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Entire West Coast Ride - Party in Half Moon Bay 9/7.

Your post says you met Butch and Enchanter in Santa Cruz. I thought Enchanter was riding with you the entire time.:dunno

We had a day off after HMB and starting again in San Gregario. I went home to the SC Mtns and rather that ride 1.5hrs north to meet them, I waited for them to come south and joined them as the passed by.
We had a day off after HMB and starting again in San Gregario. I went home to the SC Mtns and rather that ride 1.5hrs north to meet them, I waited for them to come south and joined them as the passed by.

Makes sense. :thumbup
I'm loving keeping up with you, Bud. Thanks for the frequent photo dumps. I'm sure it's a PITA for you but it's a real treat for us.
I have a potentially stupid question. Your post says you met Butch and Enchanter in Santa Cruz. I thought Enchanter was riding with you the entire time.:dunno

Enchanter met us in Santa Cruz since he lives in Ben Lomand.

Today we went inland for a bit and then hit dinosaur caves back on the coast for a drone shoot. Enchanter napped in the van. :laughing SLO wore his rain suit all day to keep the rain away. :teeth

Awesome spot. Tons of Pelicans. I Met a nice dude named Jimmy and we had a good chat about what we are doing. Turns out he is a minister and he sent us off with a blessing.

Too much freeway. Beautiful but still :x

The Rock Store was cool. Bought the shirt! :laughing

Then back to the freeway and the coast.
The Santa Monica Pier was a cluster. :rant

We went back north to Will Rodgers beach and did a couple interviews and checked in at the motel. Ride crew went to dinner at the galley and several of us said f the dive bar. I am really tired. Too many people here.

Off to San Diego in the AM! Last ride day tomorrow (film wise).

A few pics from today.
Time has gone fast and we have too. :teeth.


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Tomorrow’s map.



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Well. 1786 miles later San Diego is home for the night.
The ride today was interesting. Started with a cluster F in Santa Monica because the had bunch of roads closed. Traffic mayhem. Then off to the freeway for a quick bit and back to the coast.

A park cluster happened to ... : laughing
Finally we got the right one and got a drone shoot in.
Beautiful an ritzy was the theme today. Scenic and architectural beauty. Slow going at times. Fairly hot. Seemed every town had something happening. Another gas station lunch to stay on time.

Visited Mt. Soledad Military memorial. Awesome views of San Diego. Some drone and some interviews. Amazing spot.

Then off to KC BBQ to interview Retired Top Gun Commander Rick Ludwig or “Wigs” and for grub.

Super cool of him. He was Enchanter’s boss back in the day.

A lot to expand on. A truly memorial and epic trip.
No map tomorrow... just 475 miles of freeway. Yikes.


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Thanks for taking us along on your ride, looking forward to the film. The good news for today is your slab ride is not going to be so damn hot as last week.

Ride safe.
Just about to head out. Cooling vest still packed. Anything above 80 is wearing at this point.

Last fun will be HWY 58 to 101. :ride
Just about to head out. Cooling vest still packed. Anything above 80 is wearing at this point.

Last fun will be HWY 58 to 101. :ride

198 to 25?

SLO, Enchanter and Chill did 33 over the hill and then 58.
Hardcore boys.

All are home safe.

2508 miles on the clock for me.

Glad ya got to join us for a bit.
Epic journey.


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Thanks for sharing the fun !!
Dennis, one of the guys on your ride was asking me for a link to the headlight tint I run. Below is the amazon description.
Can you please share this? (I think it was Tim)
Thank you.
VViViD Micro Bio HEX+ Air-tint Headlight Taillight Tint Vinyl Roll (17.9" x 60", Clear)
^^^^Yup. Me. Thanks.
Detailed Ride Report

Now that the dust has settled a bit and my brain has come back from the consuming effort of the ride I am going to throw down a bit more info on our adventure.

Day 1 Edmonds,WA to Forks, WA
Day 1 - 144 Miles planned

Map: Map

We were warned at the restaurant the night before that the Ferry would be hard to get on because of Labor Day so I made the call to get up a bit early to make sure our first come first serve tickets would get us on the 8:50 Ferry. Well we made it to the dock in plenty of time to be first in line as the 7 whatever AM Ferry had not left. We pulled to the side and waited for the Chase Crew. Well damned if they did not blow right past us.. :rant
Fuck up #1.

So we scurried aboard the Ferry and as Dio said we were the “Last in Line”.
I was a bit worried about the Sprinter being too long according to the instructions, but when an 18 wheeler came cruising up next to us it was a facepalm moment. You can see it in the photo below. Technically he was the last in line. :laughing

There were no tie downs for the bikes so we just kickstanded them and took off our helmets and gloves. I went to the Sprinter to grab my Go Pro to mount it and damn if I did not misplace my glasses. I spent most of the ride looking for them (knowing I had a spare), thinking fuck up #2… this is going to be a long trip if this shit keeps up.

Because we got on the first Ferry our drone dude from DroneGenuity would miss us. After disembarking he texted me “I am ready”. I just replied shoot the Ferry we F’d up and are already in Kingston.

I had wanted to film the guys on the top at the front of the Ferry and by the time I found my glasses and walked up the announcement came “BACK TO YOUR VEHICLES”. Shit that was not 55 minutes :wtf Guess 55 is with boarding and disembarking because it had only be about 25 minutes.
Fuck up #3.

So we stopped just past the offload area in a parking lot to do our riders meeting. We chatted about the route, the possibility of rain and some general BSing of course. I had created some special hand signals for the filming so we went over those and realized we are WAY ahead of schedule. That would be the only day we were SO FAR AHEAD!.

We mounted up and rode through some small towns on HWY 104 with some nice views and a lot of small sporting boat launches, cabins and outdoorsman stuff. It was just 60 degrees (not bad) and overcast as we rode along Port Gamble Bay on the Puget Sound. Then we crossed the Hood Canal Floating Bridge which was all a metal grating surface. It was damp so chill was the pace, I did not want to have to hit the brakes on the metal. We continued and after a bit knowing that we were literally an hour plus ahead when we hit sunshine I went to the front with the intent to give the guys a treat. I found it and we pulled off to hit a Starbux :laughing

We chilled in the sun for a while before getting back on the road. Enchanter asked “How the hell did you know there was a Starbux here?” Road sign bro. :laughing

The weather was a bit better now in the middle to upper 60’s and the sun was shinning! It was our first experience of many where people asked where we came from and where we were going. Telling a mature woman that we were going to San Diego raised some eyebrows. :laughing

We continued into Port Angeles for lunch and our one gas stop on what would be the shortest ride of the trip. We missed the restaurant and got to do a loop around town as it was one way streets a block a part. Nice town and the Chestnut Cottage made for a good lunch. With only 60 miles or so in the books and showing 145 miles as my range I skipped getting gas.

Onward we went and soon we went off 101 a turn North took us to HWY 112 through the small towns of Coville, Ramapo and Joyce paralleling the Puget sound. 112 became the Strait of Juan de Fuca HWY and to our joy it was not straight. It was fun twisties throught the forested shore. As we neared Pillar Pt we found a couple "Motorcycles Beware" signs and it was motocross on the pavement. I enjoyed it actually and it was nice of Washington State to warn us. :cool

We came to the Pillar Pt turn off where the film crew was waiting just down the road. Film dude said to do a second roll in to get good footage and then another to get the best drone stuff we could. J.P. the Director of Photography was a real pro and wanted to get the good stuff. Today we had time in the pocket to do that. I knew we did not have time in our down to the minute schedule to do that everytime.

Then we sat around the corralled bench above the beach and got a good view across the Sound to Canada. It was beautiful and the chat was fun.

After a half hour or so we mounted up and rode out to find gravel strewn roads which kept the fast fun in check, but it was still good. 112 went west toward the Neah Bay but it was a one way out and one way back so we veered south on 113. We had sent the Chase van ahead (camera 2 crew) to Lake Pleasant. We hooked a right back on to 101 at Sappho and the lake was just ahead. It took us 3 tries to find the right Lake Pleasant Road to make our way to the public access where we found a quiet and beautiful lake. Gorgeous with only one boat on the lake. Super pleasant. The weather was awesome and some chilling happened there. One of the film crew guys is a roller blade aficionado and had planned to do some filming on them, but the parking lot was full of gravel so that was a no go. The other drone/camera crew would leap frog us for some fly by footage.

After leaving the lake we continued on our path and I was getting low on gas. The lack of signs saying what the distance to Forks was had me concerned as I got down to a 40 mile range. I had skipped gas in Port Angeles because ya know. Multistrada with a big ass tank and the map saying 144 miles total for the day.

We came to a self-serve non-manned gas station and I thought better to be safe than sorry so filled up as did Mamola and a couple others. Once back on the road a Forks sign immediatley came up. 8 miles.. :facepalm :laughing

All good the gas was ethanol free and 92 octane. We checked into the Motel and I came to find they had run my CC for all 8 rooms. So now I would have to keep track so the riders could pay for their share. Not a big deal, but keeping track of bills on a ride is not high on my priority list. We unloaded our luggage, showered and handed over our SD cards to the DIT for him to download.

Soon we walked to Blakeslees to grab some grub and party for a bit. Nothing but locals and us. After eating we managed to find a few seats at the bar and we started to drink and BS about the day. A good time. My plan was to be in bed by 10:30 after doing a quick post on barf and checking work emails because each day would have a 6:30AM call to action with KSU at 8:30. I managed to get to bed around 11:00 so not too bad. That would change soon. :laughing

I have to give props to Enchanter for the hard work helping with route planning and time to the stops. As noted we had our stops down to the minute via GPS and we went back and forth a dozen times getting it refined to what we thought would work. Also thanks to BZ for the encouragement, reviewing the script, work testing GoPro settings before the ride, collecting data during the ride, working late into the night and then being ready to rock everying morning. We have become good friends.

A few pics I did not post on the road. others are here


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The Ride Day 2

Forks to Astoria
233 - 244 miles.

The day started right on time because that is how we roll. See Destination Graphic below.

We rolled through HWY 101 to the Ho Forest of the Olympic National Park. It was overcast and 60 degrees. We spent an hour in a misting rain at exactly 60 degrees. Not raining hard enough to really get my hands wet with the hand guards on my Duc, nor hard enough to ever think I needed rain gear. 3 guys were in leather and managed fine. However it did make me more wary from the wet roads until Mr. All Weather DR SLO went by me, probably thinking I was a sunshine boy twit.

We crossed the Humptulips River before heading to the coast at Ruby Beach to get a beautiful view of Washington Coast for a minute…. we found that most of it was obscured with Washington’s love of Trees. I could smell it, but only see it once in a while. At the Queets River 101 we headed inland around the Quinault Reservation and then due east until we get to Lake Quinault. Just beyond the City of Neilton we peeled off 101 and headed west on the Moclips HWY. The Film crew stuck to 101 to get out ahead of us. We hit the coast again at Moclips and roll through several resorts. Still those pesky green things obscured most of the views and we did not have time to wander to take a look see very often. It was nice, but I kind of expected more.

A gas stop in Aberdeen allowed for a little chat time and the chance to send a video to a friend who was born in Aberdeen, Scotland. “If you’re not Scottish you Crap!”

We were ahead of schedule so we skipped our lunch stop and rode on. Heading out of town huge LOGS were present and you would say this is lumber country!! Makes sense with all the trees!

HWY 105 ran along the North Bay and we took the chance to wick it up a little on the beautiful road. We were cruising behind vehicle and wary of those unmarked LEO’s. I finally said fug it let’s BTL BABY and blew by one car and others followed. Game on!! :ride

It circulated Willapa Bay and brought us back to 101. When we got to Holman we headed north to Long Beach and found the Lost Roo Sports Bar. It was packed with locals finding some time to watch some college football. Good food and great service even if packed! Passing a Trump flag emporium on the way I missed the chance to honk my horn to get some GoPro footage of the natives. Damn.. that would have been good. :laughing

After a good meal we headed to Cape Disappointment to see the North Head Lighthouse. A pay to play spot as we would find a few like that on the route. We walked out to the Lighthouse and did some filming. (Longer walk than an OG like me wanted to do!). We had a good riders chat there for the film.

A beautiful spot for sure!

After exiting the Park we headed on to Astoria. The bridge is cool and really goes vertical at the end to allow shipping to go below. One of Conde B. McCullough’s cool designs. The man engineered a shit ton of bridges in Oregon during his tenor. Of course when got the area below the bridge we parked in the NO PARKING area and did a large shoot with each rider talking about their bike and how they made it their own. I was the only fail because mine is perfect. :x (new :laughing)

After an hour we went to visit Tom Bodet and checked in. Every check in was a cluster with 8 rooms and frustrating at times when I had to pay for the 5 rooms I was responsible for individually at many motels like this one. Tom pissed me off by only providing a bar of soap. Took a while to come out my hair that evening. :p

The restaurant I had chosen was packed so we went to a Pub called Workers and ate and drank right below the bridge. Super cool, fire pit, good food, the crowd had my taste in music (hard rock) blaring and I totally dug it. Bed time stretched to 11:45 or so. Damn.

A couple more pics. Previous pics HERE and HERE


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Forks to Astoria
...HWY 105 ran along the North Bay and we took the chance to wick it up a little on the beautiful road. We were cruising behind vehicle and wary of those unmarked LEO’s. I finally said fug it let’s BTL BABY and blew by one car and others followed. Game on!! :ride

It circulated Willapa Bay and brought us back to 101. When we got to Holman we headed north to Long Beach and found the Lost Roo Sports Bar. It was packed with locals finding some time to watch some college football. Good food and great service even if packed! Passing a Trump flag emporium on the way I missed the chance to honk my horn to get some GoPro footage of the natives. Damn.. that would have been good. :laughing

After a good meal we headed to Cape Disappointment to see the North Head Lighthouse. A pay to play spot as we would find a few like that on the route. We walked out to the Lighthouse and did some filming. (Longer walk than an OG like me wanted to do!). We had a good riders chat there for the film.

These two were definitely highlights of Day 2 for me.

HWY 105 along Willapa Bay, being able to have a few twisites and hit the throttle was just what we needed. The confinement of the forest and trees only heightened the vast vistas that we were zooming through along the Bay. Holiday traffic be damned! The coastal town we rolled into for lunch had a great vibe, and at lunch the chowder was on point.

It was only a short ride down to Cape Disappointment and the North Point Lighthouse where you can see the Pacific and the mouth of the Columbia :cool It was a great spot to take in the "forest meets ocean" views and learn a little about what it took to run a lighthouse back in the day. We lingered there a while and then made our way back to 101 and across the Astoria-Megler Bridge to our stop in Astoria for the night. The bar/pub/tavern was full of locals and in a really cool spot under the approach to the Astoria Bridge.






Looks like these two are having a fun ride.:thumbup



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The Ride Day 3

Astoria to North Bend (Coos Bay)
233 Miles

Today ride crossed the New Youngs Bay Bridge and by Tolovana Beach State Recreation. Then along the coast until Cape Falcon sent the group inland at Cape Arago HWY 540, around Oswald West State Park returning to the coast on other side. We stopped at Neahkahnie Viewpoint to let the film crew get ahead. It offered stunning views high above the awesome Oregon Coast. At Manzanita, another jog inland to go around Nehalem Bay and across Nehalem River. Tillamook Bay sent the gang east and a long way around to Tillamook turn right at Netarts HWY 131 and head back to the coast. Farms greeted us before climbing up into the forest covered mountains taking Netarts Bay Road along which turns into Whisky Creek Road as we roll by Hatcheries and onto Cape Lookout.
We stopped for rider chat and drone footage at Andersons View Point, named for surveyor Billy Anderson.

Road name changes abound as we go through small communities and over the Nestucca River. We rode through the valley turning right and rejoin the Oregon Coast HWY 101 and around the Nestucca Bay National Wildlife Refuge and into the coastal mountains.

A bit further we had our first drama of the trip. A near miss with a deer for Enchanter and Mamola. I had just seen an unmarked LEO go the other way as we were cruising well over the speed limit and that slowed the riders behind me. Then I saw a deer jump out. A big motherbucker!! HERE. STREET VIEW. It came out of the bush on the right side and Enchanter slammed the brakes. Mamola did not see it yet and I watched him come damn close to Enchanter as he hit the brakes hard just a second later. Then I watched hoping that the hoping the deer would not reverse direction back into our path. It did not and a red sedan nailed him in an explosion of red plastic..:wow Now the assumed dead dear slid back towards us and I watched it slide by me just to the left of me. Reminded me of racing in Portland where it was a rider sliding below me. Everyone made it OK, but it did create for some epic chat at our next stop. Enchanter and SLO were both saying we needed more separation. In particular lateral as Mamola was damn close when he went by him and if ass packing happened the day would have turned extra ugly for sure. Later that night BZ stitched together rough footage from several of the GoPro’s to get a view of the drama that unfolded. That will make for some good film, with a GRAPHIC WARNING of course. Can’t wait to see how the real footage compares to my memory of it. Heck I thought it was two lanes each way and it was not! We were a bit behind so we have our first Gas Station lunch and discussed the incident. Some emotional content for sure.

On the road we made quick stop at the base of the Yaquina Bay Bridge at the viewpoint on the North side to mount a GoPro on the van and have them lead us across the bridge. We sucked up tight to the van because of the GoPro image that makes you look a mile away. Conde B. had a great design on this bridge. Gothic columns with a stunning circular truss under and then over the bridge. Wish we could have flown it but it was a no drone area. :(

Then we had a nice run right at the coast past beaches before jumping across the Umpqua River Bridge. Back to the coast past the Governor Patterson Memorial State Recreation area. On we rolled to check out the Heceta Head Lighthouse and Drone Oregon met us to shoot the amazing vista. It was beautiful and again it was a long walk for a tired OG. :laughing He got some great footage and even a roll out crossing an arched concrete bridge at the beach shown in the picture below.

We clowned around but also did a full vid take on the deer moment. I put that shit away quickly so maybe I was the clown because I know the discussion was serious.

We continued down the amazing coast. So many rocks just off shore creating stunning views. My favorite of the trip. The Umpqua River Bridge would be our drone OP by J.P. The river inlet was packed with fisherpeople in boats.

We rolled on passed the Oregon Dunes OHV Area (awesome) and after crossing the McCullough Memorial Bridge, we headed to the Mill Casino our home for the night. THE NICEST home for the night and also the spot where I would get to interview the Chief of the Oregon Coalition of Tribes. The Mill hooked us up with a private bar off the Casino floor overlooking Coos Bay. It was awesome! We also interviewed the Executive Director of Oregon’s Adventure Coast and Captain Jeff and gun for hire for fishing expeditions. Our friend LawmowerTim surprised us with a showing at the nights festivities. He rode up to say SUP! :Port

It was a good night and a good night’s sleep even if I did not hit the sack until midnight.

Pic below and first roll out of pics HERE


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Shit girls!
(the deer thing)
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