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Crashed on redwood road


I was asking Solomon if he thought I could sell it for $2k now. :laughing

Unfortunately the engine cage got bent up when I got hit last month so I removed it. There are quite a few more battle scars on it now

Maybe if I sticker bomb it enough no one would be able to tell? :teeth

Rag, haven't you heard? Zipties and stickers fix pretty much everything. Except for flats though. Gotta take the tire off and sticker that shit from the inside, otherwise it'll never hold air. But you know how to do that now, thanks to Jackie, right? :thumbup You're a certified tire tech now homie!

On the real though, how ya feelin today? Day after can be brutal once things start to swell up. Are the Day After pills working? (Chill out folks, not trying to offend anybody, or everybody for that matter. Just making a maybe not so funny, too soon?)
...Unfortunately the engine cage got bent up when I got hit last month so I removed it. There are quite a few more battle scars on it now...

You're kinda rough on the equipment, do you think the bikes will last to the end of summer?

P.S. Glad to hear you are not busted up...or under a car.
Hopefully the pain meds are kicking in and you're snoozing on the couch. Glad it was not more serious and extra crossed fingers that your hand is fracture free.
Hope you're on the way to feeling better, man. Glad you survived with your good spirits intact.
Heal Quick Rag.

Good on you Solomon.
You're kinda rough on the equipment, do you think the bikes will last to the end of summer?

P.S. Glad to hear you are not busted up...or under a car.

Getting hit by an inattentive driver means I am rough on my stuff? Really? :rolleyes

I've escaped with a fractured hand and ankle. I didn't opt to take any pain killers yet.
Ouch! And you went and did that right after we met?! I'm feelin for ya. Heal fast. You're gonna need that hand to operate the tire changer!
I break my ankle and my bike gets totaled by an inattentive driver. So I go on BARF and want to buy a new bike, and the owner of said bike goes and gets in a wreck as well. What're the odds on that? Hope I didn't acquire some weird road curse... Quick, somebody buy me a bell for my bike! My road demon got jealous that I might try and pick up a better bike and tried to bring it down too.

Seriously though, get well soon Rag, summer is a shitty time to be injured. When we're both healed up lets take whatever our new bikes turn out to be down to Alice's and share stories of how bullshit it is to be injured during summer.
I think I saw you riding down and threw you a wave that day (I was with a group of three, blue SV, fz09, and a cbr500). Glad you're alright man.
I am glad you are ok, You really were leaning that day too.
we were both aware of the feelers dragging, and now that you think of it you did mention your foot being pushed up from it too.

I seen Lolcastsb, I was on a wr250x.

ooh and I loosened the bar risers and aligned the handlebars, much better.

Also I hope your insurance handles the crash.
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I'm pretty sure my peg feeler just dug in. A good chunk of it is gone. I didn't hit the brakes mid turn because I didn't think I was entering the turn too fast and had committed to the turn already. I think a combination of lean angle and bumps caused the feeler to catch and I went down. All I remember was a ton of scraping from the feeler and then sliding on the road.

I felt my line was good and wasn't drifting towards the inside or outside of the corner so I'm not sure what went wrong. Either way I think I got pretty lucky as is.

That's how my first crash happened... scraping pegs on street is scary!

Do you know what part of redwood road you were on when you crashed?

Glad you're ok cookie monster. We also met at t-hill a month ago.

I think I saw you riding down and threw you a wave that day (I was with a group of three, blue SV, fz09, and a cbr500). Glad you're alright man.

Sebastian, I sent you a PM... check yo inbox
Thanks for the good wishes everyone! :)

I think I saw you riding down and threw you a wave that day (I was with a group of three, blue SV, fz09, and a cbr500). Glad you're alright man.

I think I remember seeing your group ride past but that whole experience was a blur, to be honest.

I'm only out for 6 weeks. Can't wait to get back on a bike already!

I am glad you are ok, You really were leaning that day too.
we were both aware of the feelers dragging, and now that you think of it you did mention your foot being pushed up from it too.

I seen Lolcastsb, I was on a wr250x.

ooh and I loosened the bar risers and aligned the handlebars, much better.

Also I hope your insurance handles the crash.

Yeah, dragging peg like that should have been an indication to slow down, but I'm an idiot. :laughing

I'm actually not going through insurance. Other than a snapped handlebar (for which insurance already paid me out from the previous accident), everything else is just cosmetic and not too expensive or hard to replace. I also have a $1k deductible and it's not worth the increase in premiums so I decided against it.

BTW I LOVED your bike. If you still have it in 6-8 weeks I'll still be interested. :teeth

That's how my first crash happened... scraping pegs on street is scary!

Do you know what part of redwood road you were on when you crashed?

Glad you're ok cookie monster. We also met at t-hill a month ago.

Sebastian, I sent you a PM... check yo inbox

I crashed near the base of Redwood Road. I've been meaning to make a post in CA but it's hard to type with one hand.
Castro Valley I believe?

Always the CV side. There are so many cracks and roots in that section of road. I can specifically think of 2 rather nasty ones over on the Castro Valley side heading toward Oakland. There's one right after a turn and then another one mid turn not long after. Hate those two with a passion.