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Lower back pain after 1st gear wheelies?


May 18, 2008
Rohnert Park, CA
Honda CBR600RR
& Suzukk GSX600R
So, I can't find anything definite with a google search but, here's my question/comment:

I haven't been on a motorcycle since probably 2012 when I was riding around on my 08 CBR 60 RR. Recently, I inherited an 07 GSXR 600 and I've been getting back into the stunt groove of things. When I got on this GSXR, it was like no time passed and I was riding with the same skill and experience I left off at in 2012 by departing from my CBR.

I'd stunt and wheelie on my CBR and no pain or any problems however, I've been getting this crazy lower back pain/ tightness and I'm thinking its related to something having to do with my wheelie technique but, I can't place my finger on what exactly it is, so I'm hoping my fellow Barfers can help shine some light and give me tips if applicable (besides stretches, ice, etc) to preventing or eliminating this annoying lower back pain I experience that correlates to when I'm on the bike.

Has anyone experienced this with 1st gear wheelies (without a harsh front wheel set down)? Could the issue be with GSXR 600's (probably not)?

My seat position was 3/4 of the way back but, when back pain started I have since tried my best to shove my butt all the to the back of the seat.

It's good to be back BARF!

Thank you all for helping me!
Sounds like you're using muscles that you haven't used in a while and the older body may not be as tough as it was.
My advice is to quit it now before your back pain becomes permanent.
I'd put my money on ergos. My husband has a GSXR600. He's not a huge guy and he felt the position to be very cramped. I rode it and loved it (I'm on the "pretty small" side of the size spectrum.) Ergonomically, it's the Miata of the sport-bike world. "Oldness" and getting that muscle memory back probably isn't helping, but the wheelies alone probably aren't the culprit. Only way to find out is to do more wheelies on other bikes.
When I got on this GSXR, it was like no time passed and I was riding with the same skill and experience I left off at in 2012 by departing from my CBR.

If the bolded part is another way of saying you fell off the CBR, that might be why your back hurts. :laughing
Start doing Stoppies instead. That will force your spine back into place.

I'd put my money on ergos. My husband has a GSXR600. He's not a huge guy and he felt the position to be very cramped. I rode it and loved it (I'm on the "pretty small" side of the size spectrum.) Ergonomically, it's the Miata of the sport-bike world. "Oldness" and getting that muscle memory back probably isn't helping, but the wheelies alone probably aren't the culprit. Only way to find out is to do more wheelies on other bikes.

Yup. First thing to do is to remove the clipons, cut the pin off that locks them in position, and replace them angled forward a bit more. I'm 5'8" and find the stock GSXR cramped. Everyone who races them moves the bars forward.

Start doing Stoppies instead. That will force your spine back into place.


This also. Many stoppies.
If it comes after trying the wheelies, it is the wheelies. So stop doing them at least for a while. Rest flat on your back with one or two knees flexed is the best position for rest. Ice and heat help a lot but rest is key. Most of the time is just muscle stiffness but if the pain gets really bad you will need to check with your doctor.