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General Menace
Staff member
Apr 4, 2002
Menlo Park, Ca.
Keep me rocking life
BARF perks
AMA Life Member #203453
Myself and the other members of the BAD KOBAZ Band (of hooligans) made a run down HWY 1 to check out the now reopened epicness a great piece of California.

We did not expect it to be so epic. It was amazing actually! :banana

I wanted to do this on a weekday to avoid traffic and ya know shit always goes a little crazy no matter what. Plan was stay in Cayucos just South of Cambria in a little coastal town we had visited for gas and a bit on a previous rally.

I invited a few good friends a reserved three rooms about a month ago. Some bud's said they could not go so we had an extra bed. Last minute Butch invited his high school friend (Tom) to join us, rounding out the group to 6.

So it was.
Me on the Muliti
Jonathan on his S1000RR
Jay on his Panigale V4 Speciale :drool
Butch on his R6
and Tom on his ST1300

I was the oldest guy :rant Getting used to that and it is AOK. Just glad I am still rocking the roads on two wheels!

Let the story begin.


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DAY 1 - Run down the coast

We met at Butch's house in E. San Ho Butch had a hand drawn map.

He forgot to put NTS on it though.:laughing

He knows the area so we were able to not touch a Freeway for a while.

Mt. Pleasant to San Felipe to Metcalf to Uvas, to Hecker Pass to the Elkhorn Slough, Dolan and finally HWY 1. I had both wheels off the ground on Elkhorn when a big dip was hidden by the shadows... weeeee! :laughing

We stopped at Big Sur at the River Valley Inn restaurant and filled our tanks. We knew the good stuff was coming so the GoPro's were mounted and turned on. Part way down we got stopped at Nacimento Ferguson and were told by Caltrans that a big rig flipped and the road was going to be closed for an hour or two.. damn. :rant

We were allowed to roll through the stop and pull out under a shady tree with some of the epic beauty of the coast on hand we decided to wait it out. Nacimiento had a long line of SUVs and would have sucked.

We kind of figured with the delay we could have an epic open road run down south, so we were eagerly anticipating the road clear sign. About 45 minutes later we got it and we hurried to get geared up, but dammit the cars in line go by us first. Oh well it meant we had some passing to do but on a bike that is pretty easy to do and sometimes it is fun. :teeth

What we did not know was there was two miles of exotica coming the other way. The Monterey Fuel Run was coming up from So Cal. Holy crap is was Lambo, Ferrari, McLaren, Bugatti, Porsche's, Audi's, awesome American Muscle and on and on.. Millions of dollars of rolling beauty heading the other way. That was amazing, but the chance to pass others going our way would have to wait. At least the stunning beauty on the road kept it interesting for sure..! :cool

Here are a few of the pics from day one.

Bud / Butch / Jonathan

Jay / Chill / Tom

PIC 3. Our wait offered great views of the coast

PIC 4. Jonathon caught a dolphin jumping out of the water

PIC 5. The boys are still happy. Even though we were waiting.

PIC 6. This is what we saw coming the other way

PIC 7. More of the awesome machines

PIC 8. The stunning beautiful Estero Bay Resort.. :laughing


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DAY 1 evening time to party!

After a quick change we walked just a couple blocks to check out the Cayucos Card Room. It is a historic bar with the mandatory dollar bills stapled to the ceiling and murals on the walls. Some really good art actually. The locals eyed the Hooligans and did not really return the gesture of hello with one giving us a solid stink eye. We had them outnumbered and were looking to drink not fight, so there was no trouble :laughing

There is a main bar area, a pool table room a bit back, shuffle board on right that lead to a card table room in the back with two tables. They were covered and looked like they are not used often..:dunno

We ordered up some drinks, which were pleasantly cost effective for a destination coastal spot. We chatted about the day enjoying the reflections.

After a bit we asked the bartender about food options. There are not a lot in town and you won't find any fast food either. Cafe Della Via was the suggestion and we looked it up and found it was going to close at 8. A half hour so we bolted across the street and there were a few others in line. Crap.. well turned out this place wanted the biz and the dude said give me your cell. We will text ya when we have a table... probably about a half hour.

We bolted back to the Bar and just came back at 8. They had us set up and we sat down for what turned out to be the best Italian food ever..! Maybe it was partly the vibe of the day riding and hanging with friends that added to it... but man we all agreed it was great.

Some good wine (thanks Jay!) and some blackened chicken penne made for an awesome meal. Every one of us thought it was the bomb so we asked if we could tell the chef so. We decided we would all go "woot woot woot your cooking rocks!" We went back to the kitchen and gave him our hooligan cheer and thank him for the great meal. A generous tip and we went back to the Card Room. Jonathan is a damn good pool player so we went back to the pool table room and the guys played some games. I was just happy to sit and watch and bullshit and laugh. Good times!! :party

I decided I was tired so I went back to the room only to find my key did not work..:facepalm It was a beautiful night so I just chilled on the bench waiting and looking a the sky... thinking. This is how life should be everyday! :laughing

The guys showed up shortly and some great chat with Chill ended a good day.


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Day 2 - The run up the coast

Plan was to be out the door at 8AM for brekkie and we walked a block to a nice little spot right on the beach. Skippers Family Restaurant. A pic and autograph from the Hoff made me think this was going to be good. :laughing

It was and the service was fast and consistent. Jay left a mighty tip for the lady because she kept his coffee cup full. I looked at the historical pictures and the one below caught my eye. (PIC 1).

We walked back to the resort and packed up for the ride home.

We took off as the sun broke out and the ride was on. :banana

Another blast from Jay's bike in the tunnel ahead.. that thing sounds so wicked!

We worked our way past Cambria and a quick stop to mount my GoPRO had us into the good parts. Fun stuff. After some fun we got to Big Sur and noted some classic historic cars on the side of the road with people out in lawn chairs with cameras watching what was the tail end of a parade up 1 to the Monterey Historics. We began passing cool car after cool car. Closer to Carmel brought out more roadside Historic Car fans... a bunch of them.

Cool as heck.. lawn chairs, coolers, umbrella's, camera's lined the road.

How awesome to see the Exotic's on one day and the Historic's the next. All by fate!! A quick stop for gas and a snack in Carmel had us chatting and that conversation led me to discussing my first FMC badge, where they screwed up my name. Bad Kobaz.. hilarious. I took that back and added some Oakley Blades to it and at my next meeting I shared it to some laughs and some WTF's.

I got a new badge, but kept the screwed up one. We were discussing this being an annual deal and thinking of a name.

Budman's HWY 1 Run just is not that cool so I came up with the BAD KOBAZ BTL CAYUCOS RUN. "Live on HWY 1". :teeth


We wondered back through Watsonville and up and over Hecker Pass and back through Uvas etc.. finally jumping on 101 for the last 30 miles or so.

A bit over 400 miles for the trip so not a marathon, but man it was awesome.

Thanks to the Band (of hooligans) for sharing the fun. I have given them band names... but the don't know it yet..:laughing

PIC 1: The weird photo of two men hung in effigy in the early 1900's. The town wanted to pave the road and two politically connected gents were keeping if from happening so they were told that if they didn't conform they would be hung. :wow

PIC 2: Jay's bike

PIC 3: Rest stop

PIC 4: Rest stop :twofinger

PIC 5: Rest stop Budman

PIC 6 & 7: Examples of the Historic's we passed

PIC 8: The original BAD KOBAZ pics... butch said smile and I said I am sick of smiling pics and I want to look bad man. I cropped Tom (far left) out of the BAD KOBAZ labeled pic because he was still smilling..:laughing

PIC 9: What Butch looked like if Jay said you can ride my Duc....:laughing

We live like kings.

More Videos to come. :thumbup
I love Jay's trailer.. :teeth



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Really glad we got to ride together King Butch.
Er, what is my “band name”?


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I just need to say that in Cayucos, when I was walking down the street, everyone smiled and said "hi"...
Wednesday evening, Thursday morning, so kinda a locals time.

Nice. Small town, old time feel.
It was a great vibe. Awesome experience that will be an annual event. :thumbup

(placeholder- will come back and follow up when I have the time necessary to read a budman ride report.)
I just need to say that in Cayucos, when I was walking down the street, everyone smiled and said "hi"...
Wednesday evening, Thursday morning, so kinda a locals time.

Nice. Small town, old time feel.
Similar experience a few years ago when my quaint favorite in Morro Bay was full. Walked to dinner on the main drag and then to the beach. Friendly motel with serene driftwood and yard art picnic area. Regrets to Morro Bay except for the coffee shop:rolleyes
Cayucos doesn't get the fog that Morro/Los Osos suffers from.
Killer annual car show, pier got rebuilt quickly with lots of local support, excellent back/goat road to Cambria for a slice of Linn's pie, but losing the city fire dept for county/Cal Fire.
Last weekend we scheduled BAD KOBAZ 2.

6 riders ended up being 2 due to various reasons.

So it ended up being the Butcher and I, although Mean Dad did join us for the first part down to Monterey. It was fun following him on his RZ 350 hearing and smelling the joys of a 2 stroke. A quick shot by Uvas and over Hecker Pass took us to HWY 1 when Mean Dad split from us. It was short Kevin, but it was still cool to ride with ya. Watching the joy in his body language was fun to see.

Then it was just Butch and I. We headed out on a Friday this time and found traffic to be way more favorable. Probably because there was no big event in Carmel. Weather was superb.

Lunch in Big Sur took us to coastal Nirvana once again. We stopped a couple times took a few pics and made our way into Cayucos at about 4 checking in.

Luckily I had called into the hotel while stopped for gas and they were able to rent the extra room to save us the pain of paying for two, when only needing one. The Cypress Tree Motel would be home of an evening.

This one was 30 bux more than the previous, but hey more stuff worked.
All the lights worked, the TV remote worked, there was soap and shampoo in the bathroom and actually even a small mouthwash! The exhaust fan did not work, but overall it was quite an upgrade. :laughing

We had a bit further walk to the Cayucos Card Room, but not long. The ride and a couple of bourbons and beers had our mood good and as always Butch and I enjoyed the conversation. A lot more people in the bar on a Friday and since it was the Friday before Halloween the bar tender shift brought us a dude quite decked out.

I had a reservation at Cafe Della Via for 7pm and man I loved eating garlic bread. :drool
I have been dieting so mostly no breads, pasta rice etc. A good bottle of Cabernet meshed perfectly with the food, which was exquisite once again.

At about 8:30 we walked out and Butch was ready to chill so we did not go back and light it up like last time. When we got to the room he quickly retired to his suite ( a bed in a separate room) and I just kicked it back watching the tube.

Morning came early and Butch was dressed and ready to roll by 7:45 after walking to get a latte and a double expresso for me. By 8:15 we were on the bikes and heading back. No brekkie this time had us on HWY 1 by 8:30. An empty HWY 1. Wow.. unfortunately the road remained a bit damp here and there but chill mode in the stunning beauty still had me smiling.

We stopped at the Big Creek bridge, where a tourist offered to snap a pic of us and then asked if that was the Bixby Bridge. "Nope you passed it a while back, where the cluster of people and traffic was" :laughing.... and when we got there is certainly was.. holy shit. Nuts how many people were just stuffing vehicles anywhere possible.

A gas stop and a quick snack had us back on the road and then we blew it missing the Castroville BLVD turn off that would have had us back towards 152 and Uvas. Oh well.

We ended up almost getting backed over by a truck when we stopped to go WTF. So after that close call we hit 101 and decided to droned it home from there.

Two days of good fun on two wheels once again. This Cayucos thing is going to be a regular trip for me from hear on out. Once in the Spring and once in the fall. :ride I really like that small little coastal town and quiet nature of staying in the middle of the epic beauty of the coast.

Good times Butch.:thumbup


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the best fish tacos in the world to be had are in cayucos.forget what its called,but it's right on the beach,can't miss it.you have to stop at nepenthe in big sur,food is ok,view is amazing.