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Noob Guy


New member
Jun 30, 2003
1997 CBR 600cc
Hi there.. I'm a noob. Just started to ride about a month ago. I started off with a 1997 CBR F3 after completting the CSM course. First time dropping it today. I was practicing 15mph turns at 30mph around burlingame hills. It's really close to my apartment. I hit one of yellow round things on the center divider while turning.. lost balance, i freaked and tried to straighten my bike to stop. By the time i almost stop, my bike lost balance over some acorns and leaves on the edge of the road at about 10mph. I'm not injured and the bike is a little scraped up. My mistake was hitting the yellow thingys by practicing my turns and looking ahead. I took those dividers for granted by not being aware of how it can throw me off. Should i practice on those roads again? And did i do the right thing in trying to stop? Or with more balls, i should try to maintain my speed and tried to balance? Cause if i fell at faster speed maybe my jeans wouldn't protect me. Pretty sturdy BR jeans i tell you :). I'll still wear it on a date :)

Slow down a little bit... you were obviously going too fast for your ability to handle the unexpected.

Your bike probably could have handled the situation -- like most crashes, the rider's capabilities are exceeded long before the bike's. I've gone dirt-tracking at 80+ miles an hour when I made an error at a trackday and went wide... sounds like falling on the acorns and leaves wouldn't have taken you down if there wasn't some panic involved.

It's impossible to know what you should have done without being there, but you very well might have stayed up if you were looser and more comfortable on the bike and just went with the flow after you hit the "bott's dot" in the turn. (Why were you going so wide, anyway? Another indication you're riding beyond your abilities!)

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I wasn't ging wide, I was turning left and going into the turn which means the bott's dot was on my left... i was turning too sharp and i went wide when i tried to straighten my bike. But you're right, i did panic, but after today, i'm more comfortable not to panic if there's another situation
Welcome! :barf

Glad to hear you're aight, and learning from your mistake. Keep the shiny side up and keep practicing :thumbup
:newbie :Port

Keep loking as far ahead as possible, but be aware of your turn-in point. Practice late apexing, as to not clip the botts dots at the apex of your turn. Even more important, by doing this you won't have your head leaning over the centerline ready to become a hood ornament :wow
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Welcome to :barf

Ride safe and enjoy :twofinger

Welcome to BARF! You'll love it here!

Bring a rider friend with you when you practice. I found having a friend's company helped my learning and riding confidence. Also, since you are still new, maybe just keep practicing around or near your house. Then when you are ready, venture out little by little. Good luck and congrats!

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