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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

Did you see Moin's updated post about the Pakistan trip? :banana

So are you going to join Rebecca's private tour or go with the Barf group (assuming others go)? I might be down for this one, although I was planning on going to Europe in 2025. That said, this would be cheaper, and more amazing and I would love to do it if you were there.

So are you going to join Rebecca's private tour or go with the Barf group (assuming others go)? I might be down for this one, although I was planning on going to Europe in 2025. That said, this would be cheaper, and more amazing and I would love to do it if you were there.
I know you were talking to Kevin, but if I go it would be on the BARF one, not Bex' private trip. I really hope I can make this happen.
Heya :wave

I dunno about that reddit link AE, it just takes me to the main page which isn't currently NSFW?
The link said about, apparently, a botched robbery with a shot, injury and close to fatal?

I this neighborhood that you and I know it's "safe" ... But not the extremely safest

So the poster apparently deleted the original bc of their privacy fright issues.

Then posted a new text a few hours later:

Tonight’s Shooting at Market & Sanchez

Posting from a throwaway account to preserve anonymity. I won’t say if I was one of the previous posters, but having seen the comments over there, it seems it’s best not to reveal any info that can be traced back to a real person.

But it’s also important for people, especially residents, to know what is going on outside their doors.

So, here goes:

* I am a first-hand witness and watched the events play out in real time.
* I live in the area.
* A young man was shot at point-blank range after being attacked by a group of 3-4 other young individuals. The victim was on the ground alive, breathing, and speaking for several minutes before paramedics arrived. Thanks especially to the literal people off the street who jumped in immediately to put pressure on the wound, and to the 5-6 people who immediately called 911.
* Victim was kicked to the ground & beaten for 30(?) seconds before the suspects turned to run south on Market St, and one of them pulled out the gun. Suspects approached from behind, walking along Market from Church, and crossed Sanchez before the attack began.
* Police arrived within minutes, followed shortly by EMT.
* Unclear if it was premeditated or not, or what the suspects were after (at least to me).
* Events happened quickly.

I’m honestly pretty shaken up and need time to process. This is a “safe” neighborhood, and although there are risks to living in a city, we shouldn’t have to fear for our lives when going out to eat or to the local bar.

That’s all for now.

Went tot put dinner away today and apparently the little drain in the back of the fridge that takes care of the frost that collects on the back of the fridge and then melts is not draining, so the bottom of the fridge was full of water. Got that cleaned up and put everything back in, but I suspect the few qtips I jammed into the hole didn't do much, so that'll be an interesting challenge for the remainder of the week. It's a built in so I'm not sure there is anyway easy way to get it out.
I have a hole and a drain in the back of the fridge?!?? :wtf I'm sure I don't but then I can't move it...you people
And your fancy fridges:x
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I know you were talking to Kevin, but if I go it would be on the BARF one, not Bex' private trip. I really hope I can make this happen.
I was kind of talking to you too, except she specifically included Kevin in her trip. I am going to see if I can swing this. It might be tough logistically. but daaaaayyyaaam.
I was kind of talking to you too, except she specifically included Kevin in her trip. I am going to see if I can swing this. It might be tough logistically. but daaaaayyyaaam.
The trip 10 years ago (geez, already?) was amazing. This one promises to be even better. I hope you're able to go. (I hope we are BOTH able to go)

Why is it not Friday?
Seriously. Why?!???!
I wish I could pull off Pakistan, sadly the significant other is opposed. Moin's mom was so gracious when I met her at his wedding. She let me know that she understood where I was with respect to not going and would try to explain to her son about relationship concessions. :love:

I would love to see both Aaron and Brokenlink get to go.

Back in Urgent care at 5. Starting to worry.
Um... take care of yourself Gwynne, but also let me know if you need anything, hope you get a more practiced doc who can get you sorted out.

As for Pakistan, I'm of the you only live once mentality (even more so these days). The trip itself sounds fun, but doing it with BARFers would be icing on the cake. Probably a silly thing to spend money on when unemployed, but then again I'm getting belts, valves and a bunch of other bits done on the Ducati so, what is money if it can't make motorcycle things happen, anyway?
Scanned for stones, it's the infection from hell that's the issue now. I'm sorry to be such a whiner. The dogs are wonderful, they,ve been hanging out with me and are so loving.
Oof. you poor thing. That doesn't sound like a fun ordeal. Venting about pain and the shittiness of our health care system is not whining in my book.
I'd be frustrated in your situation as well, prioritize rest and fluids and keep flogging those doctors until they get it right.
Well I guess today I'm taping off the wall, and maybe even painting it. Thankfully it's a small area to paint, so neither step will take too long.
I'm walking around in Alameda like a tourist (well one street so far) and connossing a food n drink establishment right now (it's a holiday ya)

Is the goal to feel like Hawaii ?


Sorry G. Stones problems in this area must be tough ...
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Saw a mouse running past me as I was chilling at home a couple of days ago. Chased it until it ran into the bathroom where I went in after and closed the door with no escape. I sprayed it with a bottle disinfectant that was available which slowed it enough to deliver a stomping.
Got me to thinking I might need a cat so checked out the local pound and only one of the 10 or so they had allowed me to pet it. Filled out the application and just received the thumbs up email a little while ago.
Not sure it’s a good idea but I might be a cat owner.