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Alaska - The ride report

Two wheels against the wilds of Ma Nature, , ,

I get a little of this rolling around town with a massive dark cloud, spewing rain, settles in above me, with sparky dotting the i's. If I get home dry, I won, wet, monsoon baptized again.
Watched a e-bike rider getting hosed yesterday, she was in a tank top and shorts, squinting, rolling thru the roundie.
It’s currently cloudy 69° 11:30 AM high/ 70°
Nate, you’ve brought Alaska a lot closer.
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I have to agree with that. I rode to the easternmost point in North America and back, including well over a thousand miles unpaved roads, on a BMW S1000R naked bike.

This is the first bit of pavement after a thousand KM of the Trans Labrador Highway:

UUIcEBaQ by miles todd, on Flickr

Just go out there and ride.
I have to agree with that. I rode to the easternmost point in North America and back, including well over a thousand miles unpaved roads, on a BMW S1000R naked bike.

This is the first bit of pavement after a thousand KM of the Trans Labrador Highway:

UUIcEBaQ by miles todd, on Flickr

Just go out there and ride.
WOW!!! Hey Tally, did you do a trip story on that highway as well? That's a province on my bucket list! I bet that was beautiful terrain.
WOW!!! Hey Tally, did you do a trip story on that highway as well? That's a province on my bucket list! I bet that was beautiful terrain.
I never actually wrote up a ride report. I really should.
We hit all the Maritimes- even PEI. Did the Cabot Trail, where the road signs are in Gaelic, went to France for a day, spoke with people who were completely unintelligible, saw about 473 lighthouses... It was a great trip.
That picture was taken right by the top of the Manic 5 dam, though we didn't realize it at the time. Unfortunately there was no way to really even get a glimpse of the Manicougan Reservoir...
I never actually wrote up a ride report. I really should.
We hit all the Maritimes- even PEI. Did the Cabot Trail, where the road signs are in Gaelic, went to France for a day, spoke with people who were completely unintelligible, saw about 473 lighthouses... It was a great trip.
That picture was taken right by the top of the Manic 5 dam, though we didn't realize it at the time. Unfortunately there was no way to really even get a glimpse of the Manicougan Reservoir...
Sounds like an amazing trip!!! Wow you hit all the spots!
High praise and all, but I'm just tout here riding, taking photos and hoping things work out :laughing

Made it into Whitehorse yesterday around 6pm, pretty good time considering I left Jade City around 10am after some dawdling

A few riders had arrived around 10pm last night, they were returning from doing the Hoka Hey challenge where you ride from Daytona to Anchorage in less than 15 days making sure you hit all the required waypoints. You can't sleep in a room and you can't eat in a restaurant. On e of the guys way from Homer and had ridden to Daytona to "start" the ride. He was now riding another riders bike back, the guy was 80 and had run the first Hoka Hey, they'd kinda escorted / coerced hiuum to do the whole ride and he couldn't keep his big old bagger upright once he got to Anchorage so this guy was riding it back for him. The old guy is now the oldest person to finish the challenge and that was his last one. Pretty friggin' cool!


It was chilly and the coffee was good, so we probably all chatted for an hour or so before we collectively had an "oh shit, we need to go" moment and everyone started hurriedly packing up :laughing cool guys, I really enjoyed the chat. Also me theAT riders buddy, they are from SoCal and had attempted the Dempster before getting turned back by weather and road crews advising against it.

His buddy had started the trip on his trusted KLR which they'd jointly built up years ago. He'd ridden it all over the place, but this trip had been it's last. It apparently developed a crankcase issue that resulted in oil seeping out of the bike and a loss of power, it also broke some spokes in the rear wheel and the chain was dying, so, as one does, he popped into a motorcycle shop and bought a Honda Transalp to ride home on. Probably could a found a cheap low mileage KLR instead...

At any rate, it was time to head out so we all said our see ya laters and everyone took off.

I had 75 miles to cover, after going 75 miles to get to Jade City and there was nowhere to gas up. I'd brought a spare gallon which I had dumped into the tank when I arrived and I'd been taking it easy on the throttle. I figured if I just cruised to the junction of 37 and 1 I'd make it. Apparently I can drive 55 when my fuel range is in question...

The morning started out cloudy and chilly, but there was no rain forecast and the sun was already starting to peek through the clouds here and there,


More big views as I rolled north on 37.


I mean, come on.


After a while the mountains were behind me and it was a vast forest, and then a vast burn area from a fire back in the 90s. They let them burn up here and manage them only around towns / roads. I didn't get any pictures sadly, I was apparently too busy watching my fuel consumption :laughing

My gas light popped shortly before I officially entered the Yukon


I was pleased to find I was only about 20 Km from gas. When I fueled up I'd done about 158 miles since filling up last and probably could have managed 20 or so more if needed.

I decided to get food at the junctiuon


Cool spot, the guy who runs the gas station had a few friendly dogs who wanted to play fetch, I obliged.


Thankfully they had a working 91 octane pump, I've run a lot of 87 on this trip which keeps me in wet mode to limit engine power / knocking risk.

They guy at the gas station said once I got over the continental divide the weather ought to be nice, but also said it'll probably snow up on the divide soon. So, I guess I may see that on the way home :laughing

While I was eating my sammich, a few of the local gals rolled up for a lunch and hangout. All very nice, one lady is a rider and had broken her tibia and fibia. She told me she managed to hop off the bike on her non injured leg to ensure she gently let the bike down instead of dropping it. Impressive. They were all super nice and one gal mentioned if I'm back that way she has a cabin for rent, I got her number. I decided it was time to get on the road, and since the next stretch was 170 miles between gas stations I filled my fuel bladder up and filled my tank to the neck, burped it, and filled it to the neck again before heading out.

About an hour down the road I realized I'd never been charged for that sammich as the gal running the truck got distracted once all the ladies showed up. Good thing I got Lois' number as I texted her to see if she could get me in contact with the owner of the truck so I can pay in case I don't see her on the return trip.

It was a good sammich, felt bad about that for the rest of the day.


As I approached the divide it was clear I wasn't gonna stay completely dry. Felt like Colorado, you kinda expect some rain in the Rockies.


Clouds and rain and sun sure do make for spectacular views though


Turned out there was a lodge at the top of the divide that was open and had gas, so I bought a gallon to be safe, their setup was... unothodox.


electricity, standing water and gasoline, what could go wrong?


With gas in my tank and having not caused an explosion, I was off.

Many, many good views were not captured, because I'd never get anywhere, but the weather was gorgeous after I made it over the divide. I even saw a Porcupine on the side of road.


Had to stop for this one, wow.


Plenty more I missed, but it was a beautiful afternoon, the weather has been treating my well so far. Whitehorse is a cool town, weird mix of history and ultra modern buildings.


Got a call from my parents right as I got to my room, they wanted to see how I was doing. Suffice to say my mom is a little nervous. I assured them everything is oging to plan and I feel confident I can handle any fall weather Alaska throws at me.

Then I cleaned my chain before heading out for dinner, I'm a little gun shy after the dead chain on the Texas trip. I also wiped down the fork lowers to keep all the alkaline dust outta the seals. Only two shiny bits on the bike.


I had a nice, fancy meal at Coopers Dirty Northern, then took a walk around town to see a few sights. I was gonna walk to the hotel since my phone wasn't connecting to cell here, but I decided to hit a bar instead. Had a few rounds, listened to the band and then thought better of further drinking and went home. It was still dusk when I was walking home at 10:30.

Helluva salad


Can't so no to pizza

The walk around town was pretty, bring back log sky scrapers I say!





Camshaft from a steamboat I presume



Now that's a river



Something to be said for owning your history versus denying it


Molson on tap isn't half bad


The band took a break and I took it as my cue to head home


Today I head to Beaver Creek and tomorrow I cross the border into Alaska. I guess I should pack up and hit the road...
Good stuff N4te. Glad the weather was decent.

Hoka Hey challenge... no motels / no restaurants = NO WAY :laughing
That is some hardcore stuff that is not for this OG.

The gas station set up is certainly not what we are used to seeing down here. Glad no explosions were had.

The skyscraper is very cool :thumbup

Enjoying the updates immensely. Ride on brother. :ride
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For me the pessimistic; a rural picture with parking meters … a real Debbie Downer.

… if you got a parking ticket, a souvenir that would cheer me up.
May you have Fair weather with your travel …
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Awesome that you made it to the Yukon and the weather looks better!!!
Man I miss their Pizzas... I used to get one to go after eating dinner... it was my breakfast and Road Lunch, in-case there isn't any place to grab something before heading to the Remote Sites.
I do love how you are capturing the local Community's History and Culture everywhere you stop! I hope you enjoy Kluane National Park, Destruction Bay, and sitings of Wild Horses of the North, on the way to Beaver Creek.

Just think if you were there in Late June, the sun doesn't set up there. I only appears like dusk overnight. it's a pretty incredible experience.
Still hoping for the Northern Lights sitings but that would be between midnight a 4am this time of year. I always hoped they would make alien Sounds too... but it was just the Winds at -20 to -35C lol!
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Inappropriate bike in inappropriate settings at an inappropriate time of year :teeth

Really loving this ride report. I want to scream "MORE" but alas, I have to wait to see what tomorrow brings.
For me the pessimistic; a rural picture with parking meters … a real Debbie Downer.

… if you got a parking ticket, a souvenir that would cheer me up.
May you have Fair weather with your travel …
Whitehorse ain't rural, they have an airport with full sized planes.
Awesome that you made it to the Yukon and the weather looks better!!!
Man I miss their Pizzas... I used to get one to go after eating dinner... it was my breakfast and Road Lunch, in-case there isn't any place to grab something before heading to the Remote Sites.
I do love how you are capturing the local Community's History and Culture everywhere you stop! I hope you enjoy Kluane National Park, Destruction Bay, and sitings of Wild Horses of the North, on the way to Beaver Creek.

Just think if you were there in Late June, the sun doesn't set up there. I only appears like dusk overnight. it's a pretty incredible experience.
Still hoping for the Northern Lights sitings but that would be between midnight a 4am this time of year. I always hoped they would make alien Sounds too... but it was just the Winds at -20 to -35C lol!
Didn't see any horses, but it sure was beautiful today, weather cooperated again, tomorrow, not so much, but ya gotta take the good with the bad,
Inappropriate bike in inappropriate settings at an inappropriate time of year :teeth

Really loving this ride report. I want to scream "MORE" but alas, I have to wait to see what tomorrow brings.
Glad you're enjoying it, more to come shortly.
Well, today was awesome, the weather was very cooperative, I think it was being nice considering it's gonna give it to me the next two days...

I woke uo at 7:30 and decided to start my day with the local institution. Walked there, so, no moto pic.


After some dawdling and posting on BARF, I got my shit together and hit the road. Skies were relatively clear and other than some showers forecast in the afternoon, it was looking to be a good day. Thankfully the route was short-ish.



After these few shots outside of Whitehorse I took in the scenery from my saddle in an attempt to make time. I eventually stopped (turned around actually) when I saw this cool old bridge by a rest stop.




There was a graveyard up the hill as this place has been habited one way or another for a while


I hung out and ate a leftover bagel from the place I stayed at yesterday and then hit the road again.

I was trying to make time, but damn if the views didn't keep distracting me.



I rode on to Haines junction, resisting the urge to stop for every view. I did stop for brunch however. It also had a view.


and it hit the spot


Full, warm and caffeinated I hit the road again, but first gas, and being a Saturday it was busy. Everyone wanted to meet each other, or maybe it was just these adorable pups.


All the gas stations I hit from Haines Junction to Beaver Creek were out of regular, but stocked up on premium, I felt fancy seen :laughing

But also I kept getting distracted by the views. I missed way more shots than I got.




I stopped a the Kluane National Park Visitor center, the photo makes this mountain look tiny, but it loomed large. They had a scope set up and you could see young big Horn sheep grazing on the mountain side.


That whole area was beautiful. I stopped again at destruction Bay.



Gas station I ended up at is Sikh owned and I guess they are down with motorcycles..

