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Did this forum get disconnected?


Member #294
Apr 28, 2002
Crickets in here. Or maybe every single and possible LEO question has already been posed...
The new forum software requires Leo's to do a quadruple verification including DNA submittal. I am sure they will get back after they figure that out. :p
In case anyone is wondering, all active members still have access to this forum. Since you were asking about activity, I decided to check and all is well.
Or maybe every single and possible LEO question has already been posed...
This is the most likely case.

Back before I discovered the "new posts" button I only visited General, Leo, and Garage. It took me many years to figure out how to check for the latest posts. I never claimed to be real sharp in all areas. :laughing
The new forum software requires Leo's to do a quadruple verification including DNA submittal. I am sure they will get back after they figure that out. :p
I think its the anal probe that's keeping people away.

I'm over 50 and was in the military. I'm used to those kinds of "verification tests."
Some people clearly can’t take a hint. I ain’t saying who but....
I miss this forum being active. Motorman4life, Silversvs, Rel, Brash...and others all helped this community understand better where the law lies on many things and shared a smile to show they were humans that cared about fellow motorcyclist.

They remain valued guys that I would love to see.
I think its the anal probe that's keeping people away.

I'm over 50 and was in the military. I'm used to those kinds of "verification tests."
My money is aversion to "double dip" probing...
I miss this forum being active. Motorman4life, Silversvs, Rel, Brash...and others all helped this community understand better where the law lies on many things and shared a smile to show they were humans that cared about fellow motorcyclist.

They remain valued guys that I would love to see.
All those guys retired- and one just became a County Supervisor
I miss this forum being active. Motorman4life, Silversvs, Rel, Brash...and others all helped this community understand better where the law lies on many things and shared a smile to show they were humans that cared about fellow motorcyclist.

They remain valued guys that I would love to see.

So how do we build this place back? I love forums - threads, no Meta algorithm tellin me what I can and can't see, easy-to-follow what's new. I do love what MotoForo forums offer.

Thoughts on how to get new members to discover the awesome that's here?
I miss this forum being active. Motorman4life, Silversvs, Rel, Brash...and others all helped this community understand better where the law lies on many things and shared a smile to show they were humans that cared about fellow motorcyclist.

They remain valued guys that I would love to see.
Not sure what happened to Mike and Silver...I know the latter was talking about getting burned out towards the end of his time here. Steve is a politician now and doesn't have time for us anymore. :laughing
It's been months- hasn't that fired KTVU news dude hit (with his car) someone else yet? Or did he get a new job? His on-air partner Hainer just announced her retirement.
Silversvs (John) was instramental in getting me involved with the State... his suggestion to the CHP that I present at the OTS safety summit which went well other than following Steve Young :laughing

I hear he was off to restore firebirds in his post Leo life. Great dude who continued to give to this community throughout his stay.
Silversvs (John) was instramental in getting me involved with the State... his suggestion to the CHP that I present at the OTS safety summit which went well other than following Steve Young :laughing

I hear he was off to restore firebirds in his post Leo life. Great dude who continued to give to this community throughout his stay.
Remember his celebratory motor day's in Livmo? He did two or three of them, BARF was always there.
Of course!! We combined and made one a BARF Bash in 2011 and the barf band boys played some rock n roll.
(TZ, kornholio, rythemrider). Went to look for a pic. Could not find it and once again felt distain for PhotoFuckit. Damn dead links. :(
Of course!! We combined and made one a BARF Bash in 2011 and the barf band boys played some rock n roll.
(TZ, kornholio, rythemrider). Went to look for a pic. Could not find it and once again felt distain for PhotoFuckit. Damn dead links. :(




This is still weird. I suggest some sort of contest or something get fired up, maybe a BARF day at a bay area PD with a motor unit? I'd suggest a BARF/CALSTAR meet up, but since Tracy left CALSTAR after I did, they've not hired anyone to take over- but if that's got interest I could likely work it out with CALSTAR. This forum needs CPR...
Lead us man!!! I agree something would be good.