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Comic strips,and Troll Faces, etc. (NSFW images must be linked & labelled)


Okay, I laughed.
If it was only that easy to spot those mother fuckers. Every damn person her thinks they don't have to speed up until they are on the interstate. It freaks people out on the interstate when I get on because by the time I hit the start of the merge lane I am already at 70-75. Semis are always moving over but when I hit that at speed they move back behind me like oh shit someone actually knows how to get on the interstate.
I thought people in California were bad drivers...Tennessee takes the cake. People here will literally pull up to the end of freeway onramps, stop and hit their left turn signal while waiting for traffic to "clear". I shit you not. I see it daily. :wtf
Cali drivers are horrible for a lot of other reasons although one that took the cake was a lady who stopped on a sweeping right hand turn that merged onto Monterey Hwy near where I lived. I went through that intersection so often I had already seen the light change and wanted to beat the traffic so I sped up and was watching the cars coming from my left and she stopped right in the middle of the turn so I had to cut to the inside to make it past her as I wouldn't have been able to stop before ass-packing her.

Here in the swamps my biggest pet peeve is the people who camp out in the fast lane and will not move over for anything because god-dammit they are doing .5mph over the speed limit so that makes them fast lane travelers.
Here they could be doing five miles per hour under the speed limit and they still won't get out of the left lane. Literally no one cares about keep right except to pass anymore.
People here will literally pull up to the end of freeway onramps, stop and hit their left turn signal while waiting for traffic to "clear". I shit you not. I see it daily. :wtf


We can't link to specific times in the videos, but skip ahead to around 2:19-2:20.