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Latest Safety / Stat info stuff from California


General Menace
Staff member
Apr 4, 2002
Menlo Park, Ca.
Keep me rocking life
BARF perks
AMA Life Member #203453
I received the updated info from a member of the CA Mission 12 Moto Safety committee and Research / Analyst Guru from Berkeley and also a rider.
Basically: Tom with the Berkeley Safe Transportation Research and Education Center (SafeTREC )

This stuff happens because the OTS cares and many hands helped create the amazing information that is now starting to come to us.

First up:
The page has links to the 2 tools and to some other projects. Tom will be adding things as they learn more. This page will serve as the catch-all page for all things motorcycle...!!

Second an incredible tool:

The mapping tool is ready for the motorcycle-riding masses...!!! :banana Users will need to create a free account so that they can understand who is using the site - riders, police departments, public health departments, etc.

and third:

And the collision tables are above. They used SWITRS data for fatal or injury motorcycle collisions in California for years 2009-2011 and produced 16 data tables for each of the 58 counties and for each of the 75 most populous cities.

Guys like Data Dan will have some cool access and I know he has already done some review of this stuff and has been chatting with Tom.

The Mapping tool I looked at in its Beta form... you can find out where moto crashes occurred on your common routes and then pay more attention in those spots that may specifically be a bit more of a hot spot on your commute or rides. They tie to Google street views as well so you can look at the area and read the description. Smarter is better so please play with it and get smarter!!

Awesome stuff...!! :thumbup
Glad you're bringing this stuff to us, Bud. Thanks! :cool
Interesting. 22% of fatal or injury collisions in Alameda County involve a motorcyclist making an improper turn? Crazy. The time-of-day stats are interesting as well.
In contra costa county, 78% of accidents where motorcyclist was culpable was due to either driving under influence, speeding, or improper turning violation.

73% of accidents where the motorcyclist was not culpable was due to other drivers speeding, changing lanes improperly, violating motorcyclist's right of way, or improper turning violation.

If you can control for those events, then you reduce your chances of an accident by 75.6%.

Sounds like 24.4% of us do.

By getting this info out there and letting more people know, it will raise awareness and increase that. I'm all for individual's right to choose to bar hop just as long as they realize what % they are putting themselves into :thumbup
73% of accidents where the motorcyclist was not culpable was due to other drivers speeding, changing lanes improperly, violating motorcyclist's right of way, or improper turning violation.

If you can control for those events, then you reduce your chances of an accident by 75.6%.

That's a lot to control..
All Tom... all OTS grant from what I understand.

I am just a messenger.
Please Sticky this thread/link, gonna want to come back to this regularly.

So riding in urban areas and all the variables that comes with it is the big contributor to moto fatalities/accidents.

Happy that 80% of my miles are in the quiet hills where the other motorist faults are minimized. :thumbup Throwing the leg over is still the most dangerous endaevor that most of us do on a daily basis. :|
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It is a sticky.
It is a sticky.

Where's DataDan to summarize it for us? :laughing

Don't need an account to use the third link you posted but do need an account for the first two.

Is that the way you want it; for us to each create an account??
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Sore subject Geoff.

DD has retired from barf. He is still helping on some specific projects if we can get him engaged with the State, but in all honesty he got frustrated by the barf minions that spew some things he found as mistruths.... sometimes seeking a laugh or just being an ass can cause a loss for others unintentionally.

Huge loss for us.
Sore subject Geoff.

DD has retired from barf. He is still helping on some specific projects if we can get him engaged with the State, but in all honesty he got frustrated by the barf minions that spew some things he found as mistruths.... sometimes seeking a laugh or just being an ass can cause a loss for others unintentionally.

Huge loss for us.

Bummer, huge loss as you say.

Should I set up my account then to access all the data?
I think so. At least you won't have to go back and adjust it that way.
Hi all! :wave

I am the "Tom" behind these motorcycle collision tools. I hope you all like them and make good use of them!

We do require that you create a free account to use the mapping site, etc. We do this so we know who is using the site (rider, traffic safety professional, non-profit, etc) and why. I will NEVER share or sell e-mails. I might, at some point in the future, send out an occasional e-mail to let you know about improvements or other riding-related tools. A couple of e-mails per year at the most... If I do this, I will give you an easy way opt out.

Please feel free to send ideas for how you think the site could be improved and what else would be useful!

Ride well.