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Looking for old metal tool box


Well-known member
Aug 26, 2007
Off Elk Mtn
Different strokes
Big Bore and little bore Thumpers
BARF perks
AMA #: 2817058
odd request:

I am looking for an old metal tool box for a little 12 year old girl. Her stepfather died a couple of months ago. She used to hang out in the shop with him and work on little household projects. As his grown daughters rifle through his belongings, I discretely pulled out a bunch of hand tools that were well worn from decades of use. I asked her mother if it would be ok to put together a basic tool kit from some of the tools he would use with her. Mom just busted out crying, so I take that as yes, good idea.

I can go buy her a shiny new toolbox at Harbor Freight but I know this kid and an old craftsmen type about 20" long that she can bedazzle and put stickers on is more her style.

I found a few on FB Marketplace but they are way down in the South Bay. If anyone close to the City or in the North Bay has something I can Venmo cash and arrange for pickup.
And also check eBay.

And it’s an excellent idea. I still have the tool box my father gave me many years ago. It’s just an old Craftsman box but it’s still special to me.
What a nice gesture G :thumbup

I threw mine away 3 months ago. I will also keep an eye out.
I have a couple old metal fishing tackle boxes from my dad.
Not sure how they’d work for tools, but happy to pass one along.
Thank you TWT! Encouraging notes are the best.

Astrid had an amazing relationship with Charlie, her stepdad. It was great watching my friend finally figuring out fatherhood. His daughters never had that experience with him, perhaps that’s their excuse for being absolutely cold to this grieving little girl. I know the tool box and selected tools will be cherished for the rest of her life.