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Holister Hills Wildlife Habit action.


General Menace
Staff member
Apr 4, 2002
Menlo Park, Ca.
Keep me rocking life
BARF perks
AMA Life Member #203453
Hollister Hills, Calif . — The Hollister Hills State Vehicular Recreation Area (SVRA) has released its draft Wildlife Habitat Protection Plan. The public may submit comments until Sept. 18. Comments may be submitted to OHMVR.EnvComp@parks.ca.gov

If you care then perhaps you should Read the draft.

Thank you to AMAfor keeping me in the loop and thus you in the loop.
One of the items is to illuminate the residential feral pigs. Good luck with that.
It is a difficult document to fully understand. Trying to drill down on highlights to share was a bit cumbersome for me. Maybe if I was more invensted in dirt biking I would, but my plate is always pretty full.

Glad you caught one!
The plan updates the existing WHPP, and was done very well. It doesn't change any of the existing management actions, which is what we really want to know. In other words - will this plan change my ability to enjoy the park. We have to keep a close watch on these plans, but OTOH, the park has to keep them updated to fulfill state statutes. IMHO, the plan has a good balance.