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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

Am very slow when bicycling:sad

Also, saw a ~60+ y/o slim, white haired Asian woman doing mild crunches(near fully)….while hanging off a pull-up bar in the park (I.e. a negative at a standstill )
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You're a nerd.

speaking of nerds, I adjusted my front caliper on the hydraulic Tektro brake yesterday, b/c I saw it was rubbing. Loosen 1 screw, twist caliper, loosen another, etc.

Took a ride today and saw ... the caliper is rubbing again, on the same side. : | :wtf
about to adjust again...
Easiest way to adjust them, assuming the rotor isn't bent, is to loosen the calipers bolts, compress the brake lever and while holding that, tighten the bolts. That SHOULD center it and solve any rubbing, but in some cases you still have to slightly tweak things after.
I'll have you all know I was just awarded a trophy, so I dunno about your week but mine is going swimmingly. I'm adding this as an accomplishment on my resume :cool:
I'll have you all know I was just awarded a trophy,
huh!? Wow, okay - well cool!


Easiest way to adjust them, assuming the rotor isn't bent, is to loosen the calipers bolts, compress the brake lever and while holding that, tighten the bolts. That SHOULD center it and solve any rubbing, but in some cases you still have to slightly tweak things after.

yeah totally squeezed the brake. Did just that!

but I'm thinking there's a bigger problem of piston return / old fluid. it's .. 8 y/o unchanged. I think I should book a pad n fluid RnR at REI.
Could be, also some disc brakes will always have a little drag, nature of the system. If the brake lever feels firm and the wheel spins freely despite the noises, it's probably fine. But fresh fluid never hurts.
Sanded a wall down, need to patch up a few chipped areas and then it's ready to get a new color, finally. Then ran to Safeway and got fixings for dinner. I feel moderately accomplished.
Heya :wave

I dunno about that reddit link AE, it just takes me to the main page which isn't currently NSFW?

Went tot put dinner away today and apparently the little drain in the back of the fridge that takes care of the frost that collects on the back of the fridge and then melts is not draining, so the bottom of the fridge was full of water. Got that cleaned up and put everything back in, but I suspect the few qtips I jammed into the hole didn't do much, so that'll be an interesting challenge for the remainder of the week. It's a built in so I'm not sure there is anyway easy way to get it out.