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anti-motorcyclist morning show


King of the slab!
Apr 21, 2005
Kawasaki ZR-7, 2000 Triumph Sprint RS (2 wheel money pit)
So I get in my car this morning on turn on live 105.3 see to if by some off chance they were actually playing music. Of course they weren't, but I did catch them saying how they thought it was unfair that motorcycles were able to split lanes, and that we should be stuck sitting in traffic with the rest of the cars. He went on to say it was his pet peeve and would love to see open their car door while a bike was splitting. His two morning show bitches just sat there and agreed how great that would be. What a couple of assholes. Thanks for putting ideas in everybody's heads this morning about motocycles and lane splitting. Asshole :twofinger

ok, end of rant

*****BEST of BARF edit 1/30/08****
Additional threads on threads on this subject are found by searching WOODY LIVE 105


Woody has apologized... you can read it here: http://www.bayarearidersforum.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=149522

This is certainly a heated issue and as a motorcyclist and the owner of the Bay Area Riders forum, I understand the passionate repsonses and actions of our membership. However any threats of physical violence will not be condoned per the TOS. Woody has become a member and he will have the same rights as others per the TOS. I have contacted the station to try and find a solution to the statements that will ultimately benefit motorcycling in the Bay Area, the state and beyond. This issue is getting well travelled around the world in many moto-forums and is another example of motorcyclist banding together to protect themselves from potential risks induced by someones actions, whether intended or not. Riders are mothers, fathers, sons daughters etc. and deserve to be treated with the same human respect as any other citizen in this country. Your voices remain strong and have no doubt made a big impact on our community and beyond.

Members have 24 hours to edit any statements of violence towards Woody or the station. I appreciate the understanding on this issue.

Budman ;)


Here we go again. Live 105 host wants to see Motorcyclists crash...

I was listening this morning to 105.3 around 6:30am on the drive to work and got to listen to how it wasn't fair that motorcycles can lane split and how the dj wants to see someone open a door in front of a lane spliter because he wants to see them "crash hard". He downplayed what he said when a pissed off listener called but a couple calls later someone called argeeing with him and he was back to saying he wants to see motorcyclists crash. Ironically the first comercial after his little anti-motorcycle rant was for a Yamaha dealer.
Contact them and let them know they suck:
Business Line
(415) 402-6700
Request Line
(415) 478-LIVE
Toll free
(800) 696-1053
Sprint PCS

Snail Mail
All written inquiries should be addressed to:
LIVE 105
865 Battery Street,
Second Floor
San Francisco, CA 94111

Even better was if you knew who the Yamaha dealer was that the commercial was for. Call THEM and let them know about it, they'd probably pull the advertising, which would help make live 105 pay attention.
It think it was for one in San Mateo, the name escapes me though.
I didn't hear it - any way to get a transcript? Sounds like that's verging on the criminal - free speech is one thing, but encouraging others to commit attempted murder is another.

Don't these MENSA members realize that every bike splitting past them is one less car in front of them and one more parking space at work? Several gallons less gas used, helping keep prices down?

What a bunch of stupid short-sighted miserable cunts.
if anyone can, keep listening to see which yamaha dealer it is and this way if us barfers get together on this we can at least make a stir in the pot.

call up the dealer and let them know where they're advertising.

rediculous, man. they come from the east coast, fuck'n newbs.

edit: i'm actually on the request line right now. they answered and i told them i heard them bashing motorcyclists. the guys says no, no, no, no, dude. hold on. like he's gonna get me on the air or something? we'll see...
Last edited:
i heard that too, another reason to hurry up ang get in the car so i can listen to sirius and not the dumb, dumber and dumbest show.

all theree of those clowns are from out of state, likely a state that doesn't allow spliting
I never listen to their morning show exactly because they don't play music and the "jocks" are idiots. I just wrote them a scathing email about legality of lane splitting and their responsibility issues if something happens. Isn't 105.3 the station that had that idiot close down the bridge for a haircut? What total dweebs these guys are. Sort of like people who hide behind there computers and spew all kinds of profanity and say "I'll kick your ass" but would never be that way towards someones face. I hope what you said was all true because I really did write a stern one.

so i'm on and i plugged BARF!!!

fuckes hung up on me, but they rephrased what they supposedly stated AND got a "fellow" rider to side on their behalf.

they asked for me to post up that they are PRO bikers :laughing :loser
sweet, wish i could get a copy!!!!
Ezekiel said:
Thank you Ezekiel. :thumbup

Hoax, I had the displeasure of listening to that morning show yesterday on my drive into work. In less than an hour's time I heard the following:
- Host bragging about his six digit salary and the fact that he is only 28 or 29 years old
- Entire morning show crew making brokeback mountain jokes, comparing a gay character in the movie to a sexual predator, one of them says he thinks a lot of gays are sexual predators and then immediately trying to backpedal out of offending gays
- Host disputing the validity of post-natal depression and insanity pleas in cases of infanticide, saying that more women should get the death penalty.
- The crew goes around the room saying where they are from (all from East Cost and midwest), no hint at any radio experience in or knowledge of the California market.
- Then they bring in some granola-eating femminist from Vermont (who's lived in SF for a whopping 3 years) so she can read poetry and plug her gh3y literary blog every two minutes. :rolleyes

I debated starting a rant thread in the KS with the information Ezekiel posted above suggesting these radio retards need to go back to broadcasting school. Thanks for beating me to the punch. ;)

Live 105's current morning crew reminds me of personality scabs brought in while the station looks for a real morning show crew. Let's hope that's the case with these idiots too.

Am I the only one here who wants Alex Bennett back? :confused

F33rNoFish said:
so i'm on and i plugged BARF!!!

fuckes hung up on me, but they rephrased what they supposedly stated AND got a "fellow" rider to side on their behalf.

they asked for me to post up that they are PRO bikers :laughing :loser

They sounded scared :loser

I bet they'll hear about this from management :toothless
105.3 is the worst excuse for a radio station I have ever encountered since Howard Stern left. They promoted a music in the morning show, but now all we have is their idiot DJs pratteling on about nothing. If I have to hear someone talk I would like to listen to a radio talk show host instead of DJs who don't know what they are doing.

And thanks for playing the same seven songs I've been hearing for the last 6 months on my drive home. You guys are great. BTW Coldplay's first album is not "new music from Coldplay" stop calling it that.

I can't wait intil I get Satelite radio hooked up and I don't have to listen to the BS that is SF terestrial radio.