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Becoming a LEO 101

Thanks Dragon. My mass psych exam is this weekend, i heard it was something like 400 questions. I also heard one of the questions is "have you ever thought about killing yourself?" I wonder if thats the last question...i dont know what my answer would be after making check marks for 4 hours. :laughing
I wanted to be a cop, but my background investigator told me I was too "immoral" :twofinger

No, I'm not making that up.
Well I just took the psych exam and let me tell you it was WAY more than 400 questions. Mine was about 1000. I had one booklet that was 434 questions and the other was 350 or so. Then there were short answer questions as well as another 50 or so question scantron. Holy shit I've never filled in so many bubbles and I've taken a lot of tests...
Well I just took the psych exam and let me tell you it was WAY more than 400 questions. Mine was about 1000. I had one booklet that was 434 questions and the other was 350 or so. Then there were short answer questions as well as another 50 or so question scantron. Holy shit I've never filled in so many bubbles and I've taken a lot of tests...

So, would you rather be a florist or a librarian?
So, would you rather be a florist or a librarian?

Also seen on the test, which in my estimation also had about 1000 questions.
"true or false, I would enjoy being a journalist covering local theater"

and about 300 versions of "Have you ever thought about suicide?":rofl
Yea haha! You'd get questions like: "I would enjoy being a nurse." T/F then: "I have plans about how I'm going to kill myself." T/F then "I have a healthy appetite."

So, would you rather be a florist or a librarian?

Ha! And the question really was 'do you think you would enjoy the work of a librarian?'. How do I know, you ask? I recently spent the greater portion of the past Sunday in Vallejo taking said test. :teeth

Just waiting on results from the SPB interview. Ugh need to get started on that 26 page background paperwork. The hardest part for me is going to be to track down ex supervisors and co-workers from the places that no longer exist. :cry
That's funny...mine had the 25 page book to fill out first, then all the tests.

It sounds like the requested date for major paperwork is different with each division. The guy ahead of me in line at the PAT said he had to have it on that day when he tested down in LA. Both times I have tested up here, it was required until after the written and PAT. Shouldn't be too hard. I just found my packet with the old book I submitted 8 years ago. Now just have to fill in the gaps. Funtimes
.... I just found my packet with the old book I submitted 8 years ago. Now just have to fill in the gaps. Funtimes

Very very good advice. Make a copy of the first background packet you fill out. If you get hired you only wasted a couple bucks making the copy. But if you have to fill out a packet for another agency you have all the info right in front of you.
So I was at the Alameda County Regional Training Center this past saturday doing a few "baseline" tests with my academy mates, and we all realized except for 1 ex marine, that we need to be in better shape. I myself am seemingly balanced, meaning in need help in all areas. I need to run about 15% faster, do about 15% more pushups in 1 minute, about 15% more situps in one minute, and increase my benchpress 15% to get to my body weight. Of course, losing some more weight will help that out. Basically I have 1 month to get my ass into gear.
Oh yea, somebody hurled after the 1.5mile run :bigbarf
So I was at the Alameda County Regional Training Center this past saturday doing a few "baseline" tests with my academy mates, and we all realized except for 1 ex marine, that we need to be in better shape. I myself am seemingly balanced, meaning in need help in all areas. I need to run about 15% faster, do about 15% more pushups in 1 minute, about 15% more situps in one minute, and increase my benchpress 15% to get to my body weight. Of course, losing some more weight will help that out. Basically I have 1 month to get my ass into gear.
Oh yea, somebody hurled after the 1.5mile run :bigbarf
I'll give you that if you feel you are out of shape, that is likely the case. It takes a mature and secure person to admit it.

I don't want to interfere with your plans to get fit.. but, I can tell you that you can see a 10% to 20% increase in push-ups and sit ups by improving your technique. Most people do them wrong and between improving posture and conserving energy (not wasting what you do have) , you could probably hit your targets in a few days w/o killing yourself. Benchpress may see up to 10% improvement by cheking your positioning, breathing and posture. The run.. well, the key is to NOT stop running. If you have to walk in a 2 mile run, you are a deadman and will not meet the standard. That, my friend, is all about getting lots a rest, eating right the day before, pacing yourself, conserving energy (avoiding excessive and unnecessary movement) proper stretching and ensuring you get enough oxygen while running. For me, if I take my allergy meds and open up the sinuses with flonase and/or vicks inhaler.. I'm golden. If I don't, I can't meet the target for my age.

So, eat right, get a good spotter, try some different stretches to get warmed up properly, ensure you are using the optimum technique and posture for YOUR body, get plenty of sleep and try to work harder and SMARTER. I see a lot of people struggling with PT that waste more energy than they put to use toward their test results. Don't be one of those people.

Best of luck.
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I'll give you that is you feel you are out of shape, that is likely the case. It takes a mature and secure person to admit it...........I see a lot of people struggling with PT that waste more energy than they put to use toward their test results. Don't be one of those people.

Best of luck.

He hit the nail on the head.

I'm in this situation myself, and have physical fitness bogies I need to hit. Several months ago I tested myself and got a negative 2 points out of a needed 12 minimum. I dropped the money for a physical trainer, gave him my test requirements, and I could likely pass right now (if not barely fail) and I have a few months of time left.

He has me training all parts of my body, and cranking out the excersises one after the other that it also turns into a cardio workout as well. For push ups I am doing 200 a day (with breaks), and on training days I crank out those 200 in within 30 min. The focus is perfect form with the chest almost hitting the ground.

The running is scaring me, I still am not up to par on it. I have a new thing I am doing were I run this 7 mile loop around my house. I mix up sprinting and jogging in that 7 miles. The goal is to do that without stopping to walk.

The catch is I have to push, I have to keep pushing until I am going to die, and then I have to push some more.

The goal is
60 sit ups in 1 min.
300 meters under 50 seconds
71 push ups
1.5 miles under 11 min.

That will get me 22 points at least (out of 40).
So I was at the Alameda County Regional Training Center this past saturday doing a few "baseline" tests with my academy mates, and we all realized except for 1 ex marine, that we need to be in better shape. I myself am seemingly balanced, meaning in need help in all areas. I need to run about 15% faster, do about 15% more pushups in 1 minute, about 15% more situps in one minute, and increase my benchpress 15% to get to my body weight. Of course, losing some more weight will help that out. Basically I have 1 month to get my ass into gear.
Oh yea, somebody hurled after the 1.5mile run :bigbarf

I think I saw you guys in the gym...good luck to you, and run your ass off as much as you can!
except for 1 ex marine

You mean former Marine. A roommate of mine is one, and he was out in Dublin doing some tests on 11/10. Prolly not the same guy though.

Anyhoo, I'm curious about one thing. I've occasionally thought about becoming a LEO, but the one thing holding me back is my checkered past. Not that I have a criminal record or anything -- it's completely spotless, as are my driving and credit records -- but I've lived in many different places and held many different jobs over the past 20 years, most of them at companies that no longer exist.

In other words, I don't imagine I'd be able to pass the background investigation -- not because of my sordid past, but simply because I wouldn't be able to fill out the bloody form in the first place.

Is this a valid concern?
vaara- Mine had a few holes, because I lost touch with people. Just fill it out as best you can and explain it to your BI; dig up as much as you can before you get the packet, most places don't give you long to record your last 10 years.

I was just wondering if anyone has any experience with Antonios Uniform in Richmond. I was thinking of getting my class uniform and PT gear from him, but after calling he seems a little bit pushy.
Any positive or negative experiences?
I was just wondering if anyone has any experience with Antonios Uniform in Richmond. I was thinking of getting my class uniform and PT gear from him, but after calling he seems a little bit pushy.
Any positive or negative experiences?

If you don't feel good about Antonios, you should try Adamsons in hayward. A majority of people from my class, as did I, went there to get our pt gear and uniforms and there weren't any problems. Just don't go there last minute