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If you crash or break down, & need help getting your bike home...

Tire went flat on free way pulled over on first exit. In on zanker off 237. Need tow back to Milpitas 4 miles away.

Called a tow truck!
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Plugged tire just gave out. I'm off black mountain road 280 south. Need to get to San Francisco. Already tried other plugs, the hole is to big. Need tow

Anyone near? 415-830-1808

Name is Jordan. Thanks
I could help you later this evening around 6:30. I'd have to go get my trailer in the city after I leave work in SSF at 5pm.

Calling you now.
I can't do it, I've got a meeting @ 5 and getting to you, loading up, delivering, etc. would kill that. Sorry.

Cabrito, you're the man!!! :thumbup
it's been handled. He got a truck and he's good.
Glad you're home safe, and Michael, thank you for being willing to roll out! You rock!! :thumbup
My Nephew is in the LA area on the side of the 705 is there anyone down there that can pick him up and hold onto his bike for a week?
Hey guys, I got hit on my bike and went down. Can anyone get my bike from SF to Palo Alto? I'm at the corner of 4th and Harrison. Thanks
Left message... Hoping Aaron was able to scoop him up off the side of the road!

Aaron, thank you!! :hail
Bryan, my Dear, you rock!! :love