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If you crash or break down, & need help getting your bike home...

I could likely be there by about 7pm. Let me know. I'm in Emeryville and would have to swing home to grab my trailer.
Just got off the phone w/Phuc... he's not w/the bike at the moment, but will be able to meet an Angel there by the time they get there.
His location is about 1 mile up 9 from Saratoga.

Aaron, let me see if I can find someone a little closer- he needs to get to Milpitas. I'll status you shortly! :) :love
Dima/Mockba is going to roll out and save the day (again!!!)... thank you to all the Awesome Angels who replied to my text to go handle the rescue! :love
I'm in Milpitas now. Will be leaving here at 5 but have to swing home to grab my truck, only an extra 5 mins as I live right by the bottom of 9.

I was being an asshole. This didn't belong here. Starting my own thread.
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Just in case plan A doesnt work...dead battery ...need cables and jump in financial district SF...pretty please
I can get you at 6 asking if I can take off early
Thanks G!!!! I will keep u updated...i have it charging at a deli that is about to close...i fear it wont be enough
Just in case plan A doesnt work...dead battery ...need cables and jump in financial district SF...pretty please

Daniel, please keep me posted. I'm in SOMA. I have a call from 4-5 and a business supper from 6-7. (And I need to find the jumper cables. :laughing)

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thx everyobe...just had a gal in a skirt push me...on my way...thx!
Daniel, found the jumper cables. :laughing

Also, push comes to shove, you're welcome to leave your bike at my place overnight and borrow the CBR to go home. I may even be able to charge your battery overnight.