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All BARF'ers stop by and say Wazzzup 3/23 at Sears!!

I didn't. Front master cylinder's not popping the lever back...
super_greg_#1 said:
Dave, that's code for 'slept through it.'


What about you Greg?

I mistaking gave the weather forcasts too much credit... but work is busy, so it's just as well to have gotten some of that out of the way before next weekend.
No doubt the 600SB class is extremely competitive. I couldn't stay with the lead pack, so I was in the 2nd group and managed a 6th as my best finish. I rode as hard as I could - got into 54s at BW and 40s at SP - but the front runners were still going 2 seconds a lap faster. If I do the same times on the RC51 this year, I'll be on the box in every Open Twins race! :)
Alex, you arent racing 600 this year then? I was about to add you to the growing list...1:54s at BW and you didnt run with the leaders? :wow

And I was KIDDING about the sandbagging thing guys. Nobody here is even close to sandbagging. Sandbagging to me is winning your class and not moving on, like a bully that stays behind a grade and beats people up.

The "real fast guys" are doing 52s at BW and I think Tigert even did a mid-51. I couldn't come up with another 3 seconds a lap even at gunpoint! From last July's race, you'll notice the top 4 riders were all in the 52s.

I only did a 54.688 during FP when I had a clear lap, but 600SB times were more like 56s because you never get a clear lap... you'll see... ;) It's not the same doing a fast lap without traffic as it is with traffic. I suggest making friends with your competitors and showing them pictures of your wife, your kids, and your dog so maybe, just maybe, they'll give you a little break someday... :)

As far as sandbagging, I really don't think there's a single AFM racer that could do that in 600SB - it's a really, really tough class!
Doin' those kinda times and STILL a couple seconds off???????


Alex...............you ARE fast!!!!!!!!

Good idea, some bribes for those guys you might "accidently" put a wee tight stuff move on in the future...
Another dog on the Bar-b!!!!! :bbq !!!

Hey Mikey-

I think I make a cool dozen BARFers for next weekend. I am headed to NewRacerSkool Saturday :cool :green and planning on running 600SB. My yellow F3 screams "NOVICE!!!" :laughing

Dman- Got a dog for me? :teeth
Dayumm!!!!!!!! 600 class gonna be a BARF event!!!!

Get this damn rain outta the way and it's lookin' good for fun time Kneeeee Dragggin'!!!

Got your "dog".....................Dog!!!!!
:bbq :bbq :bbq!!!!!!
Dmanrides571 said:
Dayumm!!!!!!!! 600 class gonna be a BARF event!!!!

Get this damn rain outta the way and it's lookin' good for fun time Kneeeee Dragggin'!!!

Don't you mean KneeDraggingAction.com?? Yeaaah, Baby!!
sangerz said:
I'll be there Sat. practice and Sun race. Racing Formula1 and Superbike. See ya there!!

Have you repacked your damn exhaust yet? :)
MrCrash907 said:
Have you repacked your damn exhaust yet? :)

Yeah I did but doesn't sound as good. Will have to repack again soon because it's getting louder and louder. Sounds better and better!