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Politics and the Sink - a change (you can join the Political forum here)

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General Menace
Staff member
Apr 4, 2002
Menlo Park, Ca.
Keep me rocking life
BARF perks
AMA Life Member #203453
Hello All,

We have now taken the step to make the Political Forum a private forum.
This decision was not taken lightly, but I feel it is important to the forum overall in terms of maintaining the respect of BARF itself.

It is funny that something called BARF considers respect, but the name has grown to be respected by the CHP, OTS, SFMTA, Vision Zero, the AMA and other government agencies. The divisive nature of the political climate forced my hand. I don't want to stifle free speech, but I also don't want to infect the general population and outside entities with the more radical nature of Politics.

YOU CAN JOIN the private forum by reading the PF Terms of Service below and sending me a PM stating that you have read it and agree to it.

I will then grant access.

ALSO Please keep political discussions out of the Kitchen Sink. If they are started we will likely recycle them and ask you to stop. If this is repeated several times you will be subject to suspension after an official Moderator request.

This may be difficult, as many times there is a crossover of issues or news items that are in a gray area. An example recently was the Las Vegas shooter thread. It was/is a hot topic of discussion and I am sure there will be others like that. I don't want to stop those discussions. However when they get into a gun debate we may ask that be stopped and taken to the PF.

This will be a challenge at first, but I think as in most cases, we will adapt.

Thanks for your understanding.

BARF ON! :thumbup


  • BARF Political Forum Terms of Service.pdf
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The Private Political Forum will go live on Wednesday.
I am starting to add access. You will be able to see it.

Posting will go live tomorrow AM.
Please review the Welcome thread.
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