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Becoming a LEO 101

RCJonB said:
I have a question for those in the know...I'm applying to be a LEO and have already taken my first written test here in santa cruz. However, I've had two knee surgeries back in high school, and I'm fine now, but how do they look upon stuff like that in regards to hiring new recruits? Anyone?

Not regarding the medical exam, but can you jog/lightly run 4-5 miles? They expect that out of you as a recruit for most academies. Our last academy lost 1 recruit due to physical injuries.
Cool. I can definitely jog for miles, my knee hurts every now and again but it never puts me off my feet. I guess I'll see when I take my physical tests.
As I do not do PM responses, I have added this to this thread for the benefit of all here....

Undisclosed wrote on 09-17-2007 04:39 AM:
I know you are very active in the LEO forums and I've noticed your posts always have a lot of helpful, factual info. With that said, I was hoping I could ask your opinion regarding my background for <Confidential> PD.

I recently took my polygraph test with a private company in <undesclosed>. I was truthful during the process (admitted everything in the pre-interview- which coincided with my background packet).

The poligrapher explained that he would ask me two sets of questions (I believe 8-10 like you explained in another post) and could repeat each set of questions up to four times.

He asked me three sets of questions and then said "ok...we're all done". I asked him if I passed and he told me that he doesn't speak in terms of pass and fail. I can't remember his exact words, but I think he said there were no discrepencies.

The thing is, I could have sworn that the piece of paper I signed before the test stated that I would be told after the test whether I passed or failed.

I may be just worrying too much, but I wanted to ask what you think. Does this seem like a common end to the test?

My response:

Don't sweat it. It sounds like you did just fine. If they add a second set of questions or start shaking their head and ask the same questions over and over, then you need to worry. From what you wrote, you did okay. I believe they will tell you if there are any discrepancies or issues of concern... he said there were none, so you are fine.

Best of luck with the rest of the hiring process. <Confidential PD> has a lot of good cops and an overwhelmingly supportive community (despite what you may have heard or suspected). Like any town, 2-5% of the people are shitheads. Well, in <Confidential> it may be more like 6%.. :D But, the remaining 94% are just trying to get by or are trying to improve their lives and their community.

You'll see. If you treat people the way you would want to be treated in the same situation, you'll see what I mean time and again. Of course, you'll come across the assholes and you'll need to deal with them accordingly. That said, is is easier to ramp up when needed than to back down.

RULES FOR 21st CENTURY POLICING: Use your head and don't get sucked in to a situation that could cost you your life or your young career. Let them escallate it and ensure it is clear (to any witnesses, your partners and in your reports) that your response was warranted and reasonable.
I just passed my polygraph exam for the Santa Cruz Co. sheriff! All I have left now is the psych evals and health exams -- my BI is currently in the midst of calling all my refs and doing my background checks, but I have no doubts I'll get through all of that. The polygraph was stressful but really not so bad. Plan on passing as long as you are truthful and have no huge skeletons in your closet.

Academy is in late Jan. if all goes as planned!! *fingers crossed.*
If nothing catastophic happens, dec. 17th will by my first day in the ASCO academy. Wish me luck.
giusepi- Good luck and your in for a fun ride:laughing Just finishing mine this week; it does get better as it goes, write that down.
I'm enlightened! This thread totally explains what motorcops are doing all day!

Yes I have, actually I just did the tour this past tuesday. It was "enlightening" to say the least. The logistics of running a place with 4005 detainees is like running a mini-city.
1 deputy "keeping the peace" between 300 odd inmates in a pod is an idea that will take some getting used to, but knowing the the whole place can be locked down in less than 15 seconds and a mass of grey shirts to help anyone in trouble 30 seconds after that is comforting. :thumbup
...but knowing the the whole place can be locked down in less than 15 seconds and a mass of grey shirts to help anyone in trouble 30 seconds after that is comforting. :thumbup
Those time estimates are optimistic, best-case-scenario numbers, trust me. 30-50 seconds can seem like a lifetime when you are getting your ass kicked and/or fighting for your life. Not to discourage.. merely further enlighten. :teeth
Non Affiliate graduates, don't come to the oral thinking you know it all. Don't give your answer before the question is even completed. We just dumped on for it.:thumbup We don't need a know it all.
Those time estimates are optimistic, best-case-scenario numbers, trust me. 30-50 seconds can seem like a lifetime when you are getting your ass kicked and/or fighting for your life. Not to discourage.. merely further enlighten. :teeth

Just to add, anyone consider a career at a SO that runs a detention division: It's a great learning experience, (aka "How to make new friends and win over people." :rofl). There are some good pay offs, like learning survival skills in a more controlled environment and running into the same people or their family members on the street. Also the duty assignments are very diverse to what you would find with most PDs.:thumbup

Giusepi- best of luck w/ ALCO:)