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I just crashed and my bike won't start. What now?


New member
Apr 18, 2015
San Francisco
Yamaha FZ6R
Came around a 15mph curve that tightened up and ended up sliding my bike into the embankment. She turns on but won't turn over.

I'm fine, but she's scratched up and seemingly unable to start. She turns on but won't turn over. This is a Yamaha FZ6R. Anything I should check out? Just scratched on the left side, and the left rear signal fell off, but otherwise no substantial damage I can see.

Another BARFer named Cole and his girlfriend Stephanie gave me a ride to Alice's (I crashed on the 84 east of 35) so I'm getting some food and some coffee for my nerves. But now I'm stranded and have no way to get me or my bike home.

Can anyone recommend a towing service that can get me to SF? Cole mentioned the "angels" but I'm not sure what that is.

Any suggestions or help are greatly appreciated!

BARF Angels, a group of volunteers willing to help. Post up in the thread stickied in this section called BARF Angels or something and someone will get on it. Or I'm sure someone will post up soon knowing who to call. Besides that I'd ask the locals. For your bike, check the fluids like coolant, and oil. How long was it on its side? Might be flooded. Try and bump start it. If it still doesn't start, don't mess with it more because it might be internal.

Also check front wheel alignment with the handlebars. Make sure the wheel isnt twisted in any way. Make sure all the gears work properly up and down several times if you get it started. Check your brakes too, if you start rolling. Make sure they apply all the way and firmly, without disruption.,

Also check to see if anything electrical was unplugged or torn. Might be why it's not starting.
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I've used CC Rider Tow before, give then a call if it won't turn over.

Also, if the bike inverted when you crashed, there's usually a sensor that cuts fuel supply- maybe do some searching on how to reset that on your bike.
Two things.
First, it can take as much as 5 minutes for your tipover sensor to reset. Usually it's less than a couple of minutes, but that could be the problem.
Secondly, if you don't have tow coverage, or a friend with a truck, PM me your phone number, and I can try to arrange for one of my volunteers to help you out. But it's getting late, so please let me know as soon as possible! :)
See if anyone has AAA nearby and is willing to do you a favor? You'd get home free

It is always best to seek the aid of AAA/friends/family first. If that fails, the BARF angels will often come through for you. I would be careful with that last sentence, though. The group of volunteers that Connie has put together are more than happy to help out whenever possible, but it is not a "free" service. It takes time, gas money, etc. to go grab someone. It would be good form to at least offer something to help offset the cost. Whether or not the volunteer accepts the money is up to him or her, but it is best to at least offer.

I'm not available tonight, or I would already be en route. Hopefully, this will get sorted out soon.
It is always best to seek the aid of AAA/friends/family first. If that fails, the BARF angels will often come through for you. I would be careful with that last sentence, though. The group of volunteers that Connie has put together are more than happy to help out whenever possible, but it is not a "free" service. It takes time, gas money, etc. to go grab someone. It would be good form to at least offer something to help offset the cost. Whether or not the volunteer accepts the money is up to him or her, but it is best to at least offer.

I'm not available tonight, or I would already be en route. Hopefully, this will get sorted out soon.

I took his comment as referring to someone else's AAA being the free option.
Jake got a ride back to his bike, and it appears it was, indeed, the tipover sensor. The bike fired up, and is running smooth.
He's promised me he'll ride home slowly and cautiously, and will text me when he gets home to let me know he's safe.
(takes off mom hat)

Sending out texts now cancelling the call for help... glad that the bike started up, and that Jake wasn't hurt... and also glad that I have a list of people I can reach out to when someone needs help!! :) :love
Glad this got sorted out the easy way. :thumbup Apologies for my misunderstanding of the "free" statement.
Thank you all for the help, I've made it home. Bike seems to be in good condition except for some scratches and a bent shifter.

I want to thank Connie, Dan and Carla, and Cole and Stephanie for giving me rides and volunteering their time to help me arrange transport tonight.

I wasn't a member of this community before tonight but it is so encouraging to know that there are so many people out there willing to help a complete stranger in need.

Cheers to all of you and safe riding all around!
Also turn the key in off position, then turn it back on.