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Do You Mountain Bike?

Definitely a good ride. Nice meeting you all. My pleasure showing you all around. I'm glad you all enjoyed it. Just gotta do it again sometime soon.

Harpo and I had another great ride on Sunday shuttling up in Auburn. What a weekend. See ya on the triails. :cool
Video time!

Harpo dropping in on the steep, loose, rutted descent - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VhBUBQtGAo

A guy and his girlfriend drop in on the same descent - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aln9YQR59yc

Merrick drops in on his hardtail - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=joQo9-jldEo

Ryan practicing a few balance skills - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfQTJPVy-ps

Ryan unsuccessfully tries to scale and ride the log - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZOkMOvNiSk

Thanks again for showing us a great time, Doug. Looking forward to next time!
Okay Mike, you're just on it. So I got off my duff and uploaded my videos. Unfortunately, I lost quite a bit of footage because of a bad cable connection (alot of the helmet cam footage). Here's what I got...

Ryan on the Z trail jumps - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dgJ8HWr2zE

Upper Dead Campers - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgkx2AsWQLM

Merrick drops in the steep chute - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpe0v6XODMw

Ryan on the log - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPonUq-iieE

Ryan on the log again - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMF6Ipbzh7A

Ryan one more time, but the bike bites - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SMiuyzWg64
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And in case some of you are interested in the trails we rode in Auburn...

Murderers trail - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-gboo6U34o

Rocky trail - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFNelSy_0N8
(Joe will remember this trail for a while...)

I've got more footage from this day, but the other descents were longer and YouTube didn't like the large file sizes... I'll have to figure something out and then post them. Hope you liked... :cool
I just took up Unicycling, it sort of fits into mountain biking. You see, I am going to start Mountain Unicycling, or Muniing! :teeth

I am very excited! I just got my Uni in the mail 5 days ago, and I have already taught myself how to free mount and to ride about 500 feet. I guess that is unheard of? At least that's what my Chiropractor says, he has been Muniing for about 10 years now.

Guess I'm just good at riding... horses, motorcycles, now unicycles! :rofl

Does anyone else on here uni? If so, let me know! I'm totally stoked to start meeting more people to go uni with! :thumbup
Absolutely Great Shit This Weekend!!! :thumbup
Can't wait to do it again.
UCSC is da-bomb!!
Auburn is da-megabomb! ! ! !

Holly shit was that place fun.
And for us old guys, the more padding you can wear, the better you are, .... as proven by my first DH fall in months.

Damn young wipper-snapper cut me off and then slowed down abruptly. Rather than run him over I tossed the dice, took the gamble and grabbed a handful of front brake in the knarliest of rock gardens. CRAPS!! :( I lost! ... Let the show begin. A few bike acrobatics and an inverted ariel preformed flawlessly by your truley. :wow No worries though, my super-duper specialized helmet and all my gear did their jobs flawlessly with the exception of bruised right palm. An unwelcome, but yet small price to pay for all the 2 wheeled chaos this weekend :teeth :teeth :teeth

Definite hats off Merrick. Rippen it up on the Hardtail. PS. that's gonna hurt in a few years.
Sorry, no hats off to Ryan. I just expected you to tear us all to shreds and anything less would have just been a let down. You rock dude!
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Santa Cruz was amazing. Mind blowing. It's been a long time since I've ridden anything even remotely close to that. A million thanks to Doug (dking) to showing us around.

Before the trip, Harpo told me to take the full-face and to wear pads, if possible. I questioned it at first, as I know he takes every possible precaution before a ride. As we jumped the first log not even 30 seconds into the ride, I was glad I listened to him.

The day started with some stunts by Ryan (Pakow):


I remeber watch a buddy ride off the back of a truck like Ryan but he got his back wheel caught some how and face planted with a difficult degree of :laughing by the rest of us watching
20% off at Sportsbasement Walnut Creek this Sunday!

It's friends and family day at Sportsbasement in Walnut Creek this sunday starting at 2pm. Free food/beer/wine and 20% off everything in store. Including bikes. There's a bonus for whoever brings in the most people, so please say that Gregory the mechanic told you to come.
Tell everyone you can.
Wow, that was a flippin sweet ride! Santa Cruz rules.

All of these crazy terrain features and built in obstacles are just flying at you from everywhere! Flowing Esses, Big Hips, Doubles, Step-Downs, Step-ups, Berms, HUGE DROPS, Brutal Climbs, Log Rides, High Speed Runs, Low Speed Technical Stuff, Super Steeps, Skinnies, and plenty more.

Huge props to all of us for rippin it up all day long! And thanks Mike and Doug for the Pics/Vids. Nothing like reliving an epic Saturday ride on the internets on monday! :thumbup

Merrick was absolutely smokin on the hardtail, when i saw him drop in on that chute i was like "ah Fak!". Of course after the flat and about a million lost chains I'm sure he is thinking of joining the FS darkside... don't fight it dude...

Joe is pretty effin fast on the decents too, of course he just straps himself to that 50lb boat anchor and lets gravity do the rest. He sure does a nice job hanging on though! :twofinger
edit: just read his last post, forget about the hanging on part.

I can't wait to go back. Besides, i have a score to settle with that damn log.
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It's friends and family day at Sportsbasement in Walnut Creek this sunday starting at 2pm. Free food/beer/wine and 20% off everything in store. Including bikes. There's a bonus for whoever brings in the most people, so please say that Gregory the mechanic told you to come.
Tell everyone you can.
Hey, I'm not going unless there is gonna be something to eat and drink there. And what's the name of the guy that we are supposed to say that we know? ? ? :twofingerX2
PS. How much does it cost?

Joe is pretty effin fast on the decents too, of course he just straps himself to that 50lb boat anchor and lets gravity do the rest. He sure does a nice job hanging on though! :twofinger
edit: just read his last post, forget about the hanging on part.



Absolutely Great Shit This Weekend!!! :thumbup
Can't wait to do it again.
UCSC is da-bomb!!
Auburn is da-megabomb! ! ! !

Holly shit was that place fun.
And for us old guys, the more padding you can wear, the better you are, .... as proven by my first DH fall in months.

Damn young wipper-snapper cut me off and then slowed down abruptly. Rather than run him over I tossed the dice, took the gamble and grabbed a handful of front brake in the knarliest of rock gardens. CRAPS!! :( I lost! ... Let the show begin. A few bike acrobatics and an inverted ariel preformed flawlessly by your truley. :wow No worries though, my super-duper specialized helmet and all my gear did their jobs flawlessly with the exception of bruised right palm. An unwelcome, but yet small price to pay for all the 2 wheeled chaos this weekend :teeth :teeth :teeth

Definite hats off Merrick. Rippen it up on the Hardtail. PS. that's gonna hurt in a few years.
Sorry, no hats off to Ryan. I just expected you to tear us all to shreds and anything less would have just been a let down. You rock dude!

yesterday in berkeley... +1 (roxy) rolling the dice on the front brake, but at least she took a shot at the desent.
me- learned to fall in clipless shoes, twice while turning, once for no reason, and one wheelie to far back stabbing the rear brake landing crossed up assplant.
^Ah geez:laughing:cry:laughing

I picked the right day to leave my elbow guards at home:| Twas supposed to be a "mellow" ride..
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It's friends and family day at Sportsbasement in Walnut Creek this sunday starting at 2pm. Free food/beer/wine and 20% off everything in store. Including bikes. There's a bonus for whoever brings in the most people, so please say that Gregory the mechanic told you to come.
Tell everyone you can.

There's also the same sale at the Sports Basement in Sunnyvale on Thursday the 13th!!!
Definite hats off Merrick. Rippen it up on the Hardtail. PS. that's gonna hurt in a few years.

Thanks for the props guys.. Hurting in a few years?! :wtf I was sore Sunday morning when i woke up! A few years back, i didn't remember being this sore like this and wounds would heal quicker! I think age is slowing catching up!

Huge props to all of us for rippin it up all day long! And thanks Mike and Doug for the Pics/Vids. Nothing like reliving an epic Saturday ride on the internets on monday! :thumbup

x2 :thumbup Yup thanks Mike and Doug for the pics and video's

Merrick was absolutely smokin on the hardtail, when i saw him drop in on that chute i was like "ah Fak!". Of course after the flat and about a million lost chains I'm sure he is thinking of joining the FS darkside... don't fight it dude...

OH~ The itch to go FS again is coming back! :D It's just finding the $$$ now.. I know! No presents for anyone this season! :teeth

Joe is pretty effin fast on the decents too, of course he just straps himself to that 50lb boat anchor and lets gravity do the rest. He sure does a nice job hanging on though! :twofinger
edit: just read his last post, forget about the hanging on part.

I can't wait to go back. Besides, i have a score to settle with that damn log.

:rofl Naw, gottah hand it to Joe, he was pretty fast! Especially with 2 guys with XC bike on the flats.. AND with one bike weighing like 1/2 his 'boat anchor' :thumbup
Sunday at China Camp with Lisa, Sonny, and Roxy was a good time as well. After two straight weekends at Annadel, Lisa wasn't sure how fun China Camp would be - turns out it was still a good time, as she ran from me on the climbs with huge improvements on the descents.

Here's Sonny and Roxy making their way to the top of the two-mile climb:

Lisa and Roxy size up a rocky, rooted descent:

There's a creative caption for this somewhere... ;)
