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Calaveras to Sierra Rd. cycling excursion...


Staff member
Jul 14, 2004
...between bikes
BARF perks
AMA #: 1028914
Mr. Crash and I ended up doing a little bicycle ride this afternoon. We decided to ride Calaveras and add onto it a part of the recent Tour of California: Sierra Rd. This ended up being a tough ride! (not shocking really...) Calavares wasn't bad and it was gorgeous at this time of year, but I was holding back a little on the way up initially to save my legs for later on. I'd heard too many things about the Sierra climb to dismiss it as a short wart on my overall cruise and I wanted to be ready for it. I was right. Sierra is a friggin steep hill! We came up from the "city side" and we were told that that way is most difficult which gave me a little solace since I was panting for 10 minutes after hauling my butt up it. I barely made it--the first part is the worst and then it evens out. It also has some breaks in it where it flattens out or has a brief down hill.

The entire ride wound up being a couple hours longer than it should have been. Both Mike and I got two flats each. We ran out of spare inner tubes and were hoping we'd have enough patches to last us. We also had our fair share of encounters with wild life. Mike had near misses with two turkeys on separate occasions and I ran over a ground squirrel. I looked past the little bugger figuring that as long as I held my speed and trajectory that he'd choose NOT to run under my tires. I was wrong there. R.I.P. little rodent. And, no, I didn't stop for him.

Final tally:

62 miles covered
a few thousand feet climbed
4 flats
2 close calls with game fowl
1 ground squirrel death

Here are some photos...

Just starting out in (un)Pleasanton


1st food break. Gotta fuel up for the big climb coming up!


This seemingly disgusting, half-eaten piece of fruit would be the most cherished treasure on the top of Sierra.


It looks benign here, but that little ribbon of road is a vengeful bitch. The small bit of orange at the bottom of the shot faintly reads KOM: King of the Mountain. It's the top of Sierra Rd.


No matter how unhappy I was riding up, this guy was worse off. 230 lbs. and a standard double. No, I don't really know what that means, but what I gather is that he don't have my granny gears and he's hauling the equivalent of two of me up that damned mountain. He gurgled something at me as I passed. He eventually made it up. [thumbsup]


It was purdy up there...


Rolling hills n crap...


The visibility wasn't great, but you could easily see Lick Observatory on top of Mt. Hamilton. [thumbsup] It's the gathering of tiny white specs at the top of the highest hill in the distance.


There's a group who calls themselves the Open Space Authority. It sounds very "Brazil" to me. I'm going to make up a group and assign it very unimportant tasks. And I shall be queen of this group. Yes. Queen.


....to be continued.
Here are our trusty steeds. Time to mount up and head back down!


..but not before we got a flat...and more flats! Mikey is my personal AAA roadside service. I made lame jokes and provided other comical relief during this process. I think he and I both agree that it works best this way.



Metal things and tires don't really work out so good.


Here's an artsy shot for good measure, because ya know how bicycling makes me all contemplative n stuff. I'm deep like that, yo.


I'm really good at climbing hills because my legs are 16' long. Here's proof!

Wow, awesome job you two! Cat 1 climbers! That's a serious amount of climbing and mileage. I did the exact same ride during the TOC with less miles! :thumbup

Oh and here's a tire changing tip for Mr. McCrash. It's easier to blow up a tube if you put your lips on the stem.:teeth

Nice pics and nice legs! 16ft legs is a bit of a stretch isn't it? :p I crack myself up.


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I don't know what a "Cat 1" climb is, but if it gives me street cred with real cyclists then I'll take it. :laughing I *barely* made it up, so let's not get too excited. My heart and my legs pretty much went into auto pilot and took over the entire operation. Mike timed us. He beat me by 58 seconds, but I think I could improve on that. When I saw him climb off of his bike and lay down on the ground I knew that was the summit so I clicked it up a few gears and tried to shave off some time. He checked our "rankings" against some other race on the same climb and neither one of us would have finished last--but I think I can keep my day job. :cry

The day was really unusual with all the flat tires and animals running in front of us. I nearly ass-packed Mikey (and not in the good way :p) when he slowed for one of the turkeys. My approach with the ground squirrel was a bit different, and it didn't pay off. Those guys are bigger than they look! I've smooshed a few smaller things on the moto, but never on a bicycle. That's a pretty gross thump that they make. I was just glad that he didn't get flung up into any moving parts. I wasn't in the mood to clean up blood and fur. :mad
Good grief, that sounds like a dandy little epic road ride! good write up. Some of those roads look like the wind could have been even more punishing than the climbing...

ha, decrepit 1/2 eaten bananas: "there's no sauce in the world like hunger"

health problems preclude riding for me right now and i miss it terribly; good to get a cyber-contact-high tho :laughing
I know that road well. Brought back some memories. I used to do the Calaveras and down Sierra (or the other way sometimes if I wanted a steeper climb) short loop which was about only 13 miles or so for me almost weekly back when I rode a lot. Though I've only done the long way (to Pleasanton) in my car or on he motorcycle.
Good grief, that sounds like a dandy little epic road ride! good write up. Some of those roads look like the wind could have been even more punishing than the climbing...

ha, decrepit 1/2 eaten bananas: "there's no sauce in the world like hunger"

health problems preclude riding for me right now and i miss it terribly; good to get a cyber-contact-high tho :laughing

The wind was welcome or barely noticeable for most of the ride. Conditions were near-perfect for a lot of it. I had on my riding knickers and kept putting on my lightweight windbreaker over my short-sleeved jersey. I had on arm warmers for the last 20 miles because evening was approaching. And that's when the wind kicked up. The last 5-10 miles of riding through Pleasanton had a decent amount of rolling hills/mostly uphill and a stiff headwind. I was fine on the flats and could kick it up into the big gears and cover some ground, but as soon as we'd hit an ascent, my legs would start complaining. Sierra ate had had her way with my thighs and they whined whenever I asked more of them. I was pretty tired that night, but made Mikey and me some fresh wheat pasta from the pasta maker with fresh pesto, a green salad, and we finished up with home-made persimmon ice cream. I had to do something to thank him for all his efforts! That and he is racing today and his girlfriend is out of town, so I wanted to put some good food in him. :thumbup I didn't eat a ton last night, but I woke up only because my stomach was growling. I just polished off one bowl of cereal in record time and am gonna hit the tub of cottage cheese to see if that fills me up. I afraid to know how many calories I burned up yesterday. :laughing
That's why I would sometimes start it by riding up Sierra first. It's about 4 miles of pretty stiff quad burning climbing, but then it's mostly flat or downhill after that.
Nice ride :thumbup Did that loop a few years ago when I still had some semblance of shape, but didn't get any flat tires... are they planting glass and nails up there now?

Just FYI, Cat 1 = the fastest category of "amateur" racers and a "standard double" means two chainrings on the front, no granny gear.

Man do I ever know that feeling re: otherwise unwanted food. Foolishly rode a 120 mile flat loop in my teens without eating first and at the 114 mile mark, I found a run-over Twinkie on the side of the road... hell yeah I ate it :laughing
Man do I ever know that feeling re: otherwise unwanted food. Foolishly rode a 120 mile flat loop in my teens without eating first and at the 114 mile mark, I found a run-over Twinkie on the side of the road... hell yeah I ate it :laughing

:laughing:laughing I went out on a bicycle ride with my dad many years ago and we stopped to eat a banana. We threw our banana peels on the barbed wire fence when we were done. I dunno why, but it seems like a lot of people do this. Anyways, this dude came riding up and asked, "You done with those?" My dad gave him a :wtf look and answered yes. The guy ate the damned peels. :rofl I've never seen anything like it. We bumped into him in the parking lot several hours later. I guess he'd bonked and was desperate.
It looks benign here, but that little ribbon of road is a vengeful bitch. The small bit of orange at the bottom of the shot faintly reads KOM: King of the Mountain. It's the top of Sierra Rd.


OMG! I know that spot, I had sex there once! :teeth

By the way, you and Mike are sick in the head! :thumbup
That was a fun ride :) I'd normally be a little bent out of shape about all the flat tires, but somehow we were laughing about it the whole time.

DH: Hold on! Another flat!
Me: You got another flat? You should get some tires like mine - I haven't gotten a flat yet.
DH: Knock on wood!
Me: Shit, there's no wood around here. Not even a fencepost...

Guess what happened less than half a mile later :)

My Garmin says we did 5,500 feet of climbing, while the Klimb.org route mapping utility says we did around 4,500.

I didn't think the climb was so bad the first time I did it, when I went up to watch the Tour of California. For some (stupid) reason, I thought it would be kinda fun to time trial it this time. Man, that hurt - I remember getting all lightheaded with a tingling sensation in my limbs when I unclipped after reaching the summit.

The results (and how we would have placed in the WEBCOR King of the Mountain ride):

Me: 37'00" (107th of 141 in Men's Cat 4/5, 176 of 231 overall)
DH: 37'57" (10th of 16 in Women's Cat 4/5, 186 of 231 overall)

P.S. That half banana saved me. One of these days, I'll eat and drink right during a ride... :)
P.S. That half banana saved me. One of these days, I'll eat and drink right during a ride... :)

My brother was on the Cal cycling team when he was in college and tells me stories of what food they would pack in their jerseys for meets: burgers, KFC, bacon... :wtf:laughing
That was a fun ride :) I'd normally be a little bent out of shape about all the flat tires, but somehow we were laughing about it the whole time.

DH: Hold on! Another flat!
Me: You got another flat? You should get some tires like mine - I haven't gotten a flat yet.
DH: Knock on wood!
Me: Shit, there's no wood around here. Not even a fencepost...

Guess what happened less than half a mile later :)

I completely spaced that. :rofl The ground squirrel "incident" happened right after you fixed the flat.