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Becoming a LEO 101

Jay Reyn said:
Dean Antioch just got a new chief so it has yet to be determined how that will shake out. Some love him and some dont. Look into Brentwood I know theyre hiring also.

Brentwood just got a new Chief too. Stay tuned for how that one works out. Brentwood has a reputation for hiring a lot of laterals and then cutting them when they near the end of their probation. They have a nice incentive for laterals to come over in the way of a $10,000 signing bonus (paid in increments over five years) and a silent second on a home purchase.
...wrote on 12-16-2006 12:40 AM:

Sorry to bug you through PM, but I'm a long time browser and have read many of your posts in the LEO forum. I just had a couple questions for you.

I just turned 19 in November and recently found out the company I work for is going under (I work in the fire safety field). I talked to a Sherriff today and got some pointers on how to get into law enforcement, but I forgot to ask him a couple questions.

1) I understand they do backround checks, but do they also look into your driving record?

2) Does schooling help your chances? If so, what classes or degree should I go for? (I've heard you need to have good english skills)

I've been reading a lot online, but I'd to hear it directly from a good source. Any input is greatly appreciated. Thanks for your help!

For a cop job, they are going to look at everything. Your credit report, driving record, criminal record, job history, school, medical and military records, you name it. They will talk to your neighbors, co-workers, even school teachers and counselors.

To be honest, if you have fire safety equipment experience or most any fire science experience, and enjoy that field, I would work on a fire career. Either get your EMT or get on as a volunteer with a good agency and see if you can springboard that into a solid fire career.

I don't mean to be negative but, police work has changed significantly over the past 21 years that I have been doing it and I only see it getting worse. I could write a book, but suffice to say that while a few things have improved, for the most part, it is not the same job and while I believe there is more integrity in the field that there was when I started, there is more distrust, oversight, second-guessing and criticism than ever before. It seems like when something goes wrong (and it will sometimes), no matter what you did or why, you will get sued and the Admin will tell you that you did it wrong or should have done it differently. False accusations are the norm and over time, they still tend to tarnish your reputation no matter how careful you are. Nowadays, you can't really do your job without stepping on toes and people are quick to complain. If you are doing your job worried about false complaints and accusations, then you are not DOING your job.

Most agencies are finding they are having difficulty with new officers and firefighters that have too little life experience and come into the job while they still live with their parents. At 19-21 years old, it is hard to have banked "life experience" without getting into trouble. The best advice I can give is to become self-sufficent as soon as practical. Do some volunteer work as time allows. Get involved in a charity, the community, sports or politics. Those types of "hobbies" can also get you some valuable networking connections and references that may help you out later.

As for a degree, police and fire departments like for applicants to have a 2 or 4 year, but they really don't care what field it is in. Public administration and business management are common degrees for managers in the public safety field. I know a lot of young guys try to do a bee-line with AJ courses and I think it is really shortsighted. The PDs truly don't give a shit about an AJ degree over any other degree. The bad thing is that if anything happens along the way, you don't have a fall-back and are pigeon-holed into a law enforcement career.

If you are the kind of person that doesn't study unless it interests you, then AJ is a fine choice. Otherwise, I'd pick a major based upon a fall-back career plan that would work for you if you were injured or involved in a scandal that you have no control over (it happens) or falsely accused of something and put out of the field (that happens too).

Get a 2 year degree in anything. Consider a fire career and stay out of trouble. By the time you are 21, you should have made a few connections and may have a better idea where you want to be on your 25th birthday. Set some good goals and you'll do fine.

Good luck and keep us posted on your progress! :thumbup
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^^^ Also if you like both fields: Look into Sunnyvale or Rohnert Park's public safety program (Fire and Police in the same agency).
Just wanted to say that I'm appreciating all the tips in this topic - in the process right now myself, and you guys have been helpful.
just got a ticket by a chipper this morning, whatta bummer.

what disadvantage, if any, would I have getting into a PD with a few tickets on the record?
Typically traffic cites are no big deal. Just be sure you don't get a handfull of them and none are for big numbers like 25- 30+ over the limit.
And that drug experimenting, make sure the scabs are all gone and you're golden!
F33rNoFish said:
just got a ticket by a chipper this morning, whatta bummer.

what disadvantage, if any, would I have getting into a PD with a few tickets on the record?
I had 3 tickets when I started, all were over 3 years old. Exhibition of Speed, speeding for 20+ over and an unlawful left turn (4-6 pm, issued at 4:03pm). Time heals all wounds... except domestic violence! ;)
damn, 4:03! that must have really hurt.

dom. vio. is very close here...my wife is very close to kick'n my ass on a daily basis!

motorman4life said:
(4-6 pm, issued at 4:03pm). Time heals all wounds... except domestic violence! ;)
so, I just completed the physical agility and the written for SJPD today.

I have my oral tomorrow! SWEET!!!

Any suggestions?
F33rNoFish said:
so, I just completed the physical agility and the written for SJPD today.

I have my oral tomorrow! SWEET!!!

Any suggestions?

Pass it.:laughing
I am considering the LE route myself right now. I am just not sure if it is really what I want to do, can't explain why, maybe it is just anxiety of a huge change. My background:
-Graduated early
-Joined the military at 18
-Will be in for over 10 years when I get out in early '08
-One ticket for a illegal left turn when I was 16
-No drug use
-I like to think I work hard, but then again, not as hard as one of the guys I work with, that is for damn sure
-Joined the USCG mostly to make a difference (only service that has a peace time mission), but I can't see the forrest (the good) through the trees (office politics). I know every career is like that, but...
-I have to pass a physical fitness test every six months; 32 push-ups, 36 sit-ups, 5 chin-ups, 12:51 1.5 mile. I can pass with more to spare (though I don't feel like I am in good shape)
-Will have my Associates soon, working towards a Bachelors.
-Crappy hours no problem, weekends okay, recall alright.

My doubts are:
-Do I want to stay with a military type regiment for however many more years (hair cuts and grooming, ranking structures, etc). I know that civilian jobs have those to in reality (even if not written).
-Poor credit situation, that really isn't my fault. I know that sounds like BS, but alcohoism in my family did some destructive work, and no, I am not the drinker (I don't drink)
-Very little weapons experience. I like guns, but I don't own one (not counting a pellet and paintball gun :D), so my proficiency is pretty low (but I am sure I have the ability to be average at least).
-Low confidence, just worried that I wouldn't be good at it. I know I am a good mechanic, which is what I do now, but I have no experience with LE stuff.
-Time away from family for training

I considered the CHP for a while, mostly to be a moto officer (I love to ride, so why now?). But geographic stability is a concern. I don't know if I want to have to do the time in smaller towns, either with a long commute or being a geo bachelor. I have done that enough being active duty. I have considered the Boarder Patrol as well, but then I have 6 months in Georgia (FLETC), which again, I have spent enough time away from home. I can do it, but I would rather choose not to.

What are some thoughts of the current LEO's on my situation? I know it is up to me no matter what, and I am leaning towards the LE field anyway. What other options are there besides local officers, CHP or Boarder Patrol?

I am going to work on ride-alongs soon with various agencies. Need to work out the time between work and school first.
F33rNoFish said:
so, I just completed the physical agility and the written for SJPD today.

I have my oral tomorrow! SWEET!!!

Any suggestions?

If you went to the little practice seminar they provide, those are good questions to practice.
F33rNoFish said:
so, I just completed the physical agility and the written for SJPD today.

I have my oral tomorrow! SWEET!!!

Any suggestions?

If you went to the little practice seminar they provide, those are good questions to practice.
apparently I'm one of those long time cases. I took my written in the spring, had physical in June, Interview in August, then my file went to backgrounds, and next week I have an interview with backgrounds and polygraph, medical next months. It sure takes a while.
the only thing i see you having a problem would be your credit history.

everything else is fine, i'm sure.

you probably have an upperhand just because you're military.

not sure if this will work, but there's a way to repair your credit, if you're interested.

send me a pm.

good luck with your decision.

Sidewalk said:
I am considering the LE route myself right now. I am just not sure if it is really what I want to do, can't explain why, maybe it is just anxiety of a huge change. My background:
-Graduated early
-Joined the military at 18
-Will be in for over 10 years when I get out in early '08
-One ticket for a illegal left turn when I was 16
-No drug use
-I like to think I work hard, but then again, not as hard as one of the guys I work with, that is for damn sure
-Joined the USCG mostly to make a difference (only service that has a peace time mission), but I can't see the forrest (the good) through the trees (office politics). I know every career is like that, but...
-I have to pass a physical fitness test every six months; 32 push-ups, 36 sit-ups, 5 chin-ups, 12:51 1.5 mile. I can pass with more to spare (though I don't feel like I am in good shape)
-Will have my Associates soon, working towards a Bachelors.
-Crappy hours no problem, weekends okay, recall alright.

My doubts are:
-Do I want to stay with a military type regiment for however many more years (hair cuts and grooming, ranking structures, etc). I know that civilian jobs have those to in reality (even if not written).
-Poor credit situation, that really isn't my fault. I know that sounds like BS, but alcohoism in my family did some destructive work, and no, I am not the drinker (I don't drink)
-Very little weapons experience. I like guns, but I don't own one (not counting a pellet and paintball gun :D), so my proficiency is pretty low (but I am sure I have the ability to be average at least).
-Low confidence, just worried that I wouldn't be good at it. I know I am a good mechanic, which is what I do now, but I have no experience with LE stuff.
-Time away from family for training

I considered the CHP for a while, mostly to be a moto officer (I love to ride, so why now?). But geographic stability is a concern. I don't know if I want to have to do the time in smaller towns, either with a long commute or being a geo bachelor. I have done that enough being active duty. I have considered the Boarder Patrol as well, but then I have 6 months in Georgia (FLETC), which again, I have spent enough time away from home. I can do it, but I would rather choose not to.

What are some thoughts of the current LEO's on my situation? I know it is up to me no matter what, and I am leaning towards the LE field anyway. What other options are there besides local officers, CHP or Boarder Patrol?

I am going to work on ride-alongs soon with various agencies. Need to work out the time between work and school first.
backgrounds next, baby! ;)