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Alaska - The ride report

Made it to Wasila. A short, but wet day, it was one and off sprinkling and the roads were pretty soaked most of the day. Luckily it was only about 4 hours to get here, and that is with breaks.

I woke up to rain, as expected, but since I had a shorter day today I took the opportunity to sleep in for a bit. I had some coffee, took a shower and started packing things up. I remembered I had some brisket and potato soup I got from the BBQ spot, so I warmed that up for breakfast. Damn tasty!


While I was doing all this I realized I had Skagway as it's own day, but no hotel. I think I'd originally planned to ride all the way from Skagway, after riding down from Haines Junction. That would have been a tough day so I'm glad I didn't! Hotels in a touristy place like Skagway aren't cheap but I managed to keep the night under $200 and it seems like a nice place. I'm also excited as my brother was there 10 some years ago and told me the local brewery was awesome along with the whole town being very scenic, and cooler once the cruise ships depart in the evening.

It was lightly sprinkling, but also sunny as I was loading up the bike at 11. I geared up and went to look at my hosts bike, as I'd been meaning to check it out since he mentioned I was welcome to. He used to drag race bikes in Florida and apparently knew some big names like Terry Vance. The bike looked legit, he said he's rebuilt the top end before parking it, but it's Alaska so he figured it'd need another rebuild if it was gonna run again.






I got on the road and went to gas up, thankfully I filled my gas bladder as well, I had no idea how far gas was. The machine was very specific about how it took cards, and it took my a few attempts to get the speed right.


There was a bit of clearing skies as I left town, and the views were solid.




I saw this thing and had to turn around a little while later.



There was a couple from Belgium who were touring around in an RV taking pictures, and the husband rode motorcycles so we got to talking about my trip, he was suitably impressed I'd done the miles I had on THAT bike. He wife had looked up this thing and said it was built in the 70s which kinda figures. Too bad it looks like it's melting, I feel like this could be a ridiculous AirBNB.

I realized I only done 40 miles and set out to make some time, a few cars were behind me after a bit as I was not trying to push the rear tire, so I pulled out for shot for this lake to let them by.


I saw a sign for Hurricane Gorge, though that an interesting name so far in land, saw it and of course had to stop. Pretty spectacular.




After a few more miles I was in Denali State park. The road was easy and the everything was green and densely forested a long the route. I there were views above the trees I couldn't see them.

I stopped at Denali View North and confirmed, there was no view.


The rain picked up not long after this, still a light drizzle, but fairly steady. The state park is pretty big, and I became very glad I had my gas bag filled when my gas light came on at a mere 80 miles. I wasn't quite sure where the next gas was. Turned out, it was 100 miles from where I started this morning. I gassed up and the bike only took 3.1 gallons so maybe I had another 30 miles in the tank plus another 35 in the gas bag. Maybe?

Another Hoka Hey rider musta had been through here.


There wasn't much to see that I wanted to stop for on the rain after this, so I pretty much just rode to Wasila. Apparently the towns down here are all big into sled dogs as I saw lots of adverts for that. While I DID wanna see Huskies, I didn't wanna sidetrack, so I kept going. About 15 minutes from my hotel though, I saw a sign for the Alaska Transit Museum which piqued my curiosity.
It was well worth a stop, I feel like someone on here might have mentioned this place. They had every type of transportation imaginable. The place was huge, easily somewhere you could spend a whole (dry) day. They even had spots for picnicking.

They also happened to have the bike of Olliver Plunket, a kid from the UK who rode from the tip is South America to the Artic circle at the age of 18/19 on a Tenere' to raise money for charity (should I be doing a charity thing? Am I the charity case?). At any rate, made my ride seem small and easy compared to his 7 month 24,000 mile trip. He apparently donated the bike to the museum when he finished.




The museum was amazing, they had SO much stuff. Even an Alaskan Railway train converted into a museum.

Alaskan mini bike



Plane engines galore


This was only one section of the outboard engines they had


A few boats


This thing



A museum within a museum



This would be the car you'd find me at on a train..



And the last wooden Caboose ever used on the railway.







All the engines...








The museum was right by the Wasilla airport


It was a short drive through rush hour traffic to my hotel, which consists of 17 rooms over a bar and restaurant. I showered, unpacked, cleaned my chain and posted this update, but now, I believe I'll get get food and drinks at the bar.

I'm happy with anything, if I have a choice, some sort of bourbon, but I'll drink anything from Jim Beam to Eagle rare.and be very happy. Happier with each drink :laughing
I'm happy with anything, if I have a choice, some sort of bourbon, but I'll drink anything from Jim Beam to Eagle rare.and be very happy. Happier with each drink :laughing
Cool. I may have some bourbon, like a Woodford and I have Single Malt Scotch that I'm happy to share with ya, when passing thru Vancovuer. if you're staying in town .. may have access to a couple views of the city if you like.
Cool. I may have some bourbon, like a Woodford and I have Single Malt Scotch that I'm happy to share with ya, when passing thru Vancovuer. if you're staying in town .. may have access to a couple views of the city if you like.
Definitely planning to stay in Vancouver, gotta meet you, and Blankpage and turns out a friend and former coworker of mine lives in North Vancouver. I knew they'd move to Canada but hadn't connected where exactly.
Definitely planning to stay in Vancouver, gotta meet you, and Blankpage and turns out a friend and former coworker of mine lives in North Vancouver. I knew they'd move to Canada but hadn't connected where exactly.
Awesome!!! I didn't know Blankpage was here too... very cool! I'm sure we are all looking forward to meeting up with ya!
Awesome adventure N4teTheGreat! I've been getting stoked reading this and contemplating about inappropriate tires for the inappropriate bike with which to ride to inappropriate places...
Those are often the best places!
Awesome!!! I didn't know Blankpage was here too... very cool! I'm sure we are all looking forward to meeting up with ya!
I'll be quite pleased with myself once I've made it that far south, so I'll be in good spirits!
Well I think a lot of people are impressed you made it that far north. I don't know any biker that's made it past Hwy 16. You'll probably be inspiring alot more people to do this as well! Keep that tire in check and if you need me to assist in getting you sorted for one down here. btw what size do you need and brand?
Amazing report! Following along from Oz....
Well I have till 10:30 to check out today, so lets see if I can get this out before then, otherwise, you'll get a taster.

After a wet, overcast day I woke up yesterday to fog, but a forecast of sun. There was no coffee in my room, and the bartender had been pouring my whiskey generously so, coffee was needed. I decided I'd just go to the cafe downstairs and eat, waiting out the fog.



I did not smother myself in gravy, but for better or worse I order this mess. Reindeer sausage and all.


Suffice to say I would not be stopping for lunch. Which was good, because it took my a while to get going. I gassed up in Palmer, the fair was just getting started for the day, I considered it, but naw. The gas station didn't have a working air machine and I figured I should check my tire pressures at this point. Down the road I found a gas station with a pump, inserted two quarters and nothing. Went into the station, they gave me two more quarters and told me to try again. I fired up with one, so I guess one of my quarters didn't count.

I started with the front tire, only needed one pound or so. I hit it, checked and my pressure had dropped two pounds. I tried again figuring I was the problem, nope, down to 31psi. Crap. I broke out my bicycle pump only to discover it wouldn't really make a good connection with the L valve stem and couldn't really move any air.Crap. I was googling tire shops when I noticed a bike shop across the road. I decided to head over there and see if they'd lend me a floor pump.


The did and I was were I needed to be in no time. I returned the pump, walked out, and then thought better of it and walked back in. I didn't want to depend on just C02 cartridges in the Yukon as my tire gets further worn. So I bought this fancy pump with a hose and capable of pretty high pressures.

Ought to work in a pinch and and I can use it for my bicycles as well.


I should mention the scenery was hitting right off the bat this morning, but I was trying to make time at this point.

That said, about 10 miles out or Palmer it got even better.


A short while later I hit some road construction. The woman flagging motioned for me to jump to the front, so I did. We chatted for the 15 minutes or so I was waiting another rider on a Harley joined us. I told the woman on the Harley to lead because her bike looked nice and my tires were likely to throw gravel on the unpaved part of the road. Well, turns out it was more of a mud / gravel soup because of the rain yesterday. Good thing she was in front as when I got off a while later for another shot (and got passed by ALL those cars, the things I do for this thread :laughing ) my bike was coated in mud.


Since I was already behind slow traffic, I just stopped whenever I saw something cool


The road started climbing and threw me some fun corners, and I was enjoying being on the edges of the tires for a change.

I caught a car and stopped for a shot again


I got some open road and blasted over the pass without any further stops. As I started descending though, this view stopped me. I saw a few cars and figured they were enjoying the view too, nope, flat tire repair.



There was a small plane flying above, probably a sight seeing flight.

A little ways further and I was in Glacier View, and a view it does have!


I stopped at several vantage points, considered taking the access road to the glacier, decided I didn't wanna and just enjoyed it from the road and I cruised on.


Having not gone all that far yet, I focused on making some miles. About here though, I decided it was time for rain gear, for some reason.


Even the gas stops were scenic


Fall is definitely here in Alaska
