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Honda frame lock nut special wrench


May 19, 2003
San Jose, CA
Too difficult to keep track, changes frequently.
I'm trying to install a Harris frame slider on my RC51. The left side lock nut needs a special wrench (appx. $70) 07VMA-MBB0100
The dealer wants appx. $30 to just remove that nut for me if I take my bike with the cowl off. Its literally 5 min. use of an expensive tool.

Does anyone have this tool? I can ride to down to your place and just use it for 5 mins.. It looks like this
I just checked my manuals and no I don't carry that tool. But Zoom Cycle Accories might. Also that looks like a pretty easy tool to make, I mean 5-10 minutes on the mill boom your done.

Sorry for posting, Ill check with one of my friends to see if they have that tool.
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I believe any service shop should carry this as it seems all Honda's need this.
BTW, anyone know what happened to Hare Racing (Mary/El Camino)? It was walking distance from my house.

Also, if you don't take cash for service, I'll bring a 6-pack of your fav beer.
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I believe any service shop should carry this as it seems all Honda's need this.
BTW, anyone know what happened to Hare Racing (Mary/El Camino)? It was walking distance from my house.

Also, if you don't take cash for service, I'll bring a 6-pack of your fav beer.

hare moved to mt view ?2? years ago and has since closed up shop. search around in general if you want to hear the story. it was voluntary.

as for the tool, make your own. buy a cheap socket wherever and go after it with a grinding wheel and cutoff wheel on your dremel