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Becoming a LEO 101

I use to go to Antonio’s when I worked in that part of the woods, now it’s just not convenient for me. He is a good guy but very busy and short staffed. I always got my stuff right away, but he has to like you. When I went to motors I got some stuff there just because I needed it right away and he took care of me. I think he still does the CHP and CDC academy gear so if you catch him when one of those are about to start he will be very busy.

I got my vest at Adamsons, good place also and a great price for our vest through our department. But also not convenient for me.
Thanks for the advice. I ended up going to Antonios because he "guaranteed" that everything would be ready on time and exactly the way I needed.

I didnt notice any BP vests over at Adamsons or Antonios, do you have to ask to see them?
I use to go to Antonio’s.... I think he still does the CHP and CDC academy gear so if you catch him when one of those are about to start he will be very busy..

Some of my co-workers have gone to Antonio's, with mixed results.

I've used:

Summit Uniforms and LC Action in San Jose.
Galli Gear in Santa Cruz.
Thanks for the advice. I ended up going to Antonios because he "guaranteed" that everything would be ready on time and exactly the way I needed.

I didnt notice any BP vests over at Adamsons or Antonios, do you have to ask to see them?

Vests have a 5 year life so they don't stock them except for a demo unit or two. They are made to order so they don't get made until you order them.
If you can get your dept. to pay for it this is a great vest; it's what they bought for all our officers. And we got a great deal on them.

LC Action- helllloooo Darci! She wants me.

PS- for a free set of earplugs, what does the "LC" stand for?
For anyone interested. Here is a sample of what the academy life is like.

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my number 1 goal is to be a FF/paramedic, but my neighbor has convinced me to atleast apply and test for pd jobs.

i've got a test with opd next weekend, well see how it goes
When either going through FD/PD background check, and they ask you if you have ever done drugs, do you tell the truth? I've been told that if you say yes, it can automatically disqualify you.

I've smoked weed twice, both times when i was under 18
Just be honest. No matter how small of a detail it is, or how long ago it was, just be honest. If you get caught lying about something, every agency you ever apply with will find out.

When either going through FD/PD background check, and they ask you if you have ever done drugs, do you tell the truth? I've been told that if you say yes, it can automatically disqualify you.

I've smoked weed twice, both times when i was under 18
I had my OPD test today. You have to be 20.5 to take the test, and i missed the mark by 7 days. I talked to a oakland test supervisor and they said i could take the test, but i cannot be accepted into the first academy, which is going to start in MAY. I was very suprised when they said MAY. They've got written, oral, pt, psyq, back, chiefs interview all within a couple months. very impressive

anyway, nothing exciting about the first part, just normal english questions/reading comprehension/definitions etc etc etc.

the second part was a lot different then any test i've ever taken. they gave me an essay on officer fitness, then every sentence or 2, they would leave a blank spot, with a specific amount of letter spots. you would then have to guess the word, and write and bubble in the first letter of the word.

i finished 3rd out of 125ish, and i thought i got around a 90%. Not bad for my first PD test
Rank 3??!! Congrats!!! That's a pretty worthy accomplishment...

And God knows, we need more officers here!

Good luck, and be safe,
Rank 3??!! Congrats!!! That's a pretty worthy accomplishment...

And God knows, we need more officers here!

Good luck, and be safe,

sorry, I turned in my test 3rd! lol. I wont know how i finished for another couple weeks, but i'm pretty sure i passed
If you're interested in other types of LEO jobs - have you looked at probation/parole? I don't know about there, but up here in Placer County it's a pretty cool job, stable, pays well. We're always hiring. I'm an officer here and I totally love my job. My assignments have ranged from armed field supervision to family counseling to investigations and I've only been an officer for 2 years. Always something new and interesting. I'm one of a few officers assigned to recruitment detail (which basically means I go to job fairs every couple months and interview people at the college campuses), so if anyone in the Sacramento area wants more info...feel free to hit me up.

Just out of curiosity, does anybody know what probation work is like in the bay? I'd imagine it'd be a little more hardcore there than up my way... I bet there are some good stories...
I had my OPD test today. You have to be 20.5 to take the test, and i missed the mark by 7 days. I talked to a oakland test supervisor and they said i could take the test, but i cannot be accepted into the first academy, which is going to start in MAY. I was very suprised when they said MAY. They've got written, oral, pt, psyq, back, chiefs interview all within a couple months. very impressive

anyway, nothing exciting about the first part, just normal english questions/reading comprehension/definitions etc etc etc.

the second part was a lot different then any test i've ever taken. they gave me an essay on officer fitness, then every sentence or 2, they would leave a blank spot, with a specific amount of letter spots. you would then have to guess the word, and write and bubble in the first letter of the word.

i finished 3rd out of 125ish, and i thought i got around a 90%. Not bad for my first PD test

I took the OPD written exam the first week of December and received my results sometime between Christmas and New Years. Either way you're looking at about 3-4 weeks. If you pass you'll be set up for the Oral Interview and regardless of the results of the initial interview you'll receive a Personal History Questionnaire (PHQ). As mentioned before by Rel, be honest. In todays world people experiment, get a few too many tickets, or have an episode of bad credit responsibility. Rest assured though, MOST mistakes are not automatic DQs. Lying however is an automatic DQ, and you'll hear that more than once during your hiring process. Good luck and take mental notes at each stage if you decide try other agencies.:thumbup
i got my results back on friday and i passed. i think i got a 48.5 on the test, but i dont remember what its out of. i've got an interview on the 11th