Easter Morning Sunrise ride 2024 - March 31st


Apr 5, 2002
San Jose, bottom of dirty 130
‘18 Alta EX006, ‘17 Alta MX019, 06R6, 05TM530 Black Dream, 01TM250 2T, 91ATK406
BARF perks
AMA #: 1093637
The San Francisco Motorcycle Club cordially invites you to join us on the annual Easter Morning Sunrise Ride to Mount Tamalpais
1st Segment:
March 31st
SFMC: 2194 Folsom St. @ 18th st.
Doors open @ 4am
KSU @ 5am

I now lurk on BookZuck and found this. I am gonna try to go. Fun times.
I now lurk on BookZuck and found this. I am gonna try to go. Fun times.


think Munroe Motors gets full credit for organizing the event and seeing that the gate is open for us this year. :angel

couple gratuitous pics—the venerable Mt Tam Easter Sunrise Ride is an awesome time, when the weather cooperates:



the white dot in the sky on the RHS of this pic is the nearly full moon, which we can usually count on seeing on the Tam Easter Sunrise Ride (when the weather cooperates), since Easter is a movable feast and our full moon before Easter will be Monday, March 25th. :party


my friend Kate was at Tam Junction this year, sporting my favorite electronic neon motorcycle vest ...

for you North Bay types, or those of us who want to sleep in a bit more, the usual meet-up is Tam Junction in Marin at about 5:30 am, or you can just ride up for the parking lot scene at the top of Mt Tam—sunrise is at 6:56 am on March 31st. :ride
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OK. :laughing

However...this is in Group Rides and Butch gets forum wide credit bro.
it’s in my mental calendar.

aka, remind me johnny. :laughing


hopefully, if the weather cooperates, we’ll see Mr budman and Mr Butch on Mt Tam this Easter at the SFMC coffee truck. :party


I will roll out from the donut shop at the very end of Oak. :D
In, I may roll out with people, or solo, depending on how timely my awakening that morning is :laughing always a fun time.
Did a few of those years ago,always cool but leaving here at 2 am was tough.
Johndice knows. :)
I am told back in the day folks would just party in SF the night before and then head straight to TAM, what could go wrong?
I am told back in the day folks would just party in SF the night before and then head straight to TAM, what could go wrong?

I am interested in your ideas and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

(Not really. I need to go ride the SMR after this is over.)
I am told back in the day folks would just party in SF the night before and then head straight to TAM, what could go wrong?

I can neither confirm nor deny that I stayed at Zeitgeist once from closing until time to roll for the Easter Ride.
Man are those times behind us. :afm199

But I'll be there with the rest of the fools. Rain or Shine.:ride
I can neither confirm nor deny that I stayed at Zeitgeist once from closing until time to roll for the Easter Ride.
Man are those times behind us. :afm199

But I'll be there with the rest of the fools. Rain or Shine.:ride


Rain or Shine.:ride

you’re a better man than me. :laughing:thumbup

here’s the info from Munroe Motors about the Easter Sunrise Ride:


Easter Morning Ride to Mt Tam

“Do you like to wake up early on Sunday to hop on your bike and ride to the top of a mountain in to watch the sun come up?

“Do you like to stand around in a parking lot and talk with other motorcyclists about their bikes, the last trip you went on, the weather, the next ride you are going on, tires, what bike is best, what bike is worst, what bike you wish you had, what bike you want to sell, what bike you want to buy, what bike you wish you never sold, life in general?

“If you answered yes to all of these questions, join Munroe Motors for the annual Sunday Morning Easter Ride to the top of Mt Tam!

“We are meeting at the Junction Gas station and leaving likely around 5am to make it to the top of Mt Tam by 6:45am (gates at the top of Mt Tam open at 5:30am). This is not an organized group ride, this is a gathering to watch the sun come up.”​

as always, huge thanks to Munroe Motors for doing the heavy lifting of trying to have the locked gates open for us! :gsxrgrl
Wx forecast is looking pretty good. It may be cloudy or foggy but no rain.