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Becoming a LEO 101

Hey LEO's. Quick questions:

Do your times on the physical tests affect entrance, or do they just care that you pass?

I have a BS (Materials Engineering....don't ask), but looking for a change in direction. However, my grades were horrific (2.5GPA). Is this something that will knock me down, or is just having a BS a plus?

What age do you think it becomes tough for departments to consider you? 35 too old?

Hi again!

Physical agility tests are just pass/fail....a way to weed out candidates who can't pass the basic POST requirements. Departments don't care how well you do, only that you pass so you can go on with the testing process.

A 2.5 GPA is not great, but I wouldn't call it horrific. I would say that really doesn't matter. It is definitely a plus that you have a BS degree. They will want transcripts as part of the background process, but otherwise, your GPA won't even come up. Applications/reumes/oral board interviews, you are just going to list/say that you have the degree. No need to talk about grades.

35 is not too old for most agencies. There are only a few (that I have heard of) that have an upper age requirement. I think CHP has one and I want to say it is 37 or 38?, but I'm not sure. I don't think most agencies would shy away from hiring a 35-year-old entry level officer. In fact, personally, I would question the legality of an upper age limit (age descrimination?). As long as you can meet the requirements of the job....

Good luck in your search and career change. Feel free to ask any other questions that might come up along the way.
I've wanted to be a LEO all my life, or a military officer, but parents never let me so I became a computer engineer. Worked for the last 5 years in the industry and don't see a future here since I don't enjoy it.

Is it hard to become a LEO these days? I know most aren't hiring and have heard I have to sponsor myself through the academy (which is fine if I get a job).

And does it look bad if I quit my job later this year to do a round the world trip for a year?
The problem is if you don't get picked up within 3 years of finishing the academy, your academy certificate is worth nothing. You'll have to recertify and then you'll have 3 years to try again.

Do I see departments hiring large numbers of academy graduates in the next 3-6 years? No.

Laterals? Yes. Academy graduates? In large numbers? No.

The field is flooded right now, I would stay where you're at until things stabilize a bit.

A world trip can be seen as a good thing, so long as you can articulate why you went, what you did, keep clean during your trip and use it as a means to enhance your life experience.
I've wanted to be a LEO all my life, or a military officer, but parents never let me so I became a computer engineer. Worked for the last 5 years in the industry and don't see a future here since I don't enjoy it.

Is it hard to become a LEO these days? I know most aren't hiring and have heard I have to sponsor myself through the academy (which is fine if I get a job).

And does it look bad if I quit my job later this year to do a round the world trip for a year?

Uh, bro, you don't need your parent's permission to be a military officer. Just saying. :thumbup
If you are younger than 42 AND have a college degree AND can pass the Army's APFT, then you can be a Military Police officer. There's a multi-year commitment, just like the enlisted Soldiers, but the pay is better. And you get to go to more meetings, rather than work :teeth. I'll stay enlisted, thank you very much, I hate meetings as they interfere with work. :laughing

And once you finish your first term, you can apply at civilian LEO offices with a smokin' resume, get hired, and go Army Reserves. That will give you TWO pensions when you finally retire. Such a deal I've got for you... :thumbup

Oh, and do your parents still tell you what to do? Sorry, bud. :laughing
LEOs, what are the general statuses of your respective departments regarding budget and hiring "Entry Level" (non-POST cert)?

Scouring the POST.ca.gov and specific departmental websites I have been able to come across several departments with openings. The only problem is that I've applied to these very departments two months ago, if not longer, and have still yet to receive any feedback. With graduation from SJSU looming, I need to open as many options as possible. Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Feel free to PM as necessary.
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LEOs, what are the general statuses of your respective departments regarding budget and hiring "Entry Level" (non-POST cert)?

Scouring the POST.ca.gov and specific departmental websites I have been able to come across several departments with openings. The only problem is that I've applied to these very departments two months ago, if not longer, and have still yet to receive any feedback. With graduation from SJSU looming, I need to open as many options as possible. Thanks in advance.

I'm surprised anyone is hiring entry level positions. I can't speak for other agencies but mine is broke and we are laying people off.
I'm surprised anyone is hiring entry level positions. I can't speak for other agencies but mine is broke and we are laying people off.
I'm surprised as well. SJPD for instance closed off their entire hiring pool.

Dude, B, Nevada is calling you. :laughing

Fuck that place; I'll move to Virginia before I'll ever consider Nevada. More realistically I'm looking at Oregon and Colorado.
Right now we are doing Lateral hiring only. Not likely for much of that either.
Congratulations. Based on a review of your application packet, you have been scheduled to participate in the selection process for the position of Police Officer Trainee.

The next step in the selection process is the written examination. The date, time, location, and estimated length of the test are shown below:

Date: ( Not telling :laughing )
Time: 1:30 PM
Est. Length: 3.5 Hours
Location: ( Not telling either :rofl )

They said to dress casually and wished me good luck, but what am I really walking into?

I was able to study for the ASVAB a decade or so ago for the USAR. but is there a book/online resource for the PELLETB? In so far, it seems that I just have to have a firm grasp of sentence structure, basic mathematics and the ability to ascertain linear logic.

Am I missing something?
And quit posting shit. Backgrounds will have a field day with your posts.
I'm already cursed, but that's for another time.

I'm honestly looking forward to the test.

Man, that's sad. :laughing

( I will clean myself up. )
Congratulations. Based on a review of your application packet, you have been scheduled to participate in the selection process for the position of Police Officer Trainee.

The next step in the selection process is the written examination. The date, time, location, and estimated length of the test are shown below:

Date: ( Not telling :laughing ) 3/21/12
Time: 1:30 PM
Est. Length: 3.5 Hours
Location: ( Not telling either :rofl )Marriott Convention Center???