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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

Hope your dad gets out of there soon, my mom ended up being in the hospital for 3 weeks due to complications from the common cold in May, she thinks some of stuff they did to combat her pneumonia actually made things worse and is glad to be out of there.

As my grandfather used to say, they call them practicing doctors because they haven't gotten the job down yet.
Well, happy Father’s Day to you anyway.

As it happens, my father is in the hospital. Has been most of the week. Went to the doctor for weakness, ended up in the hospital with pneumonia. I’m not sure when he’s getting out, as the story I’m getting via my stepmom makes little sense.

They were going to release him and provide home care a couple of days ago. They didn’t get that done by end of day Friday, so were going to do it yesterday. By mid-morning yesterday the doctor said Dad had “missed the boat,” whatever the hell that means. Evidently, his vitals were too good to qualify for home care. He isn’t very ambulatory, the by product of two badly broken legs about 40 years ago, so they wanted to send him to a rehab facility.

So he’s too well for home care, but they want to send him to a rehab facility. Something isn’t adding up in this story.

and wow - yeah I don't understand this story either (of what the doctor's said) ... but best wishes!

Could it be something they "haven't checked for" hmm no that's too easy to check for


basically I didn't even think about the Fathers' day until the friends' family mom--which people I was meeting earlier today--asked me about "any plans for today"... this was during the biking date I had organized... (went okay)
and wow - yeah I don't understand this story either (of what the doctor's said) ... but best wishes!

Could it be something they "haven't checked for" hmm no that's too easy to check for

I saw him today, spoke with the nurse on duty and reviewed his records for the whole stay. I think I’m piecing together what has really happened.

His white cell count has climbed steadily over the past several days. That is not a good thing, as it indicates the body is trying to fight off a persistent infection.

My stepmom is medically pretty ignorant and seems to have had the idea that if a number is getting bigger, his condition is getting better. In a lot of the things they’ve been watching, that’s true. His blood pressure was too low and has been increasing to normal levels. Same with Pulse-ox.

The hospital had not identified the specific pathogen and was taking a shotgun approach with a broad spectrum antibiotic, which hasn’t been terribly effective. Today, they took a swab and should be able to pin down what the bacteria is and give more targeted treatment.

Right now, two things need to improve before they release him: 1) White blood cell count needs to come down and 2) inflammation in the lungs needs to decrease. He’ll be in there at least through tomorrow.
The older I get the earlier I seem to wake up. Today, it was about 4:45. It's annoying, as it doesn't really matter when I go to bed. I wake up sometime between 4:30 and 5:30 regardless. :/

How have you been, man? How long are you in Floriduh?
The older I get the earlier I seem to wake up. Today, it was about 4:45. It's annoying, as it doesn't really matter when I go to bed. I wake up sometime between 4:30 and 5:30 regardless. :/

How have you been, man? How long are you in Floriduh?
Much the same for me. The biggest problem here is that we're in the panhandle part of the state that's on CST even though it probably shouldn't be as it gets light out way too early. That's what keeping me from rolling over and going back to sleep, really.

Doing as well as could be expected, I suppose! We're here through tomorrow. :thumbup
This Mother-Fawker goes OFF at 04:30 hours every morning for a couple of hours or so until all the Girls are off the roost!
Hah! Nothing that fancy for that Bastard and he's not even a year old. We had a "Come To Jesus Meeting" yesterday after he jumped me coming out of the coop.
He is no longer the "Cock of the Walk" when I'm around!!! Only thing that saved his ass was my Daughter coming out of the house screaming "Dad, put down the shovel"!!!
I also get the urge to choke the chicken now and then. In your case, the need might be more pressing :D
It seems like it should be a whole lot easier to find paint color equivalents across various manufacturers.
I saw him today, ...

Right now, two things need to improve before they release him: 1) White blood cell count needs to come down and 2) inflammation in the lungs needs to decrease. He’ll be in there at least through tomorrow.
Hope it gets better. I wouldn't imagine how would one get an infection like that, presumably being careful.

Wake up, slackers!
that was funny. and believe it or not I could have responded to you were I not trying hard to fall back asleep!!!

It seems like it should be a whole lot easier to find paint color equivalents across various manufacturers.
... unless it's Big Paint Conspiracy :wow🥳 :later

.. thanks,