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Alaska - The ride report

I just want to say it was awesome to get the opportunity to hang with Blankpage and N4teTheGreat when in Vancovuer Area! It was really great to swap some stories and grab some food together.
As Nate heads towards the highway out of town....View attachment 565668
With a backpack full of poutine border guards can smell a mile away
Vaya con Dios. Fair winds. Safe journey.

Its one of the intangibles of touring on a motorcycle. Specifically with a partner. You've been on the road for several days or weeks, and you're coming home and reach that final point, like on a freeway and you hit that final fork in the road. They go one way, you go another, and the trips ends with a hearty wave as one accelerates up on a transition and you just set your heart and mind on getting home.
Most people can’t reach the ground with both feet on that bike. They just look small with 7’ riders.

I just want to say it was awesome to get the opportunity to hang with Blankpage and N4teTheGreat when in Vancovuer Area! It was really great to swap some stories and grab some food together.
As Nate heads towards the highway out of town....

looks like you guy had a righteous BARF Rally with Mr N4teTheGreat … how cool is that? :thumbup:ride
Noted about the fires, that would explain the modor-esq haze covering Vancouver and points south the day before and yesterday to some extent. Kinda weird coming back to the end of summer after being thoroughly ensconced in Fall. But anyway.

Good BARF meetup for sure in Vancouver, I was well taken care of by Blankpage and TowerRigger. I think they are the official Northern BARF ambassadors.

Been so busy socializing now that I am back in more populous areas I'm a bit behind here, soooo.... let's get back to this report, eh?

I wrapped up Cache Creek with a pizza that was too big for my stomach, I managed a bit more than half and I was stuffed. My bike was looking good in the evening light.



I woke up the following morning realizing that last beer was unnecessary, but not feeling too worse for the wear. I was very glad I wasn't going wherever all these folks were on 1, though I saw a few race cars being trailer-ed so some of them were going somewhere fun.


I finished my coffee and hit the road, excited that the blue line on the map looks nice a squiggly for a change. I missed more good scenic shots than I took on 99. The road was fun though, and it was VERY scenic.


I stopped for this shot a little ways past the junction of 99 and 97. Moments after this shot things got much more spectacular, but I'd already stopped so I pressed on. Then there was a lake, and it was glassy and spectacular, but I missed the good pull out for a shot and had just dusted a few pickups, so I pressed on.

Are you seeing a pattern here?

I stopped for this shot as I was approaching Lilooet


Nice big pull out, plenty of time for me to make up my mind (and I'd been stuck behind traffic anyway).


A mile or so later I stopped for this shot because the coffee was not going to wait any longer to be recycled...


Seemed like a popular spot for the locals.


Gas in Lilooet, and I took a picture of... whatever this is, because it was massive.


I liked the look of this bridge as well, but not enough to get a better angle.


Shortly at Lilooet 99 really turned up the volume, both in terms of views and corners. I managed to get a few shots before I passed a few RVs with vigor, and maybe a hint of malice and never stopped again. The road was a hoot and I was making full use of my tires for a change and to their credit, more than a few BC motorists signaled me by which was very nice. but yeah, NO STOPS! It was beautiful, but so were the corners so, no stops.


Until I gassed up in Pemberton


See, happy tire right there...


Before long I was in Whistler, I've heard about this place since high school as it was a Mountain Biking mecca due to their insane downhill runs. Runs I cannot fathom attempting honestly.


Stopped to take a few pictures here, I'm starting to think the BC tourism industry dyes their water blue, it can't possibly all be like this :laughing



Also, the bike, the mountain peeking out from the trees looked more dramatic in my minds eye than in this shot,.

I rolled into BC a bit early for my schedule meetup with Blankpage, which was good, because the Hyper decided to have a moment. I realized I was overheating and then realized the dash looked kinda funny, with a big exclamation point and flashing lights. Weird. I found parking, pulled off the seat and investigated (poorly). Fan plug seemed fine, and dry. No water under the seat. I decided to pull the main power and see if things sorted themselves out once the bike cooled down. Didn't help, so I went to get coffee and wait for Blankpage while researching the BBS error.



Decent view to sip coffee and contain existential dread about ones motorcycle over...


Blankpage showed up, it was good to finally meet, and good-er to have a BARFer around while I figured out what to do about the bike.


The upside, he was super chill and patient while I found a hardware store and pulled the BBS "black box system" ok Ducati... out of the bike. Seemed clean and dry but I let the bike sit in the sun for a bit with everything disconnected to see. Of course, that didn't help. So downside now was we'd wasted a bunch of time. At this point I figured the bike ran, so screw it, I'll just ride it, who needs functioning electronics or a dash anyway.



Sun bathing ducati


We made it to Squamish and of course the Ducati needed to go to is natural stomping grounds...


We met up with TowerRigger in Horseshoe bay which gives off strong Marin vibes right down to a ll the rich kids blasting around the sidewalks on their ebikes. We had a nice meal, which TowerRigger generously payed for and we all talked for a few hours, eventually it was quite dark and Blankpage was a little worried (rightly so) about my riding a bike with no brake or signal lights so we said our goodbyes and got on the road. It was actually pretty cool seeing Vancouver come into view at night as we rode in, and thankfully traffic was light and the evening temperature was perfect so it was smooth sailing.

One of these bikes is not as clean as the others...


Blankpage set me up in his spare bedroom and after a YouTube video or two I was out like a light...

I'm still behind, more to come of course, but, I have to get out of here so I can go bug TwT tonight.

It's a rather large Pelton Wheel. The double-bucket with cut out allows for the conversion of about 85% of the force of a stream of water into rotational force. Think water-wheel on steroids.

Also, nice ride! The peeps on BARF who aren't reading this are missing out on some of the best content here in a while.
This is awesome content!!! You're even dropping those Canadian words naturally in conversation . EH! That Starbucks parking lot can have 100-150 bikes on a Monday or Tuesday after work in the peak of summer. Too bad you had to be concerned about the bike while trying to enjoy that last part of the trip. I guess we should have taken a group pic in Horseshoe Bay. I should have booked that day as " Working in the field...Tower Site Inspections, and Cell range monitoring at speed", to ride from Whistler back with you guys. Maybe with the next BARF Member that comes north inspired by this trip. I may have to use some Lightroom AI and drop your bike in some of the photo ops along that highway for ya...LOL. Definitely look forward to hear if any BARFers are coming North next year.
Did you meet Blankpage's cat? I LOVE love love that you met up with Barfers in a far northern location.
I did, she inspected all my riding gear and then stretched out next to me while I was winding down to sleep, I was given belly access so I think we are friends now.
hoping that a Mr N4ate appearance at the BARF Hawthorne RydTher Rally is maybe on the itinerary, too? :ride
Well, at my rate of travel I am unlikely to be back in SF in time to turn and burn for Hawthorne, unfortunately. I suppose I could ride straight there, but I would prefer a working radiator fan that doesn't blow fuses all the time and also, that might be a hard sell for the S/O :laughing
CAIG LABORATORIES DeoxIT D100L-2DB Brush Applicator, More Than A Contact Cleaner, 7.4mL, Pack of 1 https://a.co/d/fXrbO0p
That looks like good stuff!
Continuing home, but not in an urgent fashion, more on that later, I'm still a few days behind on this here trip report...

Woke up after a nice nights sleep, and had some time to do a bit more research on the BBS error. In most cases it seems it was related to water, or the unit itself dying, but in one case I found, a blown 15 amp fuse was the culprit. So first thing I did was check fuses on the bike, sure enough, there was a blown fuse. I replaced it and everything was back to normal, aside from the ODO reading ------. This is apparently a known issue when the ECu and Black Box ODO numbers are out of sync and requires a dealer to update things. No biggie, the miles are still logged.


So, no longer needing to head to the dealer, Blankpage took me to see a nearby lake before we headed to Essential Motorcycle Services when they opened at 10 to get a new tire.


He took the hyper for this ride and demonstrated that he in fact knows how to ride like a hooligan, my front wheel stayed on the ground sadly.

The lake was quite busy with everyone getting ready for a day on the water. Pretty spot to hang out.


We circled back and I loaded up my bike to head off to to the shop, and what a cool shop it was. I was the second person there so they wheeled my bike in and got to work. At Blankpage's suggestion, I got an oil change as well. We hung out for a bit and then I went to find coffee and Blankpage took off to enjoy the rest of the weekend. The closest place for coffee, McDonalds, was in fact closed and quickly decided walking for 10 minutes was a bit too far, so I turned back. By the time I got back the bike was done and ready to roll.


As luck would have it Towerrigger had dropped his bike off for work and was not far away and offered to meet for a meal. So I geared up and we went to a spot nearby for coffee (aaaah) and a meal, I got fish and chips one last time. And neglected to take any photos :dunno

After saying my goodbyes I headed to the border to see how long the crossing was, thankfully, only about 30 minutes or so. As I was waiting in line the bike got to temp and at the moment the fan should kick on the same symptoms returned. Hmm, must be the fan.. I killed the bike and just duck walked my way towards the border.


When I got to the agent, he asked what was wrong, I told him the bike has been to alaska and apparently overheats now. He looked over my passport and with a look of concern asked me what I was gonna do now. I told him I was heading home, but he clarified what was I gonna do about the bike. I told him it runs fine, just overheats sitting in traffic. He seemed relieved that I wasn't gonna block the crossing and sent my on my way.

I saw a sign for coffee not too far down the road and figured I'd try to sort this out. Stopped at a gas station and they had fuses so I bought a pack and replaced the blown fuse, confirming that the fan was the issue. Once the bike had cooled down I poked at the fan and sure enough, it was frozen. It broke loose but felt rough, so I assume the blade got stuck with all the dirt and the motor maybe fried or was corroded.


I figured maybe it'd work now, so I put everything back, finished my coffee and took off.


I took I-5 all the way to Seattle and it was smooth sailing until I hit stop and go traffic in north Seattle. At least his time the error was the fan, and not the black box, no blown fuse. I did have to pull off and let the bike cool off. I'd texted some friends who lived in Seattle earlier to see if they wanted to meet, and I texted them again while the bike was cooling off. They were home and only 15 minutes away, sweet. I fired the bike up and rode the shoulder with my hazards on, the navigated city streets to their place without overheating again.


They invited me up and offered me a beer. I mentioned I could only do one since I had to ride still, at which point they mentioned I was welcome to crash there. I thought about it and decided why not. So I unloaded the bike, found parking and they set me up with a towel to shower. We had beer and snacks and then I went with them to their commercial kitchen as they are starting a Lumpia business and were gonna try out selling on grubhub that Saturday. best part was I got to try all variations of the Lumpia, and which I'd been wanting to do since I heard they started doing this. It was fantastic.


After that they took me to a cigar club they are members of a few blocks away to wait on orders. Not a bad way to spend the evening.

Around 2:30am we called it and headed back to their place after I helped clean up and pack up in the kitchen. Just another fun, unplanned evening. I'll get home one of these days.
Hey Nate. Does the fan have any garbage stuck in it preventing smooth turning? You probably already checked that, but it matches blown fuses and no fan. Assuming coolant level is good, you can also try grounding the fan at the plug to see if it will turn on when the key is on. I skim so fast I miss everything about delicious food and good times when you write about having a bike issue!
The fan thing reminds me when my thermostat went out on my VFR in Mexico.

On the way out, we got stopped by a diligent Tijuana moto cop, apparently for missing a stop sign.

He offered convenient, roadside assistance in paying the $20 fine, but at the same time gave us a short cut to the border, which my sweating VFR greatly appreciated. Once on the road, it's fine. But, yea, sitting in those lines, hot steamy bubbling goodness.