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cleaning up motorcycle communities image saving dirt bike parks


New member
Jan 6, 2005
san jose
YZF R6 CR125 CRF250 supermoto ttr125 flattrack
I am Deion Campbell, I run / race for a professional road race team. I am working on cleanining up the image of motorcycle riders. And I think the "dirt bikers" are in the same problem. When you hear dirt bikers or street bikers, everyone that doesn't know the sport thinks of the guys closing freeways down with side shows, beating up uber drivers or just running from the cops. Yes California has a big following of motorcycle rider however there is a bigger general population that's not educated to motorcycle laws and reason behind it. A lot of people get upset for motorcycle splitting lanes because they don't know it's when following the law it's safer for the riders as well as cuts down traffic. They don't see that, they only remember the people trying to split lanes at 80mph that over all scares them. I am trying to spread to word to get people to calm down on the streets. Jerry Brown is cutting the OHV park funding while giving California legislator raises. California legislator are the highest paid legislators in the nation yet they keep cutting funding from our riding communities. We are making it easy for them to do so with our behavior on streets. I will work to get the government to set up designated riding areas for the stunt riders so they can take the side shows to the stunt parks rather than the streets, while working on keeping the funding going for our dirt bike parks. It will reduce accidents and bring a better light to our community and help educate the general population.

Any supports that want to help the cause please feel free to contact me at. Any riders that read this should be interested in supporting this. This is your future, if we just let this happen Jerry Brown will make it almost impossible to ride in this state.

Deion Campbell Racing
Facebook Deion Campbell Racing
Hey Deion!
I just came across this again. I must have sent you a PM earlier. It was cool meeting you a couple weeks ago and letting you try the Alta.

The fight to save our OHV program continues. I understand A.B. 1077, the good bill, is dead, and S.B. 249 still needs to be modified to remove millions of dollars of added and redundant bureaucracy.

I think one of the best things we can do to improve our image is become more engaged with our legislators. If each of us takes a little time to call and chat with their staff and say we are not holigans it makes a big difference. We are students and althletes and doctors and lawyers engineers and architects and plumbers and busnesspeople etcetera.

The haters communicate with legislators continually.
I'll update the SB249 thread in the Riders Rights forum.

Garrahan Red Sticker day at the Metcalf track this Saturday.
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