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DataDan's body of work - easy access

This is excellent! Thank you! What an awesome legacy DataDan left for us :applause
I will be using that legacy to try to get some more Motorcycle Safety stuff done. Meeting with CHP/AMA/ABATE etc later this month and I have an idea on how to use it.
Thanks Budman. I still am in shock about Dan. Somehow I figured he'd be around forever.
My shoulders are beginning to get pretty crowded when I ride, What, with Craig Hightower, Gary J, JoGo, and now DataDan all sitting up there telling me what to do and sometimes making me laugh out loud while I'm on two wheels.

Thanks Budman fr this link to links :love
So awesome to have all this in one place. Thanks DataDan for making us all a little bit safer! :applause

Thanks for the PM on the broken link. Fixed that.

Appreciate you catching my mistake. Mucho!
Shared the OP with the CHP/ OTS etc. at the CMSP meeting just now.

Based on one of the suggestions I made at the meeting will formally submitting for use of some of the funding the Committee has access too.
Shared the OP with the CHP/ OTS etc. at the CMSP meeting just now.

Based on one of the suggestions I made at the meeting will formally submitting for use of some of the funding the Committee has access too.

Right on!!! : thumbup
Feed back .... is hell yeah!

So proud to be in a position to do this.

All because of ya'll.

Barf rocks
Sorry in advance for the cross-post, I already asked this over in the LEO section because, sometimes they have access to this kind of thing. Then found this thread <facepalm>

I've been scouring the inter webs looking for crash data comparing 2-wheel vs 3-wheel motorcycle crash statistics. Haven't been able to find same.

It seems that the government produced reports lump 2&3 wheels together. The non-government articles are generally from law firms, draw no conclusions, and are riddled with "click here to get a lawyer" links.

Reason I ask, I'm a part-time basic riding instructor, and as of a couple months ago, added a TriGlide to the stable. Going after my 3-wheel instructor cert next week. Nothing in our curriculum talks about 2 vs 3 wheel safety statistics. We quote statistics all the time "38 times more dangerous than a car", "80% chance of getting injured in a collision compared to 20% in a car", "left turning vehicles involved in 20% of motorcycle fatalities" etc. It's just it would be cool to know 2-wheel vs 3-wheel
I have not seen any. I just looked a SWITTERS and NHTSA and while Dan was an expert at that I am not. Found nothing.

Found this here
Table 1 shows the results of the mixed linear model. The model showed factors that affected the log transformation of motorized 2–3 wheelers death rates. The significant factors were GNI (p = 0.025), motorized 2–3 wheelers per person ratio (p < 0.0001), percentage of helmet wearing rate (p = 0.046), and the interaction between vehicle per person ratio and motorized 2–3 wheelers per person ratio (p = 0.016). No significant differences in mortality were seen over time. This was confirmed using post hoc analysis (p = 0.38, Friedman test) (Fig. 1). Although non-significant, the global mean motorized 2–3 wheelers death rates increased from 2.37/100,000 population to 3.23/100,000 population over the studied decade (a relative ratio of 1.36).

More info HERE

I tend to think they are a bit safer really. I think, but don't know for sure:
1. They are less likely to be in solo vehicle accidents.
2. They are less likely to be riding at higher speeds.
3. They are still just as vunerable in terms of injury.

If you find anything else report back!! :thumbup