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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

Morning Hoerzeses!!
1. Byke, I love you man. Your sharp wit and your concern for the critters makes you one of my favorite peoples.
2. TWT, AE, and Forking Nate, I wish I coud enjoly tequila with y'all.
3. How come nobody welcomed Easy Wind? Huh?

I am grumpy and ouchy and muscle spasms. I ask that everyone please ignore my cranky old ladyness.
@tzrider, I love what creative uses folks find for scaffolding and truck ramps.
It's Friday so it's time to move the car and feed the cat wet food, and I'm all out of wet food....

So I guess I'll get more after I move the car. I've been getting some dirty looks.
My office today:


This door is made from a tree I felled and milled:

hold yer pipes Andy! beautiful door.
Well someone smashed my windshield this morning apparently, still had to move it for street sweeping, kinda interesting driving with a smashed windshield though
@N4teTheGreat MotheF**kers!!!!
Is there any camera footage? I have an awesome windshield guy if you need one.
Great door TZ, very impressive.

Nate, sorry about the windshield; meth does crazy things.

So we got back from New Orleans Monday and my wife had a "cold."

Tested positive for Covid; I tested negative. I'll test again in a few days.

We'd dodged it since the beginning but one trip too many I guess.

Guess I'm sleeping in the guest room.
Sorry to hear that Geoff. Hope she's OK.
Sorry to hear that Geoff. Hope she's OK.

We dodged it all these years but as we have being doing trips it was inevitable I guess.

I'm sure she'll get Paxlovid.

Symptoms are a cough but she had enough energy yesterday to go for a 2 hour walk.
New computer, who dis?
hey , how you doin. Yea, new website!


soooo... great pictures here,

a: so that's how organs work?! The pipes have a section peeled off and off we go for the tune!!! Nice job on working near a door you've made yourself.
the cafe is cute.

n8: great job on applying for jobs! :wow :party ... this very much look positive!

also there are a lot of drunks walking around re: breaking stuff.


so I might've overdone if but I cleaned a whole bike(the old/road)+chain, I had never seen my cogs that metalic-silver-looking, then I am still home, the kid is dumping tiny bits of clay down the kitchen sink, what else is new. : |

Now gotta figure out what to do + some food.