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Do You Mountain Bike?

we'll be on the west-east ridge loop today.

Sounds like your ankle isn't too bad then. :thumbup

Im gonna head up there now. I should be there just after 3. I'll look for you guys. :)

Muggzy....MUGGZY... you know you wanna!
Sounds like your ankle isn't too bad then. :thumbup

Im gonna head up there now. I should be there just after 3. I'll look for you guys. :)

Muggzy....MUGGZY... you know you wanna!

spinning helped alot to loosen it up, and I had an excuse to get a banana milkshake at sparkys, did you get our message?

We gotta start earlier so we can do more than one run.
You people work? Try this... (I sprained my ________ and need to go ride trails er um HOME TO ICE IT!!)
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Message?:confused you mean treats?:laughing We thought you'd get hungry in between loops:p

Trail condition was just like yesterday...smooth and empty!:)
You guys suck. Come to the South Bay. I'll ride. :)

I'm also down for whatever Saturday and Sunday. I really want to start riding often.

Why's that GPS watch so cheap! It's normally $400 bucks. Maybe I'll get one..?
Weather is nice and dry!:teeth

I'm up for a couple of loops at Redwood, or several at JMP:)

That GPS watch IS cheap.....hmmmmm
I don't care how cheap that watch is, I'm not spending another dime on the bikes until next year :x

You think it'll still be on sale in 10 days? :shhh
The watch is more of an "interesting toy" for mountain biking. I actually bought it for triathlon and running events, where I'm probably overdependent on it. It's like I'm running with a speedometer / odometer / tachometer / GPS, and I always know if I'm on track for making my time goals.

The heartrate data it keeps is pretty interesting too.

The clock is ticking and no one is posting.

Who's riding this weekend, and where?
I'll be riding Sunday afternoon, not sure where, but definitely n00b friendly as I will be taking Tracy out on her new ride. Monday morning I'd like to do a ride, probably do Skyline to ER/WR loop and back, or do a loop of Chabot. Either way from my start point it's a 16.5 mile ride.
I'll be riding Sunday afternoon, not sure where, but definitely n00b friendly as I will be taking Tracy out on her new ride. Monday morning I'd like to do a ride, probably do Skyline to ER/WR loop and back, or do a loop of Chabot. Either way from my start point it's a 16.5 mile ride.

It might be kinda fun to find my "lap time" for ER/WR - I'm tempted to try it :) I'm also kinda curious as to whether or not I can clean $2 Hill on the Specialized...

As far as newb friendly rides go, my votes would go to Coyote Hills by the Dumbarton Bridge, or an out-and-back on the Shoreline trail at China Camp.
It's possible - would you be interested in going? I can put together a few route options for riders of different ability levels.

Yeah, I'm interested. I haven't ridden my MTB in a while, but I do know how to pedal. I figure I'm in the newbie category. I'll catch people on the ups, but lose them on the downs for sure!