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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

Rossi is with Team WRT, #46 BMW M4, LMGT3 Class.
Car is currently in 39th position out of 57 cars still in the race with 15 hours and 40 minutes to go.
Rossi #46 BMW.png
No, but it might make being in Florida nicer.
I'm actually enjoying it here in PCB. It's got a Mexico vibe to it...and the weather to go along with it... 🥵
Unless Florida man adulterates it
Funny you mentioned that, today we met his accomplice, Floriduh Woman. On the beach outside our hotel, while Kelly and I were laying out in the chairs and enjoying ourselves, I was introduced to a woman who's actions brought new phrases to my lexicon: Methican American and Status Dramiticus. Basically she was "acting out" (according to the police and medics) on the beach due to meth usage. Basically couldn't stay still and was acting all strange to people and such. They said she's a local and known to have "episodes" on the beach around the tourists. She finally got hauled off to the ER.
I get it! I love having the Awful Waffle around every corner now! :laughing
Good morning! Shoulder is better but hip went out. WTF.
Enjoy the day. I'll be icing.
Welcome to your 60’s woman ❤️ we are at the beach with dogs. I’m still sick but enjoying the sunshine.

Angry that the doctor who initially saw me never looked at the tests she ordered and wrote “patient is overweight history of tendon repair.” Prescribed muscle relaxer for backache. No acute symptoms observed. That’s how I wound up in the ER 😡
We are at the beach with dogs. I’m still sick but enjoying the sunshine.
We didn't bring Jack to the beach with us...I think he would've been overwhelmed. Also recovering from a cold because, as usual, the week before we go anywhere, one or both of us gets a cold. :mad
Welcome to your 60’s woman ❤️ we are at the beach with dogs. I’m still sick but enjoying the sunshine.

Angry that the doctor who initially saw me never looked at the tests she ordered and wrote “patient is overweight history of tendon repair.” Prescribed muscle relaxer for backache. No acute symptoms observed. That’s how I wound up in the ER 😡
The miracle of modern medicine :facepalm
Happy Father’s Day (apparently!) to whoever is celebrating

I guess i don’t have anything prepared:dunno

So, G is talking about last week’s ER, not a new one today, right!?
Well, happy Father’s Day to you anyway.

As it happens, my father is in the hospital. Has been most of the week. Went to the doctor for weakness, ended up in the hospital with pneumonia. I’m not sure when he’s getting out, as the story I’m getting via my stepmom makes little sense.

They were going to release him and provide home care a couple of days ago. They didn’t get that done by end of day Friday, so were going to do it yesterday. By mid-morning yesterday the doctor said Dad had “missed the boat,” whatever the hell that means. Evidently, his vitals were too good to qualify for home care. He isn’t very ambulatory, the by product of two badly broken legs about 40 years ago, so they wanted to send him to a rehab facility.

So he’s too well for home care, but they want to send him to a rehab facility. Something isn’t adding up in this story.
Wow!! I hope your father will be OK.