles along with local "walkers" doing laps so be nice! Don't scare the locals!

Presidio lot(s)
Mmmm Maybe. Too much traffic & people for me, especially weekends.

Ocean Beach;

Not great. WAY too much traffic, surface is beat ALL to hell!

Zoo lot Sloat near Skyline;
O.K. not usually a lot of traffic, surface decent, O.K. run-off

Lake Merced lot(s);

Nope don't recommend.
Resurrecting this dormant thread... I've been riding since March (did my MSF in Feb, but got my bike in March) and although I've gotten a lot of confidence in a lot of areas, I am still STRUGGLING at low speed maneuvers, *especially* going directly into a turn from a stop (IE leaving a parking space, pulling out of a parking lot, etc). Both times I've dropped my bike have been doing that, and most of my extremely embarrassing and disappointing fumbles and near-drops have been there too.

I'm thinking of hitting the CCSF parking lot this weekend to just practice MSF-style low speed maneuvers. There seems to be mixed opinions here on that lot. I know they have MSF courses there sometimes.

I might also checkout Stonestown, it sounds like there's a section of the lot sort of "behind" the galleria, etc, that isn't trafficked as heavily. If anyone has been there on a Saturday or Sunday recently and can verify, I'd much appreciate it!

I wanted to use my office lot, but office manager said no due to insurance liability, but she has seen MSF courses happening in San Mateo https://www.norcalmototraining.com/locations/san-mateo-ca and suggested I try using that parking lot (College of San Mateo). Anyone familiar with that area? I'd rather stay in SF, so I can maximize the time I'm practicing rather than in transit, but have bike, will travel.

I suspect there isn't much new since this thread was last reviewed, but just in case... if you have a lot in SF that you think would be a good place to practice low speed maneuvering control on the weekend, I'd love to hear about it!

Thanks folks :)
Hello all!
There's a lot down on the Embarcadero right next to the "HI DIVE" bar just south of the Bay Bridge. They hold the Ploice Rodeo in the lower "pit" area. Unless their using the lot for an event no one seems to mind but you *might* run into other riders using the lot for practice. If you see a green BMW RT that'll be me, stop & say "HI"
We have also been lucky with the parking lot at the Alameda Seaplane Lagoon Ferry Terminal, which is very close to the MSF lot in Alameda. During the weekends, the lot is pretty empty, it is clean, and the asphalt is in great condition.

Alameda is full of great lots! Alas, I am DEFINITELY not ready to cross the Bay Bridge on my bike yet! Someday.... So many great rides in the East Bay in general, too, so I'm looking forward to it :)

I will check out the Hi Dive-adjacent lot; I love that bar, so I know where you're talking about. Didn't realize it was accessible during non-events, that's super helpful, thank you! Gonna shoot for it this weekend, I think. I'm on a matte black CBR with red striping, maybe we will get to say hi!

Thanks, folks! :)