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Do You Mountain Bike?

Sounds like this will be a good test for the Fox Vanilla coil shock I just picked up!
Hey, maybe you should try and sell it to Gregory. It won't fit his bike but neither have any of the other shocks he's purchased. Obviously, the "right size" is not a criteria. :laughing :laughing :rofl
Boy am I gonna be in trouble for that one
Can anybody on EBAY use a F%&&*NG ruler!!!??

Two shocks I buy on ebay advertised as 7.5" arrive, and theyr'e both 7.875!! I ordered a third, and if it shows up too long I'm sending the seller a pipe bomb!!

This weekend is gonna kick ass.
Very sad I'm missing it because my new bike

Going to get an 08 kona five-o to replace my busted giant :thumbup


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Two shocks I buy on ebay advertised as 7.5" arrive, and theyr'e both 7.875!! I ordered a third, and if it shows up too long I'm sending the seller a pipe bomb!!

This weekend is gonna kick ass.
Very sad I'm missing it because my new bike

Dude, I can so hook you up. Just so happens I know a guy that makes bombs. Yea, his name is Ted. :teeth :laughing :laughing

I need bombproof bikes for commuting, full suspension is just more effort
Intense Tracer Frame for sale. sz Lg

I have a frame just like theat gaudy red thing a few pages back. Mines white though.
It is a kick ass XC bike.
I will include a parts swap and fitting with the sale.
Not sure how to attach a pic, so pm me for it.
Hey Joe, how long do you figure we'll be out there for? I'm still coming up with a transportation plan.
I have a frame just like theat gaudy red thing a few pages back. Mines white though.
It is a kick ass XC bike.
I will include a parts swap and fitting with the sale.
Not sure how to attach a pic, so pm me for it.

you suck... (in that it's tempting to want another one) well I don't fit the large anyways. Wickerman 777 is looking at FS though. pm me that pic and we'll post it here. also pm the price you're asking.

Thanks, Sonny
Excellent ride guys! A bit cold in the morning but the trails more than made up for it! :thumbup This was very nostalgic for me! Nice meeting you guys! Joe, Doug, Ryan, Mike. Can't wait to see some pics! :teeth
Fun ride at China Camp yesterday...too bad it started to rain, we would have done another loop:p

Sonny and I did end up going on another ride after a couple of geometry tweaks to the bikes. We rode the West and East Ridge loop (~8.1 miles) It consists of mild to moderately challenging fireroads. The clockwise direction we took yesterday led us to a mildly technical ~3 mile descent, followed by a ~2.5 mile somewhat advanced technical uphill section. The downhill is pretty sweet and quite technical in parts with lots of cross rutted sandstone that requires some attention to lines. The uphill technical section was made challenging by irregularly shaped and sized large slabs of rocks, effectively creating a sort of stair-stepping terrain, along with short drops and some loose dirt and rock. Fun trail!

The XC setup definitely made a HUGE difference for both of us. Thanks Mike!
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Santa Cruz was amazing. Mind blowing. It's been a long time since I've ridden anything even remotely close to that. A million thanks to Doug (dking) to showing us around.

Before the trip, Harpo told me to take the full-face and to wear pads, if possible. I questioned it at first, as I know he takes every possible precaution before a ride. As we jumped the first log not even 30 seconds into the ride, I was glad I listened to him.

The day started with some stunts by Ryan (Pakow):

Next up was a bit of a jump to a smooth transition in the forest. Once again, Ryan comes through, outdoing all the guys on Downhill / Freeride bikes on his Specialized Epic Cross Country bike.

Not to be outdone, Harpo bombs a mega steep, loose descent.

I looked at it and thought "No way". Then some guy and his girlfrend dropped in on it.

Rubbing salt in the wound is Merrick / Muggzy, who dropped in on his 22 lb hardtail. In all seriousness, suspension or not, uphill or downhill, Merrick kicked ass out there - it was pleasure riding with ya!

Ryan tried a number of times to do a balancing act on a fallen log.

He finally gave up when his bike protested, biting him in the leg:

With Doug / dking holding the camera, here's the gang - Joe, Ryan, Merrick, and myself.
