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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

Oh no, hopefully they can get it contained quickly, I'm not ready for fire season.
Thanks to both of you! Hello Easy Wind, welcome to the postwhores.
Good evening from Flo-rida. It's fucking hot and muggy here...do not recommend. :laughing

I’d like to be there. FL

Say hello to Easy Wind nice to have a fresh avatar in here.
Dang, tons of people still swimming at sunset?

G, hope everything is good. The stress of fires has totally ruined that summer fun feeling.

Saw a pomeranian get dropped out of the passenger side window of a somewhat lifted chevy truck at auburn in and out as they were pulling in the parking lot. Really really pissed me off....really pissed me off. It was almost certainly concussed as it "ran" in circles out of its mind. I say ran in quotes because it couldn't get its back legs working, so it was front leg only panic circles. Not a sound from the thing, just these panic circles. They were the mexican equivalent of white trash, with five grand in wheels on a twenty five hundred dollar truck with a bunch of garbage in the bed. I wanted to punch that fat little mexican girl responsible for holding the dog right in her fat face.
G, hope everything is good. The stress of fires has totally ruined that summer fun feeling.

meanwhile, the local Trader Joe's in SF has turned on the overhead heaters near the cashiers' / exit door.. :wow b/c less than 55. feels like 50? No idea, and freezing-windy.

Saw a pomeranian get dropped out of the passenger side window of a somewhat lifted chevy truck at auburn in and out as they were pulling in the parking lot. ...
ooooouuuughh that's so bad... :( so apparently in SF there's an ancient law that "dogs shouldn't have heads outside the window" but of course nobody knows it...
man, that was fun. home. in my jammies. riding fuckboy to work tomorrow.
Florida? Yep. . . .could be during a cold snap and, as tender landscaping dies from frost and iguanas drop from the trees, tourists bare their skin and frolic in the surf. Canadians most often.

Sorta' the side show between spring break and bike week around here.
Feedin’ time.
I don’t think the attacks have been in this area, but definitely get were you’re going! :laughing
Florida? Yep. . . .could be during a cold snap and, as tender landscaping dies from frost and iguanas drop from the trees, tourists bare their skin and frolic in the surf. Canadians most often.

Sorta' the side show between spring break and bike week around here.
Oh it’s definitely not a cold snap right now. :laughing

Mind you, it’s 7:37 in the morning too…

The other thing is how off-putting being on a south-facing beach is when you’re used to east and west-facing and the hotel casts a shadow over the water all day… :laughing
