Pit Ho Rally ride report... admitting mistakes.


General Menace
Apr 4, 2002
Menlo Park, Ca.
Keep me rocking life
BARF perks
AMA Life Member #203453
Day 1.

So.. I think my mistakes and adventure on the ride are worth a separate ride report.

Friday morning started with me only getting 4 hours sleep and a feeling that I had enough gas to get to Snellbux. The range said 21 miles and the map said 24.7. Usually the range is down when low because it included around town stuff and once I hit the freeway it climbs as the bike starts to get better mileage. I roll out to 85 and started riding eager for the weekend. As I rolled down 85 I saw 22 miles…. For a bit and then it started dropping. I had some anxious moments when it got to about 4 and had not seen the exit yet… do I go get gas now or go for it. I went for it. In a couple miles it said 1-1/2 to the Blossom Hill exit. I pulled into the gas station just as it changed to 1. Made it.

Then I filled my tank and put 5.17 gallons in my 5 gallon tank.. :wow
First time ever stuffing 5 gallons into it.

All good. Friends and new friends start rolling in and we roll out about 10 minutes past our kick stands up.
We head down Santa Teresa and eventually over the hill to McKean and past Uvas. The first of what would be some very full lakes and resevoirs over the course of the next couple days. Good to see.

We wondered over 152, thru Elk Horn Slew and onto 1 for a short period before going up 68 to jump onto Laureless Grade to start the next round of fun. I had no ridden the road in a long time. There was enough traffic and with some unfamiliar riders in the group our leader was cautious on passing. All good I was just merry along. It is Friday and I am riding not working! :ride

My stomach started acting up and I was oh no. Not today… damn tacos for dinner?? :green

We hit Carmel Valley Road and made a stop at Talbots. Some pics below. It had been years since I had seen it. It is still awesome and yehaw they have a bathroom. We chilled on the porch for a while looked at the awesome bikes. We were there long enough for two rounds in the john. Can’t believe the potty break is in a ride report?? Hold on I will advise. :laughing

Norcal Factory said while we were siting there that is the slowest I have every gone over Laureless Grade.. ha!!.. That is when the unknown riding skill of the a few of the group came up and it made perfect sense. After leaving Talbots feeling better as we started to get out the rural undivided road it started hurting a bit again.. uh oh.

After hearing NorCal’s comment I decided to go to the front and pick up the pace… time to play! It is kind of like Peach Tree on steroids… hella fun! Pretty soon I was zipping, smiling and the adrenaline of the ride took away the tummy issue 100%. Love it how the body says fuck that we need to focus on something else… this case doing bad things to a great road! :ride

Turning left on Arroyo Seca I chilled the pace when we packed up and looked for the Elm Street Bridge. SFMCjohn had posted a pic there the day before on his way down and I wanted to get a group shot there. Pic is below. Ours attached below.

While doing that the tummy again felt pretty crappy (pun intended) and I knew we were close to the next gas stop. Relief found in King City at a Chevron fill up and I hoped this would be the last of the stomach stuff.

We rolled into King City as the temps were climbing to the mid 80’s with the plan of Mexican food (which dominates the restaurant scene other that junk food). On the way there I spot a pizza, burgers and sandwich place and took a quick left into a parking space. Probably confused the riders but they all followed. I told them I really did not think eating Mexican was a good idea so I am going here and if you want to carry on come get me when done. All just came in with me. Like all good motorcyclist we took control and rearranged tables so we could all sit together :laughing Good food too. A turkey panini was good for the soul, hunger and tummy.

After eating back to Jolon road and off towards Lockwood. There was some blooming going on in the hills and I thought to myself Chill and Go Go were going to hit Soda Lake on Saturday to see some bloomage and now I am good.

Super pretty ride and with the Lockwood store so close to lunch we turned towards Lake Nacimiento. Hun told me he wanted to take his visiting Euro friends, Dominic and Peter there, but it was closed. At least the got to Gizdich Ranch for Pie..!
Another full lake comes into view and with no tummy issues I am soaking in the beauty.

We continued through Adelaida and really enjoyed the ride through the trees, slightly cooler temps and some fine pavement probably because there are wineries along the route. I crack up when I see a warning sign. “Hill blocks view”.. well no duh they all do!! :p I still slow in case there is a driveway, quick turn or whatever.. nothing. Weird sign.

Once out to 46 it is a right turn on a new to me round about and a CHP slips in just in front of us. Good timing, but I know well that 46 is highly patrolled and we see three more CHP’s before turning left on 1 for the last 15 miles to Morro Bay. Temps are now down to the high 60’s and with Cayucos and the ocean on tap we follow the breeze to the ROCK. We went out and parked for a bit. It was windy and actually a bit cold so we quickly headed to the Rockview Inn. Pulling in I see FRIENDS!! Whehoo!! Lunchbox, Momo-san, SFMCjohn and khl are sitting at the bench, Thumper’s truck has dirt bikes in the bed and 15 or more other bikes are in the lot…. now we are on a barf rally!

I checked in.. took a shower, but with the stomach still off I passed on dinner. Chill dropped me a beer for nourishment :teeth After laying around for a bit I joined the others in the parking lot and had one more beer. A great time chatting and really looking forward to blasting 58 on Saturday!!! Woot woot.. love it! :ride


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and the picture of our group at the Elm Street bridge.

WOOT! :ride

It gets better... or worse. : |


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Oooh, off to a nice start (shits aside)! I've done that ride before... such a great area. And man, your Multistrada looks sweeeeet!
DAY 2 Woes and Whoa's!

Woke up early well rested and got geared up for the kickstand up at 8:30 ride to the restaurant. All my buds come out not geared up and while confused I was whatever and I was the only guy at the table who smelled like a rider.

After the good nights sleep and some good grub that was much needed we head back to the Rockview and the guys gear up and we then head to the Chevron for gas. The plan was to hit 41 over to Atascadero and then to 229 (Rossi’s Driveway) and on to 58 to Taft and then??.

Well being the dumb guy who only looked at the route the night before I thought 41 was south on HWY 1 a mile or two. I rolled out first made a left on 1 and proceeded the wrong way. The others are smart and hoofed a right on 41 and headed on. As I rolled down 1 at 55 or 60mph waiting for headlights to appear in my mirrors I looked at the landscape. Really beautiful. Those headlights.. well they never did appear. After about 10 miles I was WTF? And when I passed Cal Poly I knew I f’d up.

I pulled over went on G-Maps and damn.. the gas station was on 41!! :facepalm I also got a text from Norcal saying I went the wrong way and I replied I will catch you keep going and went back to main street and saw a sign that said 101. I thought that should help me catch up and I am now where 1 and 101 come together in San Luis Obispo. I quickly jump on 101 and start to boogie…. After a few miles I see Madonna Inn.. wait it is on my right…:confused I AM GOING SOUTH!!! :facepalm

I call myself a dumb ass and turn around at the next exit. Now I figure I am a half hour behind and may not catch the guys until they are at lunch in Taft. Dammit. The ever optimistic me thought well… I had a shot if I “rushed” the pace and how cool would it be to blow by on the hills at speed.. Hero shit. :laughing

I knew they were getting gas in Atascadero and I figured I was now at risk of not having enough gas because I my wayward son f’up and with the barely making it to Bux the previous day I better top off. One gallon exactly and I was on my mission.

On 41 I got aggressive and started passing cars as quick as possible. Even going into Creston I was at least 20MPH over normal pace and only slowed for the town proper. When I hit Rossi’s driveway I knew they were some sandy sections and such but rode pretty damn quickly too. Precious minutes.

When I hit 58 it was game on. I figured my best shot at catching them was go really blitz the first section where the twisty bits are (AWESOME) and try to be 20mph faster than the speed I would normally see when riding with SLO, Chill and Enchanter. My game face was on and so was the gas. Covering the brakes and scanning intensely I was making great time. Every car I passed disappeared in 30 seconds. Bye Felica :wave :laughing

Once to the straights I knew they would be cruising at a good pace with spots of faster.. probably even over 55mph :p

SO that meant.. wring the Duc out a bit and this song rang in my head. The vinyl version of course.


I always worry about breaking the ton (ton = 55mph I think) in CA so it was sort of a fuck it moment. Get it on!

When I got to the big hills still no one in sight so I plowed them too. Fun as hell!! When I got the junction of roads just before the twisty bits there were some riders there.. and they were waving…! Victory…I Banged a Gong! :teeth

After I said what up and explained my lack of proficiency in terms of directions that created the mess we took a minute and then geared back up. I was on full adrenalin mode.. damn now I get to ride with friends and I felt good! I led the group into the twisty bits with Norcal in tow. I was still in go mode, just without the urgency. I knew there are some decreasing radius sweepers ahead, but forgot how quickly the first one comes up. I pride myself on never blowing a double yellow and could only remember doing it once from 15 years ago on a tight little goat road.

So here is an admission of a serious “Cardinal Sin” of sport motorcycling. Norcal got to evidence it. When I mentioned it to others back and the motel he said why did you admit that? I wasn’t gonna say anything. :laughing

Well like I said.. it was Cardinal Sin and I needed a confessional to absolve my soul. Admitting this on BARF is my penance… 5 Hail Mary’s…sort of thing. :teeth

Back to THE MOMENT… as I went into the turn I realized this is the ONE!! Shit.. I trail braked and did what I always say to do. Lean the mother over.. as the peg hit the pavement I was still going wide and with the approaching double yellow and the little depressed rectangles on each side of it (to alert drivers you are crossing it) I did not want to have the front hit that at full lean angle saw no big ass vehicle in sight so I eased a tick, went across and then back to full lean looking up the road in the WRONG DAMN LANE :rant

The view up the road was clear and I was happy about that, but shook my head knowing I had sinned. I slowed for a bit… never had the OH SHIT fear consume me and I was just in the moment doing the animal mode thing focused on getting through. I am happy I managed it and did not have that overwhelming fear wave after.. just the knowledge of a cardinal sin and the disappointment of committing it.

After a bit I start to wick up the pace and the “foot came out” in the sort of tight twisty flat track style that helps me throw the 500lb Multi around. On one left hander I saw a egg sized rock in my path and just clipped it. I knew that was the second mistake within a couple minutes and that had a small head shake in my helmet too. FUCK.

I kept going and was having fun for sure. Then I noted the rear felt like it was sliding a bit.. sort of like sand or dirty pavement. Nothing to serious I thought.

THEN.. I went into a right hander somewhere around 60mph and the back stepped out… it felt like a full on Jared Mees flat track slide, but it was probably a foot.. :dunno I held my body position still as the wheel stayed out for the entire turn… 2 – 3 seconds :dunno I was again in animal mode being super carful not to disrupt the bikes balance as it was sliding predictably. A quick WHOA as I straighten up the bike and then turned quickly into a WTF as the rear was still squirreling. I though I must have blew an oil line or something.. great.

When I got off Norcal had pulled up and was looking at my bike.. and when I did there was a f’ing flat rear.. I mean pretty f’ing flat. :wow
(I will add pics when SLO sends them)

Not a good sight when you are so far from home. Then the effort started. Norcal used his water pack to find the leak and when we did... it was a slice, not a puncher. He said he saw me clip the rock and it broke and went under my rear wheel.. that was it. He saw the previous little slides and the big one two. He said the big one left a nice black stripe that snaked around the corner… nice?

*EDIT: added pic of Norcal checking on the flat. Just like CalTrans most of us are watching. :laughing

He pulled out a repair kit. A pump and we (he) put 3 plugs in it before it would hold enough air to limp on to Taft. That took a minute and when we left I was doing to delicate dance trying to anticipate a blow out. Limped into town and we hit a chevron station, got gas and hydrated. We checked the air pressure and it had dropped a bit. A slow leak. I checked Buttonwillow to see if there was a track day there to perhaps slide in and get a new tire. Nope. Then I searched moto shops in Bakersfield. A KTM shop would be my best shot at someone having the tools to remove a singles sided swing arm set up. After some discussion we found the KTM uses a 60mm nut and Enchanter found that the Duc had a 55mm one. I can buy it on Amazon for 30 bucks. Well that did not seem to be workable. It was not getting toward 2pm and I was losing hope of doing anything other than call a tow vehicle or try to limp it out back to Morro Bay.

Decision: Limp. So I filled the tire to 42psi and we went to 33 to head west to 1. The apparent best route because the last ½ was at least in a populated area along the coast.

SLO and Norcal went on to ride some fun stuff. Enchanter, Chill and Go Go watched me strafe 166 :p I was not charging for sure and every now and then Enchanter would ride up close and I could see him spying my back tire. After 30 miles or so I pulled over and check the air pressure again. Still at 32. Not to bad… I had hope!

We continued on to 1 stopping just before and this check had it down to about 22. I pulled out the pump that Norcal let me borrow and the air pressure gauge SLO let me borrow and we put some air back in but we could not get it over 30. We hit the road and limped back to Morro Bay. Much of it was recognizable landscapes from my earlier screw up. :laughing

When we pulled into our hotel a group was sitting at the bench and after landing I walked up and Momo-San, Lunchbox, SFMCjohn and khl were watching MotoGP qualifying on khl’s iPAD… sweet.. let me change I will be back for Q2.

Well a couple of Tequila shots with Chill and Go Go had me making it back just as it was ending, but the sprint race was coming up! Beers in hand, Tequila etc.. we started to watch it. (Photo by SFMCjohn)

Soon CDONA, SLO, Go Go, Chill and then Enchanter all came over and when Enchanter saw we were watching MotoGP he went and got his laptop so now we had a big screen too before the race started. We synced the devices and enjoyed a great race and a great rally moment. I love this stuff!!

After the race we sauntered off to Legends Bar and got pizza hanging with N4teTheGreat, thumpy, Lunchbox, etc and I proceeded to consume a couple more cocktails and a fair share of libations to help ease the pain of tomorrow wonder. :Port

N4teTheGreat snapped this pic of a happy Budman out in front.

After a while Enchanter and I left the others and walked back to the Inn. I looked at my tire of course and shook my head. Off to bed with a little anxiety about the 221 miles home.

Tomorrow I am going to go for the big limp.


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Day 3 - Woes and tows

In bed at a reasonable hour had me ready to try to limp home. Overcast skies greeted us and the Inn staff brought out rags for us to wipe down our bikes. :cool

I check out the bike and the tire had not gone completely flat. That was a good sign. I pulled out the pump and let it fill for a while. Saying good byes to friends etc. Even with the havoc this was still a good weekend so far. Chill offered to escort my ass up 101, but I thought why ruin your day when all you can really do is console me if I have an issue. :laughing

I took off on my own with about 25psi in the tire. Hit the gas station, filled up and then put 42psi in the tire. I knew when I hit Atascadero I would stop and check again. Well… After 10 miles or so I felt the tire squirming a bit and went really chill pace and when I checked it bad news. Only 17. Damn.. it is leaking faster and I had only gone 16 miles. :nchantr

Filled it up again and bolted on. Making fast work when full of air and then slowing as I anticipated to tire losing air. I went past Paso and San Miguel with high hopes of making it to King City… nope. Felt the squirm and pulled off at the Bradley exit about 30 miles. Air Pressure check said 15psi. Jacket and gear off and pump out… filling it up. My bike on location pic ….. how scenic :p

I checked it after 10 minutes only 22psi.. keep going. A young couple with accents I think were German stopped to ask if I was OK. Nice of them. I said yes.. just trying to limp home to the Bay Area with a leaking tire and I was pumping it up. The dude commented on the nice bike and offered me a water. It was hot and that was nice of him. I declined and they drove off. As soon as they did I thought I should have taken the water. :laughing

Another 10 minutes and I checked again.. 25psi. Not looking good. I said fug it geared up leaving pump going and pulled it right before taking off. This time I did not have full air and motored off at about 70mph to see what it was like. Felt OK. I had 30 miles to go to get to King City. I was careful in the slight curves and hoping to see civilization. Past San Ardo, still cool. Passing San Lucas I was this is not good and had slowed to 60 or so. Coming into King City I looked for the first street with a gas station. At the offramp stop sign I saw Thumper pulling on the freeway in her truck full of dirt bikes.

After making a squishy / squirmy left from the stop sign I pulled into a Shell station on Canal street as I made the left to the gas station at very slow speed with the tire squirming. I parked by the air station and took off my gear. It was hot. Soon a Park Ranger pulled up to fill a slow leak on his tire while I was doing mine and after a couple minutes when it would not reach 20psi I said here you go and went inside to get a drink and hit the head. I came out just as he was finishing and we had a quick chat about bikes.

Back to filling. I pumped air in and listened. I could hear air escaping. I rolled the wheel to get a view and spread some saliva on it finding multiple holes around the slice. Pulled the tire patch kit and soon found that did not help.
So I sat in the shade and just said fuck me. Thought about calling a friend for a rescue run, but I knew it was Mother’s Day and he was with family. Did not want to bother him.

So I tried AAA. Sorry your coverage does not include motorcycles. I was 119 miles from home and thought damn. Let’s try AMA. I saw they were 25 miles so.. double damn. I then googled tow companies near me and found Greenfield Towing was just 10 miles away. I called and the dude said “Yes.. we tow motorcycles”. OK then come save my ass!! “30-40 minutes”. Meanwhile I texted a couple dudes on the ride and said I am going to take a tow and called the wife to let her know I got a flat.

I kept an eye out for a flatbed coming down the ramp. About 50 minutes in a fancy white Chevy pickup towing a trailer pulls in and a gent gets out wearing a towing shirt and hat. Holy crap. Sweet! I walked up and said this is THE NICEST TOW RIG I have ever seen he laughed a bit and said he decided to go pick up his quad trailer instead of grabbing a flat bed because it would be easier to load. Awesome. We loaded up the bike and strapped it down. All good. It was now 3pm and I had not eaten all day. I slammed a cold coffee, gobbled down a meat stick for lunch and had a water for the road.

So he fueled and we hit the road. Nice young guy named Alex. As we left town I saw he had a country station on his radio but the sound was turned down. I said “go ahead and play your music I am cool with country, my wife loves it”

He offered me a charger for my phone which was appreciated and I made small talk. Where do you live.. what do you do for fun? Etc.

Found he used to ride quads but an accident had his father saying knock this off.. not seriously hurt, but still wiser about doing it. Turns out his Dad owns the towing company and he had to chat with him to buy into the trailer option. Found out later his GF goes to SF State and he thought he would go visit since he was close. Good idea!

Super friendly young man and we got to my house about 6:15. Unloaded, paid him and asked if he wanted to drop the trailer at my office. He said he was going to call his GF and if he was going to drop it he would call me. He did not.

Happy to be home and safe for sure. The limping had me a little nervous and I avoided being in front of or next to large trucks.

Not the typical trip report. Not the typical weekend.

My tow
Bikes at the Inn (Photo by Ruby)
Pumping air at the Bradly exit


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Shitty way to end a trip...I've been there. An inner tube would've had you squared away.
The worst day riding is still WAY better than the best day working!
Good on Ya for hanging in there and making it happen.
The mistake weighs heavier than the flat and tow.

Friends came to my aid and that is what we do.

So appreciated.
I’d say… cool story bro… but. These things are amusing to look upon.

No damage to your billion dollar wheels?
Great story Budman. You had the exact right attitude. Adapt and Overcome.
Love the long hair too.

Chill, PG, and I were all ready to console you on the way back!
...So I tried AAA. Sorry your coverage does not include motorcycles. I was 119 miles from home and thought damn....

AAA Premier offers motorcycle towing up to 200 miles. Used it a couple of times for my bike. If you tour California, it's good to have.
Yeah... That is what I found out. When it comes time to renew... Priemier will be purchased.
I have my moto insurance with Progressive/ Drive. Towing is like $3.
I may have to use it sometime when I run out of electricity on the Alta motard. Electrotard! It has happened once, walking distance fro home fortunately.
Nice RR Budman! :thumbup

I’m heading that way this weekend … sorta. Laureles to Carmel Valley to Arroyo Seco to 25 to Coalinga Road. Good to see that Arroyo Seco is open to the bridge and then to Greenfield - the Monterey County road info page says otherwise.

And does anyone know how Coalinga Road is? Normally I’d take 198 but it’s still closed. :(
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And does anyone know how Coalinga Road is? Normally I’d take 198 but it’s still closed. :(

Google Maps shows ~50 miles from Bitterwater to Coalinga. I've seen mixed reports regarding just how "closed" 198 is. At the bottom of 25, the sign definitely says closed. Lots of folks live along that road, and I've seen reports of traffic control at single lane sections, so maybe... OTOH, Coalinga Road is a good time.
I street-viewed the stretch of Coalinga Road from 25 to the Fresno county line (at which point it gets a lot better)… looks a lot like Mattole Road, and there’s even a water crossing! But the imagery is from 2012, so it’ll be interesting to see what it’s like now, if my buddy and I don’t chicken out.
how the F do you have so much hair? jeebus. AND you can hustle a motorcycle through some twisties. congrats on Living Well budman!
