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(Handled) stranded on 880n near mission exit


Jun 11, 2004
The Pale Blue Dot
SV650s ('02)
EDIT2: No hurry. But want to get it towed to a repair place (Fremont area). Any suggestions, or towing help if you can (PM me) will be highly appreciated.

EDIT1: Reached home safe. Thanks BARF!

stranded on 880n near mission exit. On shoulder. Clutch cable snapped. Need help. Thanks
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Very far away from you, but just wanted to point out that you can still ride a motorcycle with a snapped clutch cable. You can try starting off in Neutral then paddle your feet to get the bike moving and click it into gear and ride on. Plan your stops well in advance and get it into Neutral early, then coast to the stop. Roll of the throttle to upshift and downshift.

Tricky, but possible.
Was able to get it to neutral. Not confident about doing what you said. Plus it is the highway.
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Well you got an extra month out of it. Highway is easiest without a cable. Less stoping. Most pros don't even use the clutch for shifting so no harm there. Some bikes with a clutch lever safety switch can actually be shut off in neutral, then when it's time to go again click into first gear pull in the clutch lever and hit the starter while pushing off with your feet and it'll fire up and away you go.

....or post in gixxergirls help thread that is sticky'ed at the top of the general page.
Just sent you a text. I can get there around 8ish if nobody else can come get you sooner. Where are you trying to get to?

Edit: they called Geico and their eta is 1h. I let them know to let me know if there are any issues (tow truck doesn't send flatbed, etc).
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... Highway is easiest without a cable. Less stoping. Most pros don't even use the clutch for shifting so no harm there.

This. very easy to upshift w/o the clutch - just before shifing, ease back on the throttle then shift, when you find the technique it will be smooth as can be. I rode my vstrom with a failing clutch from Marin all the way to the South bay, mostly on freeways - got pretty good at it by the time I got home :teeth

Another startup method; start her in nuetral then push off w/you feet paddling like to get some momentum, then drop it into 1st.

Sorry I'm also unavailable to come pick you up - GL and hope you are home soon. :thumbup

Reached home safe. Thank you folks. Particularly Solomon and the other BARF-er who texted me.

Stormdragon, does that make you feel better or smarter? Just curious, that's all.
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That was me, that texted you. sorry I didn't catch your thread earlier, I'm just 15 minutes north... glad it worked out.
That was me, that texted you. sorry I didn't catch your thread earlier, I'm just 15 minutes north... glad it worked out.

Thank you so much. My family was a bit worried and I assured them that there are a lot of good people to help on BARF :). Me too about 15 mins.
OP, glad you made it home safely! :thumbup

For anyone else who may be reading this thread, for future reference, I'm happy to either get one of my volunteers out, or head out myself to scoop someone up off the side of the road... but if I don't get a PM from you (I get alerts on my cell when I get a PM), with your number, where you are, and where you need to go, then I may not see you need help... as in this case, when it's 4:30am, I'm just seeing the post, and OP wouldn't appreciate a phone call from me... :laughing
Want to get it towed to a repair place (I am in Fremont). Any suggestions, or towing help if you can (PM me) will be highly appreciated. Thanks.
Want to get it towed to a repair place (I am in Fremont). Any suggestions, or towing help if you can (PM me) will be highly appreciated. Thanks.

For a broken clutch cable ? Buy a replacement cable and do it yourself - it's a very easy fix. Try MotionPro dealers for the cable - usually cheaper than an OEM part.

If you're not comfortable working on your bike, I'm sure a fellow BARFer would help you out.

I'd offer to help myself, but am a long way from Fremont.
I guess I need to buy a cell phone capable of texting?

Or you call a friend to post up on BARF that you're stranded, and have them shoot a PM for you! Quite a few people have done that, and been picked up and hauled home, no problems! :thumbup
Or you call a friend to post up on BARF that you're stranded, and have them shoot a PM for you! Quite a few people have done that, and been picked up and hauled home, no problems! :thumbup
been putting off buying one of them newfangled thingies...don't need one for the most part. Had a company cell at my last job but started to hate the thing cuz it was always ringing! :laughing I was just trying to think of the last time I was stranded alone....let's see...

RRW...circa about 1975'....ran my KAW Mach III 500 triple out of gas about the rifle range entrance...& coasted all the way to just out of the hairpin at the golf course....

Found a clean beer bottle, & another rider came along. Popped his fuel line off, & filled the beer bottle, tossed the 1st fill cuz it would have crud in it, tossed the next fill in the tank, & that was enough to get me to CV & a gas station. Said thank you & he was on his way....ah riders. Love'em.

Wow....been awhile...:wow
been putting off buying one of them newfangled thingies...don't need one for the most part. Had a company cell at my last job but started to hate the thing cuz it was always ringing! :laughing I was just trying to think of the last time I was stranded alone....let's see...

RRW...circa about 1975'....ran my KAW Mach III 500 triple out of gas about the rifle range entrance...& coasted all the way to just out of the hairpin at the golf course....

Found a clean beer bottle, & another rider came along. Popped his fuel line off, & filled the beer bottle, tossed the 1st fill cuz it would have crud in it, tossed the next fill in the tank, & that was enough to get me to CV & a gas station. Said thank you & he was on his way....ah riders. Love'em.

Wow....been awhile...:wow

Rode for decades without ever getting stranded... then had 2 about a year apart. Embarrassing as hell to have to text my own Angels to save my butt... :facepalm